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Commonwealth Saga by Peter F. Hamilton


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Finished reading the duology (Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained) from Peter F. Hamilton about last month, has anyone else read it?



I thought Hamilton has created a fascinating universe-- the societal ramifications of memorycells, rejuvenation and wormholes are well-thought out and ingenious.


However the story was very bleh, especially the Primes. I get that the Primes are merely an adversary for the Commonwealth to defeat and grow in the process, but couldn't Hamilton have at least introduced a more complex alien race that Arachnid 101? They are a single consciousness, and therefore have no art, no culture, nothing. Plus the whole thing with the Starflyer seriously needs to be shaved by Occam's Razor.


The characters are a varied and mostly interesting lot, which makes up a lot for the at-times sluggish pace of the books. My personal favourite characters were Mark Vernon and Paula Myo.



I haven't read The Dreaming Void, though thinking of picking it up sometime.




What do you guys think of this series?

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Nothing like resurrecting an old thread! :D


I knew I'd seen Mr Hamilton's name on here somewhere. I'm just about to start re-reading Pandora's Star (my third time, lol), to give me an excuse to finally read Judas Unchained. And then I can read the Void trilogy in time for the paperback release of the final book in April :)


Mr H is guilty of writing my favourite sf trilogy - the quite brilliant Night's Dawn books, which include my single favourite sf novel in The Neutronium Alchemist, which I've read twice (and The Reality Dysfunction, which I've read three times).


Loved his Greg Mandel books as well, especially A Quantum Murder :)


I'm quite stupidly excited about reading some Hamilton again :lol:

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