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Charm's Choices for 2009


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Ooooh did I miss something? You're starting the Sookie series?! YES! I've only read the first one so far but man I loved it and want to read the rest.


Ditto to what Lexie said about Eric too :D. And yeah, these books fill in all the gaps ;).

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But now you're moving on to Sookie, which is great in a whole other way, you will soon fall in love with Eric, don't you worry


He is very appealing isn't he? Quite the attractive 'badboy' type :(


Well done Charm on finishing 'Breaking Dawn'


Did you think Bella and Edward got the ending they deserved?


And yes you will enjoy the sookie series


Thanks Gyre ;)


I'm actually glad they got that ending, I don't think I could take any more of their adventures! :D


Ooooh did I miss something? You're starting the Sookie series?! YES! I've only read the first one so far but man I loved it and want to read the rest.


Ditto to what Lexie said about Eric too . And yeah, these books fill in all the gaps .


I've actually read the first two and I just received the rest of the series in the post the other day via Gyre's bookring, a bit of a more 'adult' Twilight! ;)


Oh ... :smile2: Oh ... Oh ...and I saw a trailor last night for the 'True Blood' series ... looks great! ;)

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I just finished watching the first season of that on DVD Charm and it is excellent! Captures the books really well, and the stuff they added in that's not in the books still fits. Have you seen the first season of it?

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Club Dead ~by~ Charlaine Harris

Synopsis Courtesy of Waterstone's:

There's only one vampire Sookie Stackhouse is involved with - at least voluntarily - and that's Bill. But recently he's been a little distant - in another state distant. His sinister and sexy boss Eric has an idea where to find him, and next thing Sookie knows she's off to Jackson, Mississippi, to mingle with the underworld at Club Dead. It's a dangerous little haunt where the elusive vampire society can go to chill out and suck down some Type O - but when Sookie finally finds Bill caught in an act of serious betrayal she's not sure whether to save him, or to sharpen some stakes. The Sookie Stackhouse books are delightful Southern Gothic supernatural mysteries, starring Sookie, the telepathic cocktail waitress, and a cast of increasingly colourful characters, including vampires, werewolves and things that really do go bump in the night.

My thoughts:

This is the third in the Sookie series and proves to be another enjoyable read. Sookie teams up with a rather delectable werewolf in the story to try to find her vampire boyfriend, who has been kidnapped.

I love the fact that by this point in the series we are getting to know all the main characters even better. I absolutely adore Eric and Alcide :lol: and its nice the way Sookies life is fast becoming more and more part of the supernatural world. The writing is fast paced, easy to read and the author is not afraid to give the gory details. Really enjoyable :lol:


Edited by Charm
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Dead to the World ~by~ Charlaine Harris

Synopsis Courtesy of Waterstones:

Sookie comes to the rescue of a naked, amnesiac vampire - and ends up in the middle of a war between witches, werewolves and vampires! Sookie Stackhouse is a small-town cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana. She's pretty. She does her job well. She keeps to herself - she has only a few close friends, because not everyone appreciates Sookie's gift: she can read minds. That's not exactly every man's idea of date bait - unless they're undead - vampires and the like can be tough to read. And that's just the kind of guy Sookie's been looking for. Maybe that's why, when she comes across a naked vampire on the way home from work, she doesn't just drive on by. He hasn't got a clue who he is, but Sookie has: Eric looks just as scary and sexy - and dead - as the day she met him. But now he has amnesia, he's sweet, vulnerable, and in need of Sookie's help - because whoever took his memory now wants his life. Sookie's investigation into what's going on leads her straight into a dangerous battle between witches, vampires and werewolves. But there could be even greater danger - to Sookie's heart, because the kinder, gentler Eric is very hard to resist.

My thoughts:

Sookie finds Eric stumbling along the road on her way home. He's half naked, totally disorientated and has total memory loss. Its a pretty dangerous situation at the best of times but add to that the fact that Eric is a very old and dangerous vampire, and you can see why Sookie has to tread very carefully ...

I think this has been my favourtite so far, although all the series get top marks from me. Sookie is becoming a more independant, strong character who is learning to cope with all that the supernatural world throws at her. The appearance of all the great characters and the blend of two storylines make this another great read from Ms Harris. If you like the Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong, you will probably like this too.


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Dead As A Doornail ~by~ Charlaine Harris


Synopsis Courtesy of Waterstones:

Sookie's got just a month, before the next full moon, to find out who wants her brother dead - and to stop the fiend! Sookie Stackhouse enjoys her life, mostly. She's a great cocktail waitress in a fun bar; she has a love life, albeit a bit complicated, and most people have come to terms with her telepathy. The problem is, Sookie wants a quiet life - but things just seem to happen to her and her friends. Now her brother Jason's eyes are starting to change: he's about to turn into a were-panther for the first time. She can deal with that, but her normal sisterly concern turns to cold fear when a sniper sets his deadly sights on the local changeling population. She afraid not just because Jason's at risk, but because his new were-brethren suspect Jason may be the shooter. Sookie has until the next full moon to find out who's behind the attacks - unless the killer decides to find her first.


My Thoughts:

Sookie is thrown more into the world of Werewolves and shapshifters, she is now related to one as her brother Jason prepares for his first change as a werepanther. She has a race against time as she has to find out who is targeting shapeshifters to clear her brother's name and Sookie wouldn't be Sookie if she didn't have a few close shaves herself, which of course, occur on a regular basis!


A lot more happened in this book and the storyline began to get a bit more complicated, it did feel as if Ms Harris was trying to cram a bit much into the one book. On the other hand nobody could say it was slow or boring! A few more new characters were introduced along side the regular favourites and I can't wait to find out a bit more about them in the next installment. Really enjoying this series ;):icon_eek:



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I suppose you can't blame a girl for that! ;):icon_eek:


No I can't, ;) I always think that Sookie would find it really strange if she dated someone who wasn't a supernatural person ;)


Oh and how horrible was Alcide's girlfriend! ~ I can't remember her name, sorry :D

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Yeah she was a bitch

but then again he got back with her, so that technically makes him an idiot!


Heck yeah, I ed the way you said that Lexie :icon_eek:

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Definately Dead ~by~ Charlaine Harris


Synopsis Courtesy of Waterstones:

Sookie doesn't have that many relations, so she hated to lose one - but of all the people to go, she didn't expect it to be her cousin Hadley, a consort of New Orleans' vampire queen - after all, Hadley was technically already dead. But she is gone, beyond recall, and she's left Sookie an inheritance - one that comes with a bit of a risk - not least because someone doesn't want Sookie digging too deep into Hadley's past - or her possessions. Sookie's life is once again on the line, and this time the suspects range from the rogue werewolves who have rejected Sookie as a friend of the pack to her first love, the vampire Bill. Sookie's got a lot to do if she's going to keep herself alive ...


My thoughts:

Sookie has to go to the Vampire Queen of Louisianna's residence to discuss why the Queen wants Sookie's use of telepathic powers, a very dangerous place to be seeing as the Queen's new husband is more of a business aquaintance than a husband, and the devoted followers of each are strictly sworn to their own royal allegience. All this leads to an awful lot of people not trusting each other and quite rightly so, but our unfortunate Sookie is of course slap bang in the middle of it all, not knowing exactly who is to blame for what.


I really enjoyed this one, there were a lot of twists and turns in the storyline and a few relevations that were a complete shock to me. I did begin to think at one point however that I had missed a book, or read them in the wrong order as some references were made to Sookies cousin from an earlier time, although I can't for the life of me remember if she had been introduced to us before, I don't think so. We still see Sookies ongoing feelings for Eric and Bill, but then along comes Quinn and stirs up the whole dating plot! I'm very interested to see how this all pans out.


8/10 from me for this one, only because of the confusing references.

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I did begin to think at one point however that I had missed a book, or read them in the wrong order as some references were made to Sookies cousin from an earlier time, although I can't for the life of me remember if she had been introduced to us before, I don't think so.


I think she gets a vague mention in the first book, just to say that she'd gone off the rails I think, but it's just a brief paragraph at most.

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