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What's Up in September 2016?


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I hope all those who aren't feeling well with colds, will feel better soon! I feel better than I did a few days ago, so hopefully in some more days or such I'll feel completely recovered.


I am not currently sick (for once), and if I get sick I'm blaming y'all. :giggle:

:giggle2:. I hope you don't get sick :(.

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Feels like I've not been here for ages! What with the chaos of the school settling in fortnight, the almost daily homework (already) and a week where this sickness bug that's been going around took us all out one after the other (well, me & hubby were ill on the same days, which really wasn't good!), I kinda forgot to check in. :)


Hopefully we're all over it now and this week sees us get back to normal!


Hope everyone else with various ailments gets better too :)

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Feels like I've not been here for ages! What with the chaos of the school settling in fortnight, the almost daily homework (already) and a week where this sickness bug that's been going around took us all out one after the other (well, me & hubby were ill on the same days, which really wasn't good!), I kinda forgot to check in. :)


Hopefully we're all over it now and this week sees us get back to normal!


Hope everyone else with various ailments gets better too :)

Have you heard of the schools that aren't giving out homework, saying children need more time for just being kids? They want children to have more time playing, being with family, etc.


I'm glad you're all feeling better, isn't it amazing how fast illnesses spread once school starts??

Edited by Anna Begins
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As I was driving to the train station on Friday for work, this pheasant stepped out in front of my car so I had no option but to hit it.


My mum hit a cat years ago and she was completely devastated for a long time afterwards.  My brother on the other hand works nights and a year or so ago he was on his way into work and it was just beginning to get dark when he hit a deer.  He said he clipped it and that he saw it run off into the bushes, but to be honest with you I think he was more worried about his car.  I personally don't drive but if I did and something like that happened to me I think it would break my heart.


Sorry to hear a few of you haven't been feeling too well recently, I seemed to do nothing but sneeze last week but so far (touch wood) nothing has come of it.  Going to get my flu jag tomorrow at work though just to be on the safe side.

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A scratchy throat is usually my first indicator too, although sometimes it doesn't develop into anything.  Hope the first Defence works, I've had other people recommend it too.


Had a nightmare journey home last night, no trains (apparently something hit a bridge further down the line, so my friend who doesn't even use the trains told me - no info at the station at all apart from "major disruption" signs) so got a bus and had a nice tour of the East End of London and got home just before 8.00, thankfully I had today off, as I don't think I could have faced another journey!

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It's been a busy month, especially the last week or so! Xander turned 8 on Saturday and we took him to a VIP party on the day, then had a small party at home with some of his best friends the next day. Monday was my 40th birthday, which was nice and quiet, which was exactly what I wanted after such a hectic weekend! Tonight I was interviewed TWICE! There's a lass at Infusion (the company I work for) who is studying drama at college, and she needed to interview someone who has worked professionally in the biz, so she chose me! (Totally flattered!). The other interview was to do with my blog - a national magazine is doing an article on people who keep their resolutions past the end of January, and the writer came across my blog with my 52 things in 52 weeks challenge, which I've been doing the last four years, and chose me as one of the three people she wants to write about! Tomorrow night is rehearsal night - work on the Xmas show is going REALLY well. The company are all a joy to work with and things are progressing very quickly - it's so nice to be working with people who LOVE the theatre and just crack on with things. This weekend, I'll be singing at a nursing home - I was spotted singing at Blyth Battery a few weeks ago, and they want me to go round and entertain the old dears for an hour or so on Sunday, which will be a lot of fun. And Josh turns 3 a week on Saturday too, so we'll be taking him to a big soft play centre for the morning to celebrate - he'll have a whale of a time!

And now, because it's past midnight, I'm going to go to bed - I really need ot get more rest when I have so much to do!

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Thanks guys :) I do still think about it sometimes and everytime I drive past that part I think "please don't anybody else step out on me"

Most of the reactions I got was "you should have taken it home and cooked it" hmm think that's illegal, I am not sure.


That is awful about your mum, Autumn! Bless her heart. I know now when I see dead animals in the road that 9/10 times they were unavoidable.


Sounds like there are lots of poorly people on here. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

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My mum hit a cat years ago and she was completely devastated for a long time afterwards.  My brother on the other hand works nights and a year or so ago he was on his way into work and it was just beginning to get dark when he hit a deer.  He said he clipped it and that he saw it run off into the bushes, but to be honest with you I think he was more worried about his car.  I personally don't drive but if I did and something like that happened to me I think it would break my heart.


Sorry to hear a few of you haven't been feeling too well recently, I seemed to do nothing but sneeze last week but so far (touch wood) nothing has come of it.  Going to get my flu jag tomorrow at work though just to be on the safe side.


Wow, I can imagine your mum felt devastated. I would too :(. Thanks! I hope you don't get ill. I'm on the mend and should be completely recovered in a few days.


My scratchy throat only seems to come on in the evening - hoping the First Defence has kept it away (not needed any today).

Is that some kind of medicine? I hope you won't get more ill and that it helped. 


A scratchy throat is usually my first indicator too, although sometimes it doesn't develop into anything.  Hope the first Defence works, I've had other people recommend it too.


Had a nightmare journey home last night, no trains (apparently something hit a bridge further down the line, so my friend who doesn't even use the trains told me - no info at the station at all apart from "major disruption" signs) so got a bus and had a nice tour of the East End of London and got home just before 8.00, thankfully I had today off, as I don't think I could have faced another journey!


How annoying :(. I'm glad you got home allright. I hope you enjoy your day off!


It's been a busy month, especially the last week or so! Xander turned 8 on Saturday and we took him to a VIP party on the day, then had a small party at home with some of his best friends the next day. Monday was my 40th birthday, which was nice and quiet, which was exactly what I wanted after such a hectic weekend! Tonight I was interviewed TWICE! There's a lass at Infusion (the company I work for) who is studying drama at college, and she needed to interview someone who has worked professionally in the biz, so she chose me! (Totally flattered!). The other interview was to do with my blog - a national magazine is doing an article on people who keep their resolutions past the end of January, and the writer came across my blog with my 52 things in 52 weeks challenge, which I've been doing the last four years, and chose me as one of the three people she wants to write about! Tomorrow night is rehearsal night - work on the Xmas show is going REALLY well. The company are all a joy to work with and things are progressing very quickly - it's so nice to be working with people who LOVE the theatre and just crack on with things. This weekend, I'll be singing at a nursing home - I was spotted singing at Blyth Battery a few weeks ago, and they want me to go round and entertain the old dears for an hour or so on Sunday, which will be a lot of fun. And Josh turns 3 a week on Saturday too, so we'll be taking him to a big soft play centre for the morning to celebrate - he'll have a whale of a time!


And now, because it's past midnight, I'm going to go to bed - I really need ot get more rest when I have so much to do!


Happy (belated) birthday to Xander and you :)! How nice about the interviews. Good luck and have fun with the Xmas show and the singing :). It souns like you have a lot going on.


Thanks guys :) I do still think about it sometimes and everytime I drive past that part I think "please don't anybody else step out on me"

Most of the reactions I got was "you should have taken it home and cooked it" hmm think that's illegal, I am not sure.


That is awful about your mum, Autumn! Bless her heart. I know now when I see dead animals in the road that 9/10 times they were unavoidable.


Sounds like there are lots of poorly people on here. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

What?! Those are some odd reactions, in my mind (that said, I think I know some people who could've said something like that, had it happened to me, not that I drive anymore). I don't know for sure if it'd be illegal, but I think pheasants might be protected animals?


As I said above, I'm on the mend and should be completely recovered in a few days. I did notice yesterday I couldn't taste some of the food I was having, I think because my nose was blocked up. That was quite a disappointment. Hopefully that will get better soon. I do feel better today compared with a few days ago, so hopefully a few days from now the illness will be over. I hope my boyfriend didn't catch it.


Yesterday my boyfriend and I walked to the local shopping area, where we visited a couple of shops including the pharmacy and supermarket. The weather was lovely for a walk.

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A scratchy throat is usually my first indicator too, although sometimes it doesn't develop into anything.  Hope the first Defence works, I've had other people recommend it too.


Had a nightmare journey home last night, no trains (apparently something hit a bridge further down the line, so my friend who doesn't even use the trains told me - no info at the station at all apart from "major disruption" signs) so got a bus and had a nice tour of the East End of London and got home just before 8.00, thankfully I had today off, as I don't think I could have faced another journey!


FD seems to have done the trick, ta. A friend of mine was complaining about that disruption on Facebook last night actually - must have been chaos there. Really not missing commuting to London at the moment. I guess you could at least think of the East End tour as a free unexpected benefit (!). Maybe not!

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Is that some kind of medicine? I hope you won't get more ill and that it helped.


Glad you both got out for a walk - I'm sure your boyfriend appreciates every walk out at the moment, I know I do.


The First Defence is a nasal spray - if you use it early enough at the signs of a cold, it is meant to help ward it off, so you don't get a full blown cold. Seems to work IF you catch the symptoms early enough.

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Could have done without a tour of the East End, especially on a Monday night!  Think travelling is the worst thing about working in London, although I suspect most commutes can be hellish in any city.


Some of my walking group take home road kill if it looks reasonably intact, pigeons etc and I know a few who've brought home a pheasant; most of them around my way are wild, so I think it's allowed, although if the bird has a ring on it's leg then presumably it does belong to someone but I don't think they're a protected species here, they certainly seem common enough in certain areas.  I think with deer I read somewhere that you have to check with the landowner first if it came from a farm - again,  I assume it would have some sort of tag or registration on it somewhere, but I do know people who've taken one home (although I hasten to add they didn't hit it, they just found it).  I think most of the deer in my part of Essex probably belong to either Epping Forest of the City of London Corporation, but I'm not sure what the regulations are, except they're always saying there are too many of them and they cause a lot of damage to the forest.

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The First Defence is a nasal spray - if you use it early enough at the signs of a cold, it is meant to help ward it off, so you don't get a full blown cold. Seems to work IF you catch the symptoms early enough.


Never heard of First Defence before but I'm totally going to pick one up.  I take it it's available over the counter from pharmacies?


Just realised that you live near Milton Keynes.  I used to live in Bletchley; moved away when I was about 8 though, so quite a few years ago now.

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Never heard of First Defence before but I'm totally going to pick one up.  I take it it's available over the counter from pharmacies?


Just realised that you live near Milton Keynes.  I used to live in Bletchley; moved away when I was about 8 though, so quite a few years ago now.


Yes you can pick it up in any pharmaceuticals dept I think; even in larger supermarkets. Its about 6 or 7 quid for a bottle, which lasts quite a while. Its a bit like squirting liquid vicks up your nose...but not as unpleasant as that sounds :)


Yes, I live just to the north, between MK and Northampton. Its quite rural. Bletchley has grown a lot and continues to. I hope you moved somewhere nicer than Bletchley anyway, its not got the best of reputations.

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It sounds like everyone has been havng a busy week, and I am no exception to this. Things seem to be improving on the work front - whatever they said to my Manager at his 3 month review he has taken it to heart, as he has been making a real effort these past few days. My old Manager came in to see us all today - I haven't seen him since he left 5 months ago. It was nice to catch up and share a coffee and a chat. He even remembered to bring me some chocolate. He is a lot happier and less stressed, so his job working in a motorcycle shop suits him.


I got the results of my blood tests on Monday. They confirmed what I already knew - I am going through the menopause. The Doctor (male) I saw has refused to even consider HRT saying (wrongly according to al the sources I have looked at) that it is not appropriate for someone in my situaton, and that it will unnecessarily increase the risk of certain cancers. He offered basically either a 14 day dose of sleeping tabets or nothing. Even on sleeping tablets I still found that I woke up at 3 or 4am, so this is not a solution. I have been trying the herbal stuff from Boots, with the same effect, but I noticed that Holland and Barratt have a sale on and some of their high strength herbal stuff in half price, so I went shopping after work today and bought a crate load (3 boxes to be precise, as I had a lot of points on my loyalty card to use up). If that doesn't work then it will be back to a female doctor for a second opinion.

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What I've always heard is, if you hit & kill an animal with your car you're not allowed to take it home, but the next person to come along is. 


Yes! thank you. I knew I had heard something along those lines. Still sounds so wrong. I'm not sure how true it is either


Madeleine, sorry to hear about the trains. I can sympathise with you. It's like you have all the time in the world with them.



I hope you are feeling okay, Talisman.

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Glad you both got out for a walk - I'm sure your boyfriend appreciates every walk out at the moment, I know I do.


The First Defence is a nasal spray - if you use it early enough at the signs of a cold, it is meant to help ward it off, so you don't get a full blown cold. Seems to work IF you catch the symptoms early enough.


Thanks, we both really enjoyed the walk.


Ah, that makes sense! I didn't know such a thing existed, but apparently we have it in the Netherlands too.


It sounds like everyone has been havng a busy week, and I am no exception to this. [...] so I went shopping after work today and bought a crate load (3 boxes to be precise, as I had a lot of points on my loyalty card to use up). If that doesn't work then it will be back to a female doctor for a second opinion.

I'm glad you had a fun time catching up with your old manager. I hope the high strength herbal things help you sleep, and otherwise that a female doctor will be able to help you.


I'm almost completely recovered, so I'm quite happy about that :).

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The Doctor (male) I saw has refused to even consider HRT saying (wrongly according to al the sources I have looked at) that it is not appropriate for someone in my situaton, and that it will unnecessarily increase the risk of certain cancers.


Forgive me for not knowing the full facts of what your current situation is (and I'm obviously not a doctor), but surely it is your decision as to whether you want to try HRT even just on a trial basis.  Yes, he should be giving you advice and informing you of the risks and side effects but surely at the end of the day it should be your decision... it's your body and your situation and everyone is different.  Starting HRT is a very personal thing if you ask me.


I'm not a doctor or nurse, but I work in a GP surgery and although I'm a fair few years away from going through the menopause myself a lot of my colleagues have either gone through it or are currently going through it at the moment and one of them got offered HRT a few months back to try to combat hot sweats which were keeping her up at night and she thought about it, did her own research and discussed it with a couple of the GPs we work with and one of them (a female) said she would totally go for it because she felt the benefits far outweighed the risks.  Plus there's no guarantee that HRT will help as it doesn't suit everyone.  In the end my colleague did start HRT but only stayed on them for a short while due to the fact that her symptoms got worse and she declined to try an alternative.


At the end of the day although I'm sure male GPs are well informed on the drug side of it, they can't possibly understand what a woman actually goes through during the menopause.  Yes, they can hear about it from their patients and read about it in medical journals etc. but they don't actually go through it themselves so they can't really have any true insight into it.  That's my opinion anyway.


Men have it easy!!!

Edited by Autumn
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That's my opinion as well Autumn. It just seems pointless to me to say that they will not offer HRT until I have stopped producing my own oestrogen, as menopausal symptoms are from my understanding caused by what is in effect withdrawal from it in the first place. By the time you stop producing it you therefore no longer need it anyway! I also realise of course that your body does need to get used to it at some point, which is why they usually recommend the lowest dose possible for the shortest time possible and that when you do come off it, that happens slowly to diminish the possibility of your symptoms returning. Mine seem to be getting worse which is usually a sign that the end is in sight. That could still however be several years down the line.


I can see the logic in many ways then of what the doctor said and there is of course a lot to be said for herbal, more natural medicine as opposed to artificial (as in non human) hormones. I was just disappointed that he did not seem to take things seriously when it was clear that the lack of sleep is having a serious and very detrimental effect on my life. I tried the higher strength herbal stuff last night though and had the best nights sleep I have had in more than a year. I still woke up at 3.30am but this time, instead of staying awake tossing and turning I went back to sleep, and that by itself made an enormous difference. I awoke feeling just like my old self again with bags of energy and feeling optimistic and ready to face the day. I only hope that this will not be a one off and that it will continue to have these results as they do recommend that you try it for a few weeks to really gauge the effects. If it doesn't help then it will be back to a female doctor for a second opinion.  

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I didn't know what the abbreviation HRT stood for, I just looked it up (I guess I'm too young to think about such things! Though it'd probably have a different name in Dutch. I probably should've looked it up when you first posted it but I didn't). I'm happy that you had a great night's sleep, Talisman. I hope it's not a one off. It's very true that men can never truly know what it feels like for a woman, and lack of sleep isn't good for anyone. I hope the herbal stuff keeps helping you, and that otherwise a female doctor will be more understanding of what you're going through.


Tomorrow, my brother's girlfriend is coming by (my brother is still on his world trip, he's in China at the moment and will be going to the United States soon). If I feel up for it, I plan to bake a cake this afternoon, so she can have a slice tomorrow (she's having dinner here too).

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Thanks Athena. I know a lot of women find it hard to talk about this stuff, and I admit it is difficult for me at work being the only female in a team of 9 men, but most of them are similar age to me and have wives and girlfriends who have or very soon will be experiencing this stuff too. You can't really be shy about this sort of thing, as it is natural and happens to almost every woman on the planet, assuming she lives that long ! Talking to other women at work and just in general, I am astonished as to how common this problem with sleep seems to be, and wonder why women don't talk about this more. It started for me about 4 years ago, but because I was told that menopause is about hot flushes and eratic periods I didn't even consider that it may be due to this. If I had known then I could have saved myself years of misery and sleeplessness. I am not then going to be ashamed and embarrassed about talking about this, as it is really important that other younger women do know about this - education is power !


On a high note, I slept well again last night - not as well, but much better than without this stuff. On an even higher note, I have now finished work for the next 9 days, and am off to Prague on Sunday morning. I also suspect (as he has told at least one other member of staff) that my Manager has finally disclosed his ADHD. This is great as he is still here, so they have obviously accepted it, just as I said they would (it is a disability charity after all) and my colleague who has been off sick is returning to work on Monday. Good news all round then.    

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