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Thanks Kay.  A b&w film would have been lovely, although I might not have got any sleep at all then! :D

True, but if it's one you're familiar with (and hopefully like) there's nothing more soothing. I watched The Bishop's Wife a couple of times over Christmas and put it on when I couldn't sleep ... also it helped when I was in a crochet tizz :D


I ran out of audiobooks to listen to so last night I thought I'd listen to a Kindle book on 'text to speech' .... oh dear! It was like an alien was speaking to me .. I won't do that again in a hurry :blush2:  

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Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow :)

There you are!  Either I haven't been on or you haven't on, but I haven't seen you around.  I ended up with a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 inch and am already on my library's book list for the first Harry Potter :readingtwo: Thanks for all your advice and help.  BTW- don't you have a reading log?

Edited by Anna Begins
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chesilbeach - to stop coughing, put some vicks vap-o-rub on the bottoms of your feet.........seriously.


I'll third or fourth this suggestion. It sounds batty but really seems to work. I would put socks on as well ....stops the Vicks going all over the sheets and keeps it on your feet longer.

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It also makes your feet and tootsies super soft - NOT that I'm suggesting that yours aren't already! :D


I send my strongest 'Keep Safe' wishes to everyone encountering dodgy weather at the moment. I hear that parts of the US are about to be hit by snow again. Take care all. :smile:


Right, I'm a lady-who-lunches today (I know, I know, calling myself a lady is a bit of a stretch!). I'm visiting my parents for lunch - Mum really wants eggy bread (aka French toast or gypsy toast), so that's what's on offer. Haven't had eggy bread for ages, so very much looking forward to it. Mum has been a tad forgetful of late (due to life's hectic nature in recent weeks), so I may take some eggs with me just in case. :giggle:

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Thanks everyone for all the advice yesterday - thankfully, I was so tired last night, I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept right through, so the cough never had a chance to get going.  I will still buy myself a jar of Vicks next time I go shopping, just in case it happens again. :)

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Really just trying to catch up with studies and trying to keep on reading at the same time. I'm depressed to realize that I'm not a fast reader anymore. Books don't grab me and draw me in the way they used to and I fear that I may lose my interest. I don't want that. Life is complicated for me right now. I've got a lot to figure out. I don't wanna lose the one thing I call passion in the midst of my late-teen chaos.

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Being from the Bay Area part of California, I've been through a few- only one that large though, and one very shallow one, which brought down almost every chimney in the area I lived in.  I am so sorry you have them, they are scary as...


We get a lot of quakes here too Anna.  Our city has three fault lines running through it.  I've never felt anything like the one on Monday.  They're still finding buildings with cracks etc as it was a public holiday when it happened.  My son said their school hall was damaged.  Luckily school is on holidays until February.


I'll have to try that Vicks thing next time I have a cough.  If I remember it.

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Really just trying to catch up with studies and trying to keep on reading at the same time. I'm depressed to realize that I'm not a fast reader anymore. Books don't grab me and draw me in the way they used to and I fear that I may lose my interest. I don't want that. Life is complicated for me right now. I've got a lot to figure out. I don't wanna lose the one thing I call passion in the midst of my late-teen chaos.


Don't beat yourself up about it, things like reading vary a lot over your life. Last year I managed to read about 80 books, so far this year I've managed 1 because I've got a lot on at the moment. It's best to try and accept these things for what they are and not let them get to you if you can.

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Chesilbeach, I hope you feel better soon!


Sadia Tahna, I hope things will work out for you in your life.


The past few days we've had builders fix our path, which made it very noisy. One day we got out of the house and went shopping (which was a lot of fun) and bought some nice things (including books..), the other day we didn't want to go out again since it's very tiring for both of us (expectations were it'd only take one day but..) so we stayed in the bakery instead where it was a bit quieter. At some points the whole floor vibrated because of the drill the builders were using. This is also the reason I wasn't on the forum much, since in the bakery there is no internet connection. I'm glad it's all over now.

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I have come to the conclusion that my boss has questionable parentage after shouting at me this morning in front of 2 of my colleagues and stating that I am the most antagonistic person she has ever met, and that she will be grateful when she leaves to be made redundant in 12 weeks time as she will no longer have to see me. My crime was to ask her for a second handwritten copy of the notes from a meeting the previous day, as the first copy that I had been given could not be read as half the words were on the edge of the page and had not been copied correctly. The only reason I asked for this in the first place as because during that meeting the previous day I believe that she may have been indicating that she had asked another member of staff to "test me" by asking me to undertake certain tasks and then report back to her as to whether or not I done them. Of course when challenged she disputed this, which is why I asked for those notes - not a typewritten copy, as this can be altered, but a photocopy of the handwritten original.


Needless to say, I have contacted the Union and am awaiting a call back on Monday, when my Rep returns from holiday. I do not feel at this moment in time that I want to let the matter rest, as it is not the first time she has shouted at me like this, and enough is enough. I am then considering a formal grievance procedure, but will have to see what the Union advise on Monday.


I have heard it on good authority from others that the Head Housekeeper, who is also being made redundant has a reputation for passing on things told to her in confidence to this particular Manager, so I tested her by informing her that I had spoken to the Union. Half an hour after giving her this information, I went to the reception area for a drink of water, where I saw the two of them standing there gossiping. When they saw me they stopped talking and looked very sheepish and guilty. I later informed the same Head Housekeeper that I had asked for these notes and why (namely that I did not trust this Manager an inch). When I asked her for this second copy this morning, she also brought up the fact that felt insulted by this insinuation. The Head Housekeeper was then definitely doing as I suspected and relaying this information on.


She had an interview for another job today at a nearby care facility for disabled adults. What she doesn't know is that I also have an interview with them tomorrow for the same job. Initially I felt a bit guilty about this, as I knew that she had also applied, and that this job would be ideal for her requirements, but after this I do not feel guilty at all, as she has been proven beyond doubt that she is more than capable of stabbing me in the back.


The sooner I can get out of here the better. At least I have nine days off now though in which to mull things over.  

Edited by Talisman
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As of this week, I have begun working on my thesis dissertation. My final term at the university has officially begun. 

My hope is that I will have my Master Degree in Arts/Science in Secondary Education with a specialisation in teaching in the upper-secondary school (or High school) in June. 

5 years at the teaching programme, and one year of reading Philosophy and Creative Writing. 6 years of studying. And I wish I could continue another 2 years or so. I love reading courses. But I won't get any more studen loan after this term. Used up all my 12 terms. 

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As of this week, I have begun working on my thesis dissertation. My final term at the university has officially begun.

My hope is that I will have my Master Degree in Arts/Science in Secondary Education with a specialisation in teaching in the upper-secondary school (or High school) in June.

5 years at the teaching programme, and one year of reading Philosophy and Creative Writing. 6 years of studying. And I wish I could continue another 2 years or so. I love reading courses. But I won't get any more studen loan after this term. Used up all my 12 terms.

I find it amazing that you actually like studying. I love books in general but whenever my school gives me a specific book to read and write a report on and takes exams based on that particular novel, it becomes more like a forced chore to me. I no longer find enjoyment in reading the book. My opinion about a certain character is often different from my teacher's but she refuses to see things from any other perspective :(

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thanks. Do you own or work at a cake shop? :3


No, I'm not sure why you would think that :blush2:. I'm disabled (autism) and getting benefits from the government, I hope I will feel better enough to get a part time job in a while. I just graduated university a few months ago, it was really difficult for me. I live with my parents. 

I have come to the conclusion [...] the better. At least I have nine days off now though in which to mull things over.


Wow.. I hope it will work out for you in the end, it's a difficult situation. I hope you enjoy your time off and that you get the job and that the Union will help you. 

As of this week, I have begun working on my thesis dissertation. My final term at the university has officially begun. 

My hope is that I will have my Master Degree in Arts/Science in Secondary Education with a specialisation in teaching in the upper-secondary school (or High school) in June. 

5 years at the teaching programme, and one year of reading Philosophy and Creative Writing. 6 years of studying. And I wish I could continue another 2 years or so. I love reading courses. But I won't get any more studen loan after this term. Used up all my 12 terms.


Good luck! What will your thesis be about? 

I find it amazing that you actually like studying. I love books in general but whenever my school gives me a specific book to read and write a report on and takes exams based on that particular novel, it becomes more like a forced chore to me. I no longer find enjoyment in reading the book. My opinion about a certain character is often different from my teacher's but she refuses to see things from any other perspective :(


I can understand this, I don't like it either when I'm forced to read something. I did enjoy some of those books (back in secondary school) but not as much as if I'd been free in my choice etc. I liked part of my studying but other parts I really didn't. I studied Chemistry and didn't like being in the lab at all. I liked some of my courses but overall the whole study was very tiring for me. Which study year are you in?

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No, I'm not sure why you would think that :blush2:. I'm disabled (autism) and getting benefits from the government, I hope I will feel better enough to get a part time job in a while. I just graduated university a few months ago, it was really difficult for me. I live with my parents.



Wow.. I hope it will work out for you in the end, it's a difficult situation. I hope you enjoy your time off and that you get the job and that the Union will help you.



Good luck! What will your thesis be about?



I can understand this, I don't like it either when I'm forced to read something. I did enjoy some of those books (back in secondary school) but not as much as if I'd been free in my choice etc. I liked part of my studying but other parts I really didn't. I studied Chemistry and didn't like being in the lab at all. I liked some of my courses but overall the whole study was very tiring for me. Which study year are you in?

I'm actually in the 12th grade. On my way to pass high school. Most of the subjects I study are fundamentally science ( Physics, Chemistry, Math. Ugh. I also have English and my native language, Bangla) I'm not a very bright student. The education system in my country could use some correction. Its so conservative. Memorize and puke them up in the exam hall. We forget what we've studied as soon as the exams are over.

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I'm actually in the 12th grade. On my way to pass high school. Most of the subjects I study are fundamentally science ( Physics, Chemistry, Math. Ugh. I also have English and my native language, Bangla) I'm not a very bright student. The education system in my country could use some correction. Its so conservative. Memorize and puke them up in the exam hall. We forget what we've studied as soon as the exams are over.


That's not nice :(! Your English is pretty good though :).

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I find it amazing that you actually like studying. I love books in general but whenever my school gives me a specific book to read and write a report on and takes exams based on that particular novel, it becomes more like a forced chore to me. I no longer find enjoyment in reading the book. My opinion about a certain character is often different from my teacher's but she refuses to see things from any other perspective :(


I'm actually in the 12th grade. On my way to pass high school. Most of the subjects I study are fundamentally science ( Physics, Chemistry, Math. Ugh. I also have English and my native language, Bangla) I'm not a very bright student. The education system in my country could use some correction. Its so conservative. Memorize and puke them up in the exam hall. We forget what we've studied as soon as the exams are over.


Like Emelee, I adore studying and, if I were financially well off (by which I mean filthy rich!) I'd spend my entire life going through third level education repeatedly to cover all the courses I want to study. As I can't do that, I study free courses online instead on Coursera, which is a site that hosts several-week courses created and hosted by professors from unis around the world.


I can, however, understand the dislike of the memorize and repeat structure - I don't remember anything from school because I don't need to, and I didn't enjoy it - I remember more uni stuff because I actually enjoyed the material, and it was more open to doing what I wanted and thinking how I wanted. Makes a big difference.

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Decided to have the morning out and visited Slimbridge which is one of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust visitor centres.  It as a lovely morning, feeding the swans, ducks, moorhens and my personal favourites, the Canadian geese.  It was a bit cold, but manageable, and we even saw some goldfinches up close at the bird feeders in one of the hides, and a woodpecker too.


Got back this afternoon, and we've now got driving rain and strong winds - already had to go out and stand the wheelie bin back upright as it had blown over!  I've just lit the fire, and now setting in for a cosy session of sewing in front of the wood burner stove. :smile2:

Edited by chesilbeach
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As of this week, I have begun working on my thesis dissertation. My final term at the university has officially begun. 

My hope is that I will have my Master Degree in Arts/Science in Secondary Education with a specialisation in teaching in the upper-secondary school (or High school) in June. 

5 years at the teaching programme, and one year of reading Philosophy and Creative Writing. 6 years of studying. And I wish I could continue another 2 years or so. I love reading courses. But I won't get any more studen loan after this term. Used up all my 12 terms. 

That sounds like a really fun major!  Fun, but a ton of work!  Congrats!

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I find it amazing that you actually like studying. I love books in general but whenever my school gives me a specific book to read and write a report on and takes exams based on that particular novel, it becomes more like a forced chore to me. I no longer find enjoyment in reading the book. My opinion about a certain character is often different from my teacher's but she refuses to see things from any other perspective :(


I know what you mean. It's certainly like that for me too a lot of times. But what I love most about studying is all the free time it provides! It's never 8 hours a day. More like 2-3 hours, twice a week. It's so spoiling. And I am pretty quick doing my homework and studying for exams etc. I have so much free time, and I am absolutely in love with that. 




Good luck! What will your thesis be about?


How teachers can promote reading fiction amongst students. Then I will limit that area a bit more after talking to a teacher on Monday. I will need her advice on some things before I make up my mind about what questions I want to answer in my thesis. But it will be students in upper-secondary school and the Swedish subject. Possibly English as well as students do read English-written fiction as well in school in Sweden. 




That sounds like a really fun major!  Fun, but a ton of work!  Congrats!


Tons, yes. I've written two bachelor theses before. But this will be one step more difficult and more important to get it as perfect as possible. The APA citing system, finding scientific articles about the topic and writing the background. The interviews or observations I will do and writing the results from them will be the easy part. And then when I am fed up with everything about the thesis, I will have to write the discussion and analysis part. By that time, I am sure I want to throw up at the thought of the work. ;)

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thanks man. I just hope my loss of interest is not a permanent thing. 80 books in one year. wow. that's a lot of reading. What kind of books do you like? favorite genre?


It varies a lot but I read about 60% fiction and 40% non fiction. One of the best things about this site is that it has opened me up to loads of books and genres that I wouldn't read otherwise. If I had to pick a favourite genre it would be crime fiction. I'm pretty late coming to the Scandinavian crime genre but so far everything I have read has been great.

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I know what you mean. It's certainly like that for me too a lot of times. But what I love most about studying is all the free time it provides! It's never 8 hours a day. More like 2-3 hours, twice a week. It's so spoiling. And I am pretty quick doing my homework and studying for exams etc. I have so much free time, and I am absolutely in love with that.


When I studied Chemistry we had a lot of lectures and also lab time. Chemistry here is known as one of the studies that has a lot of contact time. The first year we didn't have much spare time at all. In the second and third year there were sometimes days where I'd only have to be at university in the morning or afternoon, but most days were filled with us being at university. Lectures aren't obligatory (the lab is) but I went to nearly all of them and it is recommended to go. Nice to hear though you have a lot of spare time, that sounds nice :).

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