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Just started Q&A tonight.. am now on about page 100, and it is a great read so far! The chapters are nice short to medium sizes in length, and the close of each one gives a great stopping point.

It's a nice, quick read at this point.. some funny parts, some sad parts, some exciting parts. I should make it through this one pretty quickly -- 285 pages left to go! :blush:


Book Description from Amazon.com:

HOW COULD Ram Mohammed Thomas, an orphan from Asia

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I hope you enjoy the book - it's SO much better than the film!



I hope so, too! I plan to see the film, after reading the book, of course.. but I am going to go in with NO expectations and hopefully I won't have far to fall off of the disappointment ledge.


Was the film REALLY bad??

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The Outcast - Sadie Jones

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak


Authors to Check Out:

Melissa Hill (already read The Last to Know)


Look up:

Anita Shreve


Hey :readingtwo: hope you don't mind me posting on your shelf!


I have all those three on my TBR pile and I'm looking forward to reading all of them. Especially The Time Traveler's Wife which I think will be next up for me!


I read The Last To Know and enjoyed it as

the twist was completely unexpected!

But I'm reading Never Say Never by her at the moment and it's nothing special so far. And I'm on Page 203!


I read Testimony by Anita Shreve and thought it was very good. Just in case you were a fan of hers and hadn't read it, thought I'd recommend :D

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Hey :D hope you don't mind me posting on your shelf!


I have all those three on my TBR pile and I'm looking forward to reading all of them. Especially The Time Traveler's Wife which I think will be next up for me!


I read The Last To Know and enjoyed it as

the twist was completely unexpected!

But I'm reading Never Say Never by her at the moment and it's nothing special so far. And I'm on Page 203!


I read Testimony by Anita Shreve and thought it was very good. Just in case you were a fan of hers and hadn't read it, thought I'd recommend :lol:



You can absolutely write on my shelf! Please do, in fact! :readingtwo:

Ooooh I loved The Last to Know also.. this was my first intro to Melissa Hill as I can't get my hands on her books very easily in the US.. found it here in India and LOVED it. I can't wait to look into more of hers. I actually saw where you posted you were having trouble w/Never Say Never and I felt disappointed for you. :D But you're right.. maybe the twist will come soon and you'll be all better! Let me know how you do w/it after a bit omre. :(


Thanks also for the rec on Testimony.. I haven't read it; actually only read one of hers, but loved it. So far, I now have recs for The Pilot's Wife and Testimony. Exciting!! I have to go add Testimony to my "Look Up" section of my TBR list now. : )

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Originally Posted by bethany725 View Post


The Outcast - Sadie Jones

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

I've read all of those and they're all very good. The Outcast was probably my least favourite but I still really enjoyed it.


The Book Thief is a fantastic piece of writing (imho) and I can't recommend it highly enough. Enjoy. :readingtwo:

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I've read all of those and they're all very good. The Outcast was probably my least favourite but I still really enjoyed it.


The Book Thief is a fantastic piece of writing (imho) and I can't recommend it highly enough. Enjoy. :D


I can't wait to get my hands on these.. I REALLLY miss the library where things were so easy to get! Sometimes I run across great surprises in India, but if there's something that's not avail in a store here, there's just no getting it. Even shipping thru Amazon, etc is really expensive I think.. :readingtwo:

Glad you liked them, too, Janet.. it's even more encouraging to move them up the list after I get such good feedback on them!

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I can't wait to look into more of hers. I actually saw where you posted you were having trouble w/Never Say Never and I felt disappointed for you. :( But you're right.. maybe the twist will come soon and you'll be all better! Let me know how you do w/it after a bit omre. :D


Thanks also for the rec on Testimony.. I have to go add Testimony to my "Look Up" section of my TBR list now. : )


I've also read All Because Of You by Melissa Hill and although it wasn't better than The Last To Know, it was still pretty good. :lol: Yeah, someone just told me that Never Say Never does have a few twists and turns in it. I'm just waiting for them to be revealed! I'll let you know what I think!


As for Testimony, when and if you do get it, I hope you enjoy it :D


I've read all of those and they're all very good. The Outcast was probably my least favourite but I still really enjoyed it.


The Book Thief is a fantastic piece of writing (imho) and I can't recommend it highly enough. Enjoy. :D


This make me all excited to read them! Can't wait :readingtwo:

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Mini Review of Q&A by Vikras Swarup:



How a penniless waiter from Mumbai became the biggest quiz-show winner in history.....

Eighteen-year old Ram Mohammad Thomas is in prison after answering twelve questions correctly on a TV quiz show to win one billion rupees. The producers have arrested him, convinced that he has cheated his way to victory. Twelve extraordinary events in street-kid Ram's life - how he was found in a dustbin by a priest; came to have three names; fooled a professional hitman; even fell in love - give him the crucial answers. In his warm-hearted tale lies all the comedy, tragedy, joy and pathos of modern India.



This was my first read of Vikras Swarup's work, so I had no idea what to expect going in. The story starts off quickly though, and soon after you get into it, it's hard to put down. Each chapter is based on one of the questions asked of Ram in the game show. It's essentially a flashback or story of how Ram knew the answer to each question. Stories tell of his previous experiences living in the Dharavi slums, living in a home full of orphans forced to beg for money, his early upbringing by a Christian priest, etc. He's certainly seen much in his life, and the episodes weave together to display the inner workings of Ram himself. The book's themes emerge from his colorful past, and it becomes a story of friendship, perseverance, right vs wrong, and love.


I was a bit surprised with the twists and turns that started coming about 2/3 of the way through the book.. Not knowing Swarup's style, I didn't have any expectations, so I was pleasantly surprised with some of the little revelations he provided. Overall, I really liked the book and it's a good, quick read with some strong themes running throughout.


My Rating: 8.5/10 (and I tend to be stingy with my points :lol:)


Also interesting for me... Prior to reading this book, I'd gone on a tour of the Dharvi slums, so reading the sections in the slums was really interesting since I'd seen it in front of me before. I read an interview with the author, in which he says he'd never actually even seen Dharavi slums.. but slums are slums, and he said he just took the normal slum images he'd seen and multiplied them by 10 to create the book's Dharavi scenes.

It was also neat to read how many children and poor people view Mumbai.. Coming into this city with no knowledge, for the first time at age 26, I didn't have any preconceived ideas of what Mumbai meant to people. It was really cool to get an outside perspective and see how it matched up with my own thoughts. The book also speaks specifically of "Bandra" at times, which is the suburb of Mumbai in which I live.

It's a neat experience to read a book that many people may read and think "Wow.. that's unbelievable.. I'd love to see that in real life, or even pictures," and have the opportunity to say that "I've been there.." or "I've seen that.." or "He described that exactly as it really looks." Now if only I can say that one day about Rome and Paris and... :lol:

Edited by bethany725
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mini Review of Things I Want My Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble:




How would you say goodbye to those you love most in the world?

Barbara must say a final farewell to her four daughters. But how can she find the words? And how can she leave them when they each have so much growing up to do? There's commitment-phobic Lisa. Brittle, unhappily married Jennifer. Free-spirited traveller Amanda. And teenage Hannah, stumbling her way towards adulthood.

Barbara's answer is to write each daughter a letter, finally expressing the hopes, fears, dreams and secrets she couldn't always voice. These words will touch the girls in different - sometimes shocking - ways, unlocking emotions and passions to set them on their own journey of discovery through life. -www.penguin.co.uk


This book was a fast read for me, and perfect while I was doing so much traveling. It's a fairly light read, despite the early death of a mother who is leaving behind 4 daughters and a husband. The tears started very early in.. page 3 or 4, I have to admit.. but they did dry up quickly as the story got underway and the daughters' lives were beginning to be explored. They didn't come again until the very end. *feeling proud* :lol:


The story is basically an exploration of the daughter's and husband's lives after the death of their mother. Each daughter is different from the next, and has her own vices.

Lisa is terrified of commitment, and this causes a really rocky relationship for her and her good guy boyfriend, Andy. Jennifer is a bit stiff and strong, and seems to drive a wedge between herself and other people due to those qualities combined with unhappiness in her marriage. Amanda runs away from all of life's problems as quickly as she can, and is finally encouraged to face them by another good guy boyfriend, Ed. Teenager Hannah, goes through the normal teenage dramas, and learns quite the lesson from bad guy boyfriend, Nathan. And Mark, the husband, serves as the glue of the family -- listening to problems, repairing relationships, and generally holding the family together, despite his own grief. Each daughter, as well as Mark (husband), deals with the death of their mother differently, but each method ultimately serves to first further their respective vices, making their lives even harder, and then each method gives way to one of the major morals of the story: appreciate those you love, and don't give up on them easily, as life can take them from you at any moment.



It's a good balance of light reading weaving together some heart-breaking scenarios, so while many parts are sad, the story keeps moving and the words are light enough to keep the pages turning.

It does end a bit neatly as everyone sort of gets their teary-eyed happy but nostalgic ending, which was a bit predictable, but it's still a good wrap-up for the novel.

Overall, the story was great for me, and I'd recommend it to anyone that wants a little bit of chick-lit with some feeling behind it. :D


My Rating: 8.5/10

Oh my.. I am noticing a pattern.. Why am I stuck in the 8.5 mode? :)

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Oooh if you give it a try, you have to let me know how you get on with it.. No judgment from me if you hate it, I promise, but I'd love to at least know how you do with it. :D


And you'll be happy to hear I just added "Noughts and Crosses" to my wishlist... I was thinking you, Dan, and BookBee would all celebrate my addition! :lol:

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Oooh if you give it a try, you have to let me know how you get on with it.. No judgment from me if you hate it, I promise, but I'd love to at least know how you do with it. :D


And you'll be happy to hear I just added "Noughts and Crosses" to my wishlist... I was thinking you, Dan, and BookBee would all celebrate my addition! :lol:


LOL. It fills me with pride and joy to see ppl adding it to their lists. You won't be sorry, you have my word.

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Well, I'll thank you, regardless... I'm pretty sure I'm going to get sucked into it, but if craziness takes over and I hate it, I'll still appreciate the recommendation. :lol: I get such great suggestions from this board, and wonder how I was a reader for so long without the help of this forum!

Once I get my hands on the Blackman series, I'll let you know how it goes for me. :D

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Well, I'll thank you, regardless... I'm pretty sure I'm going to get sucked into it, but if craziness takes over and I hate it, I'll still appreciate the recommendation. :lol: I get such great suggestions from this board, and wonder how I was a reader for so long without the help of this forum!

Once I get my hands on the Blackman series, I'll let you know how it goes for me. :D


I agree. I would be in trouble without this place for sure. I only started reading again this year. When I was younger and did read a lot my reading was confined to a very small number of authors and subject areas.


Registering here has definately expanding what I read and I am enjoying reading a great deal more because of it.

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Bethany, your right about it's hard to do The Book Thief justice, as it's just so brilliant. I considered reviewing it and decided against it. You did a good job though; that's a pretty decent review, and I agree with everything you said! :D

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