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What's Up in March 2017?


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That sounds like a tough decision, I don't envy you. I hope you'll be able to make a decision that you feel okay with.


Yesterday we had our national elections so I went out and voted. I also went for a walk later in the day and ran some errands. In the later afternoon I spent some time with my boyfriend.


Today the weather is looking lovely but predictions are it's the last day the weather is so nice, we should get a few days or more, of less nice weather after today.

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I hate having to make decisions like this, as you know that you will be rejecting someone who you really liked and you know could do the job, but sadly there is only one job there. Having mulled it over though, I have decided to go for the younger man, mainly because he is that little bit more flexible given the fact that he doesn't have another job. This means that he will be able to pick up the slack for us cleaners (as the previous gardener did) if needed. I also feel that there is such potential there to learn and to help him grow and develop as a person. An offer will then be made and hopefully he will say yes. If not, then we still have the option of the other man. :smile:


It looks like we also have a solution with regard to the cleaning. We were approached by twin sisters last week, both older women again, who had been working as a team cleaning a local pub, but because of the way they have been treated by this pub (not paid properly, not given a proper contract and so on), had to leave. They were looking for something similar then to supplement their pension. Sadly when they did the sums, they decided they could not afford to work for us, as they needed 50p an hour more than we were offering. The company were prepared to do that, but I was not happy with that, as our other cleaner only earns £8 an hour. Our CEO though has said that given the situation, once this other cleaner has passed his probationary period, she will put him also on £8.50 and find the extra money. I have discussed with him this morning (not mentioning the extra money as I don't want to build his hopes up), how this may work and how it may change his work duties and we have worked out something that I think would work and keep everyone happy.


BUT in the meantime, the wife of one of our other employees has applied and is very keen to work full time. The only problem is that she had a frozen shoulder and so may not be able to start for a while. She had an injection for it the other day, but has to wait to see whether it works or not. What we have decided to do then is to give her a call and discuss it wit her in more detail as to what she can and cannot do. If need be we can arrange for her to come in for a few hours to try the job out.


I think though that given the situation and our CEO's fantastic offer, we should probably go for the twins, before they get another offer, as we really can't afford to wait much longer until we get someone. Decisions, decisions!


I heard about the Dutch elections though, as they have been in the news here and am also very happy with the result, and that the Dutch people did not choose the candidate who could have taken us down the same path we are facing here. Perhaps I will emigrate to the Netherlands before we lose our freedom of movement. :smile:


We have had lovely weather here as well the past 2 days. I am not sure what the forecast is for tomorrow, but I know I will be glad to finish work and have the weekend off. I have a headache from just thinking about all this stuff. :doh:        

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Late night at work yesterday, but a lunchtime finish today, so I went into town and treated myself to another halloumi wrap after the success of the first one last week. :D  It was delicious!  After that, I stopped in Waterstone's for a coffee and a bit of a read, and then browsed around the shelves and came away with another new book. :doh:


Looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow - I've only got a few chores to do, and then I fully intend to sit down with my book for the afternoon.  I'll just have to see how that pans out. :D

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Anna Begins seems to be missing. I haven't seem a post from her for about a month. Anyone know anything?



She signed in yesterday afternoon, so she's around.  :)  The forum has felt quiet in general lately, it seems to me.  

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Our new gardener has accepted the job, and we will be making an offer also to the twins. I feel this is the right decision, although I do feel a bit sad and guilty about my colleagues wife, as she was so keen to do the job and she sounded perfect. At the end of the day though, I don't know how long it may take her to recover - it could be a few weeks or it could be months. I need someone now. This way I get two people.


As I am once again running out of Lush stuff, Coran and I are off to Guildford later on to stock up and have a nice veggie lunch. After the week I have had I think I deserve a treat. We have to do the weekly food shop first though, so I suppose I had better get off this computer and shower then ....


I still can't believe it's only 2 weeks since I got back from Malta.  

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I hate having to make decisions like this, as you know that you will be rejecting someone who you really liked and you know could do the job, but sadly there is only one job there. Having mulled it over though, I have decided to go for the younger man, mainly because he is that little bit more flexible given the fact that he doesn't have another job. This means that he will be able to pick up the slack for us cleaners (as the previous gardener did) if needed. I also feel that there is such potential there to learn and to help him grow and develop as a person. An offer will then be made and hopefully he will say yes. If not, then we still have the option of the other man. :smile:

That makes sense, I wouldn't like to make a decision like that either. I'm glad you found a solution for the cleaning though :).


I heard about the Dutch elections though, as they have been in the news here and am also very happy with the result, and that the Dutch people did not choose the candidate who could have taken us down the same path we are facing here. Perhaps I will emigrate to the Netherlands before we lose our freedom of movement. :smile:


We have had lovely weather here as well the past 2 days. I am not sure what the forecast is for tomorrow, but I know I will be glad to finish work and have the weekend off. I have a headache from just thinking about all this stuff. :doh:

Thanks, I'm very glad for it too. I hope you can relax during your weekend off :)


Looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow - I've only got a few chores to do, and then I fully intend to sit down with my book for the afternoon.  I'll just have to see how that pans out. :D


I hope you have a nice relaxing day :).


Anna Begins seems to be missing. I haven't seem a post from her for about a month. Anyone know anything?


I have 6 books on hold at the library and it looks like maybe 4 of them will come available at one time. :)


She hasn't been posting recently because she hasn't been reading much.


I hope you'll be able to read all 4 books before they're due, and that you enjoy them :).

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Had to take OH to the DIY shop this morning, then we went to the garden centre, which has a vegetarian café.  Since we last visited, they've extended the café area into a lovely new glass building on the side of the building, so I sat with coffee and toast and my book while OH did his browsing and choosing of seeds and some plants for the pond.


This afternoon, I've had a lovely afternoon just reading my book. :reading::smile2:

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That sounds like a good plan to me Chesil.


I have finally appointed a new cleaner - and it didn't in the end turn out to be the people I thought it would be. When I went to see HR on Friday their Manager had already gone home for the weekend, and so they didn't contact the twins straight away. It was a good job they didn't as unbeknown to me the HR Manager had spoken to the other lady who wanted to work full time and offered her an interview for lunchtime today. It went brilliantly and she is amazing - everything that we want and need. The fact that her husband works there too is definitely a bonus. She does have a slight shoulder problem, but that is being treated and she is reacting well to the treatment and managing her housework at home without too many problems. It is her left arm that is affected rather than the right, which she has no problems with. She will have to have an operation at some point, but I think we can manage and work around that. We decided then to offer her the job, and she has accepted, which I am delighted about as it is so much better to have one person full time than 2 part time doing limited hours.


I was so happy and relieved when I got home that I treated myself to a big bag of my favourite peanut M&M's to celebrate. :smile:   

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June, I'm glad all your decisions are going well. from what you said about the two gardening candidates, I think I would have chosen the younger man too for the same reasons (I am always in favor of supporting/giving chances to people who are keen to learn and better themselves) and I'm glad to hear he accepted the job :) Let us know how he gets on!


I had a lovely weekend, Paddy's day was blissfully chilled out at home. On Saturday I did a spring clean of my room, which is looking very shiny now, and Sat night until Monday morning I spent with a 'friend' I've been seeing for a few weeks, which was really chilled out and really, really lovely.


So I'm in good form!


I've also ordered two duvet sets into a shop (Guineys) which hopefully I'll be able to pick up tomorrow. Anyone else love bedsheets? I *love* bedsheets. I have some at home that I've had for 4 or 5 years that are a bit worn and torn, so the new sets will replace those. Got a plain black set with a kind of ribbed satin panel near the top and ribbed satin frilling on the edges of the pillows.The other set is a gorgeous teal set which I've actually included the below picture of (I get excited about bedsheets okay, indulge me!).




I just love how they're primarily a fresh cool colour but are still bright and colourful.


Anyway I'll shut up about bedsheets now. :lol:

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June, I'm glad all your decisions are going well. from what you said about the two gardening candidates, I think I would have chosen the younger man too for the same reasons (I am always in favor of supporting/giving chances to people who are keen to learn and better themselves) and I'm glad to hear he accepted the job :) Let us know how he gets on!


I had a lovely weekend, Paddy's day was blissfully chilled out at home. On Saturday I did a spring clean of my room, which is looking very shiny now, and Sat night until Monday morning I spent with a 'friend' I've been seeing for a few weeks, which was really chilled out and really, really lovely.


So I'm in good form!


I've also ordered two duvet sets into a shop (Guineys) which hopefully I'll be able to pick up tomorrow. Anyone else love bedsheets? I *love* bedsheets. I have some at home that I've had for 4 or 5 years that are a bit worn and torn, so the new sets will replace those. Got a plain black set with a kind of ribbed satin panel near the top and ribbed satin frilling on the edges of the pillows.The other set is a gorgeous teal set which I've actually included the below picture of (I get excited about bedsheets okay, indulge me!).




I just love how they're primarily a fresh cool colour but are still bright and colourful.


Anyway I'll shut up about bedsheets now. :lol:


I will do, and it's good to know that others think I made the right choice. Hopefully it work out with the cleaner as well. I saw her husband at work this morning and he told me they are both very happy about it.


Love the new bed sheets and glad that the two of you had a nice weekend. :smile:


Those bedsheets are beautiful :)! I'm glad you had a great weekend.


We saw a friend of the family today, and she brought us a slice of (homemade) cake! That was an unexpected delight :).


Glad you enjoyed the cake. :smile:

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Last day at work for the week for me tomorrow since I worked last weekend, but it'll be a long one so probably won't be around here again until Friday.  Already looking forward to having a bit of a lie in on Friday and a relaxing weekend.  I'd love to get some sewing started, as I haven't had time to do any for a few weeks, but I'm also really enjoying my reading at the moment, and I keep getting caught up in books.

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I've gone back home to Germany for the holidays, and I'm so happy to be back. I also managed to take a week off work so it works out so that I only actually have to work from home on two days while I'm here. The rest of the time I'll focus on my uni revision and assignments I have to do, and I should hopefully also have loads of time to just relax, read, and meet friends!

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Hey y'all!


I've been in and out of the forum, checking in. I haven't always had access to my laptop in order to respond. Hope all is well with everyone!


I've spent the last 2 1/2 weeks in real estate school. I took an exam Wednesday and passed. I now need to do my criminal background check and take the national test, which is pretty much the same as the one I just took. Then I'm all set! The thing about going into real estate is that its an expensive (at least to me) endeavor. Everything costs, from the exams, registration, background check, business cards, insurance, fees for becoming a member of the real estate association (mandatory), desk rental, advertisement, signs for the yard... one can come out of pocket almost $2,000 before selling your first house.


I've got a few weeks of down time as the last class isn't til 10 April and the exam is in about two weeks. I'll do some reading and maybe start packing up some of my books, etc. Our lease is up at the end of the year and we're looking into buying. Even if that doesn't pan out, we are out of here because the owner wants to get the house ready to sell.


I've been working out and have lost about 30 pounds. I want to loose about 6 more and I can focus on maintenance. I now need to go shopping as all my clothes are too big, yippy! But UGH because I have to spend money on new clothes, lmbo!!

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Lovely to see you back here again Virginia - I was wondering where you had got to. Well done for passing the exam as well, it sounds like hard work but I am sure will be very rewarding. Yes it is costly, but I am sure it will be more than worth it, as you can potentially very quickly earn that money back. It's great that you have managed to lose so much weight as well - I wish I could!


Coran and I have an interesting weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow we are going on a protest march in London - you may hear about it on the news. It is called Unite for Europe and it is of course protesting about the direction the Government is taking us down with a hard Brexit, and for me personally the way she is refusing to guarantee the rights of EU citizens already working here. I know that not everyone on here will share my views, and that's okay, but it is something that Coran and I both feel strongly about, and so for us it is important to go. We will be marching with other members of the Liberal Democrats, which we are both members of.  We have to be at Marble Arch tube station by 10am tomorrow to meet up with the other members from where we will then walk to the official starting line at the Hilton Park Lane. As this is something our leader Tim Farron is fighting hard for and has been quite vociferous about, it is important for us to be there early so we can get near the front of the march to maximise the publicity. Look out for us then on the news!  

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My day off has been pretty good.  Had to take OH to the DIY place this morning as the greenhouse doors are broken, so he's building a couple of new ones and we needed supplies for that.  After I'd dropped him back home, I went into town and had a coffee and a read, then treated myself to another halloumi wrap for lunch ... these are becoming a weekly Friday treat! :lol:  


I've then spent the afternoon reading, so it's been a pretty good day.  Not sure what the weekend holds, no plans, just going to wing it.

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Went into town this morning for coffee and a good read of my book, then had lunch out and a walk around the park, before popping in to see my day.  Back home this afternoon, and I've been sorting out a few bits and pieces, and now just watching an old black and white film on the television.  A perfect lazy Saturday! :D

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Coran and I had a great time at the march yesterday and met some brilliant people. It was a long day but definitely worth it. The media are reporting about 25,000 people as having turned out, but I reckon it was more like twice that.  


This morning when we checked our lottery tickets we found we had won £25 so we treated ourselves to a pizza in Pizza Express. Afterwards we went to an exhibition of some of the clients artwork for the charity that I work for. We are at home now relaxing and catching up with various bits and pieces.    

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Another relaxing day ... out for coffee and some reading this morning, before getting some shopping done.  Back home to do a little bit of cleaning, then I've spent the afternoon mixing reading and practising my hand lettering.


One more day off tomorrow, and we might go and have a look at new wood burning stoves for the living room, and then I'm planning to do some more practise on my lettering. :smile2:

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