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Frankie reads 2014


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My last day in Joensuu and in this apartment. I'm packing books and I have 16 bags full of them, and I still have a lot to pack but I'm running out of bags. This stopped being funny about an hour ago :D 


Well at least I don't have any time to dwell on things, I'm lucky if I get everything done by the end of today. Joensuu is in mourning, it's raining bucket loads :giggle2: 

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Just a quick post to say that I am now in Espoo and this is my first full day here as a tenant :exc: I have no internet connection because I stupidly took the chords out and when I put them back in, I should've done some other stuff, so am now on Mom's laptop using her internet. I really hope I can get my own connection going today, otherwise I'll be royally upset :D


The move went alright, we were on time and the unloading in Espoo was really quick, we got all stuff in in 45 minutes. Parents are leaving in a few hours and then I will get to some serious cleaning and unpacking, and roommate will be coming after 6 PM.


The bookcase is huge, I managed to get all my books in there :o

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The internet thing was bothering me hugely, because the plugs were behind all of my bags and stuff :D  But I ate lunch and thought let's get moving, relocated said bags and unplugged the thingsies and then tried again, but failed. But then I tried another thingamawhatsie and wohoo, I now have the internetz! :exc: Wohoo! Feeling a whole lot better. 


And I went and got some wine for the night, and I got carded at the shop :exc: I'm liking Espoo, it's either really friendly or it is so rejuvenating it makes me look younger :D Wohoo!!! 

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Oh and I've already met my cousin whom I meet every 4 years or so, and I've met a friend whom I haven't seen in 3 years (he came to help with the unloading), and tonight I'm going to see a friend whom I see about once a year and tomorrow I'm going to see all of my hometown good old friends (except one of them, who has his dance practice, but he lives in Helsinki so I can soon met him anyways), it's been a while since we've all been together. Well hm, maybe we saw each other last summer, but it's still very rare and a great treat!! :smile2: They are making the effort for my benefit and they are all coming to Espoo (usually we'd probably meet in Helsinki because they all live there and I'm the only one living in Espoo), and luckily the one who's coming all the way from our hometown Nurmes is here for the Espoo festival thing (she's looking forward to seeing Conchita Wurst, who just so happens to perform here in this city tomorrow :D) is staying close by so she can join us too. Exciting!!! 

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Oh man what an amazing time already, and the first week isn't even up yet! Have loads of fun Frankie and look forward to hearing all about it!


P.s. When you have a free moment, photo of your newly filled shelf!!!

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And I went and got some wine for the night, and I got carded at the shop :exc:

Don't you just love when that happens?  Here it is 21 and I'm like, Ummm I do not look 20!

I'm glad you are connecting with all your friends!  How far is it to Helsinki?  I assume you take the train... wish we had some trains in the US...

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Yay! So much exciting news. :) You are such a popular gal. I'll try not to be jealous of all the peeps who get to spend time with my Frankie. :P Glad you've got the Internet sorted. Is there any room left in the bookcase for more books? :D

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Just a quick note. Went to see a friend at bar, and have had such a nice time! And I got carded at the bar, that's twice today! :D I told them, holy hell, I've just moved in here and you are carding me, this is the best day ever! And Espoo people are so nice :o :O They really are! 


Am sitting here with friend right now. Saw my roommate an hour ago and talked and talked and talked. Got to see her room with books (they are in boxes so don't know much about her books yet), and showed her mine. She seems so nice and easy going and friendly! :exc: 


I know this is going to be such a great time for me! 


PS: Kylie, I love youuuuu! <3 <3 :smile2: 

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I'm so happy that everything's going so well for you!  It's sounds like you're already having a great time … just waiting for a full report on the library* now! :D


*unless I've missed it, as I've been busy and haven't really been reading everything properly :blush: in which case, sorry, and just point me in the right direction and I'll quietly be on my way  :out: 

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Chesil: no full report of library! At the bar I saw the library across the 'plaza' and friend told me to go in and I said no, I've had a few drinks! :D Never ever going in when drunk. That's sacrilege! :D Must now concentrate on my friend and will sign off. Will report later. Am happpyyyyyyyy! :smile2: 

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Haha .. I've never been in the library after a few drinks either .. who knows what one might come out with? (both as in comments and books! :D) Very wise to wait until you're ... sober :D 

Glad you're settling in well and that Espoo is so friendly .. you'll be comfy and at home in no time xx


Very happy you're happpyyyyyyyy!  :D  :boogie:  :cows:  :yahoo:

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I'm not sure what happened, but when I loaded this topic this morning, when I made my post, some of the other posts on this page weren't there for me. So I'm only reading them now (if my reply seems weird, that's why).


Frankie, I'm very happy that you're getting along well with the people in Espoo and your old friends :).

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Haha .. I've never been in the library after a few drinks either .. who knows what one might come out with? (both as in comments and books! :D) Very wise to wait until you're ... sober :D

Glad you're settling in well and that Espoo is so friendly .. you'll be comfy and at home in no time xx


Very happy you're happpyyyyyyyy! :D :boogie::cows::yahoo:

This is how I picture it would be for me. :giggle2:


I wake up. Copies of mills and boon lie on the bed next to me. I close my eyes and try to piece together what I had borrowed out from the library. I remember browsing the romance section and seeing a copy of 50 shades of grey... i didn't, I couldn't have! I rush around the room as it spins around me, and there I see it, peeking from the library bag... a little black book...



Now no offence to anyone who reads romance! I don't mind a little, but if I ever were to walk out of a library with the above mentioned, I think the staff would think I had went crazy, or was drunk. It be the least of all likely books I would ever borrow out from my local library. :giggle2:

Edited by Devi
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Sounds good- the whole time I was thinking of The Bell Jar and then you mentioned it!  


You're so sweet, Frankie I wish I knew you in person, you have lucky friends!


Funny you should think of The Bell Jar! :D


And thank you for your kind words  :friends3:  I'm just a regular old me and I feel that I'm really the lucky one, having such great friends. The past two years in Joensuu I've been feeling so lonely when all my dearest friends have moved away and they lived so far away. Now almost all of them live within an hour's travel from Espoo, and I know I will see them so much more often now. I've always liked my friends (duh! :lol: ) but in the past few years I've really grown to appreciate them. I am nothing without my friends! 


Good luck lovely  Hope the move goes well xx The time will probably race by for that first month .. so much to do and discover and then you'll be able to see your friend again  

Hope the bouncy rock is helping to motivate  


The time is definitely racing, I don't know where the past few days have gone! Haven't put on much of bouncy rock in Espoo, my roommate has been the one to put the tunes on. Last night when I came home, it was such an odd but great feeling to come home and know that my flatmate was there and then the next thing I know is that she's listening to Nirvana, one of my favorite bands from my teenage years! :wub: And she said she's actually seen them live!! I am so jealous!! (Elle likes rock and heavy music so we're really a flatmate match made in heaven :smile2: Last night she came to my room to say goodnight, she had to go to work early in the morning, I was still on my computer. She started talking about 'Nukkumatti', this Finnish idea of a boy or a man who comes in and sprinkles a little dream dust on people for them to go to sleep soon. She, for some reason, touched her butt while she was talking about him, and I said, yes,

a bit of Nukkumatti in the ass... And we started laughing and I said maybe he needs to be used as some sort of suppository. I can't believe I'm already at that stage with my flatmate, that I can just say whatever and she'll laugh with me!




Arghh I lost my font Watch out for it Sari .. you know how it likes to b*gger up everything 


Uh oh, these are dangerous times my friend... :D But you managed to catch it again! 


Good luck Frankie! It makes sense you got emotional, I would be too in that situation. I hope you get to see all your friends again soon.


Thanks Athena! I know this is the honeymoon period and things will calm down eventually, but I'm just enjoying the ride at the moment, not missing Joensuu one bit :)

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P.s. When you have a free moment, photo of your newly filled shelf!!!


There are loads of things I'd like to take pictures of but I haven't yet located my camera :rolleyes::D The bookcase is still not in order, I have to finish unpacking all my stuff. And then I want to clean the floors... There are some color marks on them and my friend's tried everything on them, but I'd like to still try this one certain thing to see if I could remove the marks... The floor looks a bit horrid. 


Don't you just love when that happens?  Here it is 21 and I'm like, Ummm I do not look 20!

I'm glad you are connecting with all your friends!  How far is it to Helsinki?  I assume you take the train... wish we had some trains in the US...


Over here it's not that great anymore... A year ago they had to card everyone who looked under 25 to them (the legal age is 18 over here, but these days the girls put so much make up on that they can make themselves look a lot older, so that's why they're carding people who look older than 18 but younger than 25). But it changed last year and now they are carding everyone who looks under 30. So I only look two years younger, but I'll take it! :lol: 


Helsinki is only a 14 minute train ride away at most (there are a few different trains, some faster than others). 2 friends are within an easy walking distance from the main train station in Helsinki, but to see some of the others, I'll have to switch trains or take the subway or a tram (if that's the word) or a bus. Oh, there's also one beer tram! :D 


Yay! So much exciting news.  You are such a popular gal. I'll try not to be jealous of all the peeps who get to spend time with my Frankie. Glad you've got the Internet sorted. Is there any room left in the bookcase for more books? 


I wish you'd win the lottery already, missy!! You'd be a very, very welcome guest, you know that  :kissing:


There's a bit of room for more books, yes (and one bookshelf if I don't mind putting some in the livingroom), but I'm thinking about challenging myself this year and not buy any more books :blush: I have so many already! 


Haha .. I've never been in the library after a few drinks either .. who knows what one might come out with? (both as in comments and books!) Very wise to wait until you're ... sober 

Glad you're settling in well and that Espoo is so friendly .. you'll be comfy and at home in no time xx


Very happy you're happpyyyyyyyy!  


Think if one'd go into hysterical giggle mode and had an accident at the library! How very terrible! Sacrilege! :D 


This is how I picture it would be for me.


I wake up. Copies of mills and boon lie on the bed next to me. I close my eyes and try to piece together what I had borrowed out from the library. I remember browsing the romance section and seeing a copy of 50 shades of grey... i didn't, I couldn't have! I rush around the room as it spins around me, and there I see it, peeking from the library bag... a little black book...



Now no offence to anyone who reads romance! I don't mind a little, but if I ever were to walk out of a library with the above mentioned, I think the staff would think I had went crazy, or was drunk. It be the least of all likely books I would ever borrow out from my local library. 


My loans are a mixed bunch so I wouldn't be too worried about that personally. I would be more worried about getting banned for talking too much and giggling and offering my library services to the staff and getting too up close and personal :giggle2::D 

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I'm sitting in the livingroom, taking a break from arranging my things and cleaning my room, and I'm watching Celeb BB, and my eyes are wandering... to the bookcases in the livingroom. Elle's books! Oh man she has so many books I'm interested in :blush::giggle2: She has some psychological/spiritual books I've wanted to read for a while. I'm allowed to borrow her books, so there are no problems there, but I'm just not happy that I'm fancying reading her books because I have too many of my own :D 

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