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I am glad i joined your community! I hope i ll be helpfull as much as all of you! :) And please excuse me for all the spelling mistakes that I made or may do in the future!! English is not my native language! I am from Greece! Please inform me if you ever read any books or poems from a greek author, poet. If you havent give it a try some are good :P HAPPY READING TIME TO ALL OF YOU!


Again nice to meet you all!!! :readingtwo:  :readingtwo:  :readingtwo: 

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Hi Janet! :D


Its a great book i am 100% you will love it Nikos Kazantzakis is without fancy words a legend!!!hahaha

Try to read some poems to! I suggest you to read "Ithaca" (you will also find it "Ithaka")  by C. P. Cavafy! Read it and tell me if you like it! Also you are right Nikos is from Herakleion, Crete

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I agree that Athena is a really nice name! But I ll have to disagree with you! I think Gaia is better!! Gaia comes from the ancient greek word  <<Γαῖα>> which you may heard that it translates to Earth, but it really symbolises every material side of the whole world!

I think your name is more unique and amazing than the godess Athena! 


Also according the myth of Isiodos: Gaia with Chaos, with the help of Love (The god <<Erotas>>), gave birth to Sky (The god <<Uranos>>). Then Gaia united with Uranos created the Giands(<<Gigades>>), the Titans, the Ocean and enerything else in this world.


I hope I ve made you a little proud about your name! :D 

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Oh I didn't mean that Athena is better, I like Gaia better too! But I don't want to use my real name as my forum name, for privacy reasons :). Plus, Gaia is often taken. Thank you :)!


I find it really interesting to know where my name comes from, thanks :).

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Oh I didn't mean that Athena is better, I like Gaia better too! But I don't want to use my real name as my forum name, for privacy reasons :). Plus, Gaia is often taken. Thank you :)!


I find it really interesting to know where my name comes from, thanks :).

You are welcome!  :smile:  :smile:

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Hi Poet and welcome, haven't read any Greek literature but I love books set on the Greek islands, it seems to be a popular location (and it's always nice to read about somewhere sunny when it's raining in England!).



Thank you Madeleine :) You are really kind! Yeah I think they are popular to! We have lots of tourists all year and especially summer.



I am planning to visit England, and specifically London! Hoping this or the next year! I am really excited with your lifestyle if (it is like the movies :P:D ). I am going to bother you again, to tell me EVERYTHING about what museums and sightseeing I should visit!!! If you dont mind! :) :) :)

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Hi Poet, and welcome from me too. Like Madeleine I haven't read any Greek literature but I loved Gerald Durrell's books about his childhood growing up on Corfu and always thought it would be such a wonderful place to visit. My sister is visiting Greece later this year so I'll hear all about it :)

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Hi Poet, and welcome from me too. Like Madeleine I haven't read any Greek literature but I loved Gerald Durrell's books about his childhood growing up on Corfu and always thought it would be such a wonderful place to visit. My sister is visiting Greece later this year so I'll hear all about it :)

Thank you poppy!!! :D I ve never heard about this author, but I am sure he ll be really good:)

Which place will she visit?? Maybe I could suggest a few things to her!!!!she ll have a nice time here! I am sure :) :) :)

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Thank you poppy!!! :D I ve never heard about this author, but I am sure he ll be really good:)

Which place will she visit?? Maybe I could suggest a few things to her!!!!she ll have a nice time here! I am sure :) :) :)

He became quite a famous naturalist and zookeeper later on, so as a child he was fascinated with all the wildlife on Corfu. This was back just before WW2 after which they returned to England, complete with the menagerie Gerald had collected! He had a very long suffering mother :D


Not quite sure where sis is going, I'll ask her, but think the Greek Isles and Athens.


You may be able to answer something that's fascinated me and I've been unable to find out. A friend visited the Parthenon and sent me a photo. At the very top, in the eaves, were engraved some mice. Have you any idea of the significance of them?

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He became quite a famous naturalist and zookeeper later on, so as a child he was fascinated with all the wildlife on Corfu. This was back just before WW2 after which they returned to England, complete with the menagerie Gerald had collected! He had a very long suffering mother :D

Not quite sure where sis is going, I'll ask her, but think the Greek Isles and Athens.

You may be able to answer something that's fascinated me and I've been unable to find out. A friend visited the Parthenon and sent me a photo. At the very top, in the eaves, were engraved some mice. Have you any idea of the significance of them?


I ll read a book of him to see if he is really that good:D :D I ll tell you later about my impressions!!!!!!! Lots of people here gave me lots of advices one books I should read!! :D you are all great!!!!! :)


Ask her and tell me :)


No Ive never heard or noticed anything about that :/ but I ll sure look it up!! I m guessing its not something significant! Ancient greeks used to decorate their temples with things from everyday life! The also used to draw their jobs and how they made stuff! So I think that mice was for decoration to make the carved more descriptive and "alive"!! But thats just a guess! I ll look this up! :) :)

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I ll read a book of him to see if he is really that good:D :D I ll tell you later about my impressions!!!!!!! Lots of people here gave me lots of advices one books I should read!! :D you are all great!!!!! :)


Ask her and tell me :)


No Ive never heard or noticed anything about that :/ but I ll sure look it up!! I m guessing its not something significant! Ancient greeks used to decorate their temples with things from everyday life! The also used to draw their jobs and how they made stuff! So I think that mice was for decoration to make the carved more descriptive and "alive"!! But thats just a guess! I ll look this up! :) :)


It depends what kind of books you like Poet, it's wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea ;) Autobiographical, full of Gerry's little critter collection and observations, but wonderfully funny. They were a very eccentric family. His brother Lawrence Durrell was also a well known writer and poet, his books may be more in your line, although I haven't read any to recommend. 


I can't find the photo to look again, but I think there might be a sheaf of wheat engraved there as well, so I think you'll be right, just pesky little meeces stealing the grain :D

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It depends what kind of books you like Poet, it's wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea ;) Autobiographical, full of Gerry's little critter collection and observations, but wonderfully funny. They were a very eccentric family. His brother Lawrence Durrell was also a well known writer and poet, his books may be more in your line, although I haven't read any to recommend.


I can't find the photo to look again, but I think there might be a sheaf of wheat engraved there as well, so I think you'll be right, just pesky little meeces stealing the grain :D

Poppy!!! :) You seem to know so many things about his life and bibliography, and that makes me want know him to!:) Your interest to him truly motivates me! There is no doubt I m going to find out!!! :D


Yes, that must be it! Because I couldnt find any other explanation! Google has nothing and also neither my close friends or family members (although some of them are pretty much into history :P) have heard anything weird about that! But we cant be sure unless we ask an expert! :) Maybe one day... :P:p :D

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