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Frankie reads 2014


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I suspect she means when you put the shower curtain in the washing machine to put some towels in too, to cushion the impact of the drum... but I could be wrong.  :)


Oh! That would make a lot more sense than the ideas I had :D :D :blush:



Sorry if I've missed it (I'm a bit woolly headed today) but when do you actually move?

It's not been decided yet, but most likely it will be 28.8. (Thursday) or 29.8. (Friday). Two weeks!!

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I suspect she means when you put the shower curtain in the washing machine to put some towels in too, to cushion the impact of the drum... but I could be wrong.  :)


Sorry if I've missed it (I'm a bit woolly headed today) but when do you actually move?


Yup, what she said. :)


Hope you feel better very soon!!

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Awww .. sorry to hear that you're feeling poorly :( .. just what you don't need! Hope you feel much, much,better soon :friends3:   Life has been so hectic for you and I guess will continue to be for a while until you're settled ..  perhaps you need to make sure you take extra vitamins or up your intake of fruit and veg and all that sort of thing. Possibly get a can of spinach .. Popeye swears by it  :D

Looking forward to hearing about your flat mate .. if you give her the green light. She can't be all that bad if she's a reader can she? I wonder how you can find out if she's a snorer in advance? :D 

Be exciting to spend some time in .. what's to be .. your new apartment  :alc:  Wish you were feeling a little better but perhaps that's all the tonic you need. Bound to make you feel good. Yes .. take a few books with you because immediately then it will feel like home :) xxxx Wishing you all the very best my lovely xx New chapter and all that :)  :exc:

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Sending you good vibes frankie on a speedy recovery! :)


I can't wait to hear what you thought of your first visit to your new home.

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Oooh, not too long then.  xx


Not at all! :D Parents have now decided they want to do the move on 28.8 so it's Thursday next week! :exc: I'm so grateful for them helping me! They've been such a great support these days. And I'm having a better relationship with my Mom these days, which is good :) 



I hope you feel better soon, Frankie. The move is happening really soon! I hope you have fun this weekend.



Yup, what she said. 


Hope you feel better very soon!!


Thanks gals! I was feeling ill on Thursday and could only get maybe 5 hours sleep, but I guess all the adrenaline took over because I was okay on Friday and got everything done. I didn't get much sleep the next night either, everything was going around in circles in my head and it was my first night at the flat. But Sat-Sun night I had my revenge and slept very very long :D


Oh and the towel - shower curtain thing... It had slipped my mind that I'd talked about washing the shower curtain on this thread, so that's why I couldn't make any sense of your advise :D 


Awww .. sorry to hear that you're feeling poorly .. just what you don't need! Hope you feel much, much,better soon  Life has been so hectic for you and I guess will continue to be for a while until you're settled ..  perhaps you need to make sure you take extra vitamins or up your intake of fruit and veg and all that sort of thing. Possibly get a can of spinach .. Popeye swears by it 

Looking forward to hearing about your flat mate .. if you give her the green light. She can't be all that bad if she's a reader can she? I wonder how you can find out if she's a snorer in advance?

Be exciting to spend some time in .. what's to be .. your new apartment   Wish you were feeling a little better but perhaps that's all the tonic you need. Bound to make you feel good. Yes .. take a few books with you because immediately then it will feel like home  xxxx Wishing you all the very best my lovely xx New chapter and all that 


I did go and buy vitamins and juices and stuff, and had loads of tea! I'm okay now, although I still feel very tired. It was a hectic weekend! 


I don't know about flatmate's snoring... I should've asked her!! :D You should've come over to witness the interrogation interview process, you could've asked some questions for me... 


Sending you good vibes frankie on a speedy recovery!


I can't wait to hear what you thought of your first visit to your new home.


Thanks Devi! I will report soonly.... :D:exc: As follows!

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My friends and I drove to Espoo on Friday. I think we missed the right exit on our very first go, so I think it started a snowball effect of us missing exits and exiting when it was not needed =D I'd checked a map to see which way to go, but Ta had a navigator and she said no worries, we'll use that one. She was guiding her hubby To (these are not names but codenames I'll use) who was busy looking at the general traffic and cars and therefore didn't know much of what was to be done. It's a foreign country for us all so it was very difficult. I think we ended up using 40 minutes on a 10 minute drive and Ta&To got rather irritated... I tried my best to keep the peace. Talking about the route afterwards, and me going through what we'd seen mentally in my head, the route is so, so easy! Dad's been worried about it, not being accustomed to driving in the south, but he doesn't have to worry, it's so easy! We only take one exit, then drive straight, then change lanes once and go on and on and then one left and one right and that's it! :exc: It could be so much more difficult. But it's so easy I would trust myself to drive the van (if I was an experienced van driver, that is!).


So I saw my flat for the first time on Friday. It seemed a little smaller than in the pics, but I guess that's always the case. I really really liked it, though! :smile2: The livingroom is spacious and the balcony is so huge! My room seems a bit small but it's because there's the bookcase. But I can't do without it, and don't want to do without it, and I'm not expecting to just sit in my room 24/7 =) 


After I got my key and things were settled, a friend came over and then my prospective flatmate, I'll call her Elle, came over and we chatted for about an hour or so. She seemed nice and friendly and bubbly. I think she's easy to get along with, and I think we'll both compromise on things and we can settle things like adults and I don't think we'll have any problems =) I told her I wanted to think things over and sleep on it, and then I called her the next day and said that if she was still interested, I'd be happy to have her as my flatmate :) She came over the next day and we both signed our contracts and my friend's husband and his brother put up a shelf for us and some blinders on the balcony door. There was a lot of hassle! I was dead tired after they all left and just turned on the telly (it's my friends but they don't have space for it in their apartment so it's staying at my flat), which is huge! And then I took a nap on the sofa :) The sofa's been tested now, it does well for taking naps (and one can turn it into a bed for two if needed). 


On Sunday my friend came over with hubby and the kids and they moved out some of their remaining things and I played with the kids, whom I haven't gotten to see much at all because of the distance between us. I'm so happy that I now live a lot closer to them, and I'll be able to see them a lot more! The older one is my Godson :) Very happy and innovative and smart kids!


And then I was to go to Helsinki, to meet Ta&To so we could start our drive back to Joensuu. They didn't want to pick me up from Espoo because it had been so stressful on our way there... :giggle2: So I went to find the station, took a train to Helsinki, and then hopped on a subway to Hakaniemi. The train station is so incredibly close to my flat! It's going to be so easy for me to take the train to Helsinki, and then go anywhere I please. Even take the train to Nurmes to visit my parents. It's like a 5 minute walk!! 


And the shopping mall is so close, it's embarrassing! :D It's like one block and a zebra crossing from my place. And they have everything there. Everything! 


And the neighborhood seems so nice and friendly and quiet. When I was waiting outside to get in, a kid came out and looked at me and said hello when he walked past. Who says people in south don't say hello to their neighbors! Not me (anymore :blush:)! And there's going to be an ice rink quite close by so I can go skating in the winter. 


Although I realized when I was there that I might actually not get any snow next winter. That's south for you. A black winter? Oh boy. That might be really hard for me. But at least it's not as cold as here in the east. 


Oh and my flat is right next to the elevator, so the moving is going to be so easy. We only have to haul the stuff in and to the elevator, send it up and then only a meter or two to my flat! Oh and I have this intercom thingy or what do you call it. Buzzer. If someone wants to see me, they will buzz my apartment from downstairs (outside), and I can then pick up the 'receiver' and ask 'who the hell is it and what the hell do you want' :lol: I've never had one of those! 


And one of my favorite things is that taking the garbage out will be so easy :wub: I only have to take the elevator and go out and walk 10 meters, and go in. And there I have everything I need: misc garbage, paper, cartons, metal (!!), glass (!!!) and biodegradable. So easy!!! Where I live, I have to walk 100 meters to take anything out, and I have to walk half a kilometers if I want to recycle metal and glass (which I do want to do and do do. Hehe I said do do). So easy. 


I just can't get over how nice the apartment is, how easy it was to find a nice flatmate, how everything is so near to me and everything works. I could not have found a nicer flat with such a good rent price and such great location. Awesome!! 

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Oh and I visited the library... But I was very tired from not having slept that much and I had a friend with me who wanted to talk about other things and wasn't interested in the library herself so I only did a quick tour around. It was extraordinary! It didn't look much like a library. It was very spacious, and there were different kinds of shelves. And art work, and all kinds of things. It was very innovative and I couldn't take it all in. So I decided I didn't want to spoil anything by going over the place when I'm not fully myself and alert. I'm looking forward to going in soon and taking it all in :wub: :wub: And they are open every day of the week! :o (Holidays excluding, of course) That was the weirdest for me. Oh boy I can't wait to take my business there :D:wub: 

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Thanks Michelle! :smile2: 


For the first time in maybe two years I can say that I love my life again :wub: I'm so excited! And it's a good thing I love moving, so I'll be happily occupied with cleaning my apartment and taking things out and packing stuff. That'll keep me busy, so I won't just sit on my arse and wish I was in Espoo already :D



Another thing: Elle is a vegan, and when we were talking about us both liking our own space but at the same time liking the idea that we'll have each other's company when we both feel like it, she said we could have dinner together some time and watch TV etc. So I started thinking that maybe she could teach me some great vegan recipes :) And she seems like a really active person, she exercises and studies to become a personal trainer and she does yoga, too, and I'm hoping her virile lifestyle will rub off on me, too :D 

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The place sounds amazing! I want to move there now. :D


I have a vegan friend, and the food she cooks is amazing! My partner isn't keen on it, reckons its not the same without meat. One time we tricked him with this satay tofu chicken, I said I made it, and he ate the lot! Loved it. So we told him it was tofu and not real chicken, and now he is more open to vegan food. :giggle2:

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The place sounds amazing! I want to move there now. :D


I have a vegan friend, and the food she cooks is amazing! My partner isn't keen on it, reckons its not the same without meat. One time we tricked him with this satay tofu chicken, I said I made it, and he ate the lot! Loved it. So we told him it was tofu and not real chicken, and now he is more open to vegan food. :giggle2:


I haven't had a lot of vegan food, and I'm not one to improvise a lot myself, not being very interested in cooking myself. But I think that when it's well done, vegan food can be really really good. Meat does not a dinner make! :D Good job on getting your partner around to experiencing more vegan food :lol: 

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Oh Sari, it all sounds fantastic!  I'm so pleased for you, as it sounds like it's going to be a new chapter in your life, and the future looks bright!


I've been a vegetarian for over 20 years now, so meat and fish are a dim and distant memory for me, but I could never go vegan, as I'd miss my dairy too much, but we do have some vegan dishes we cook (I say we, obviously, I mean my OH as he's the main cook in the house :giggle2:), and I honestly don't miss meat or fish at all.


Hope the move goes well, and can't wait to find out more about your new fabulous library. :)

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Oh Sari, it all sounds fantastic!  I'm so pleased for you, as it sounds like it's going to be a new chapter in your life, and the future looks bright!

Thanks Claire! I have Great Expectations :D 


I've been a vegetarian for over 20 years now, so meat and fish are a dim and distant memory for me, but I could never go vegan, as I'd miss my dairy too much, but we do have some vegan dishes we cook (I say we, obviously, I mean my OH as he's the main cook in the house :giggle2:), and I honestly don't miss meat or fish at all.

Good on you for having found the sort of other half who can cook! :giggle2: I will never go vegan, either, because like you, I want and need my dairy. Life without milk in coffee and cheese?! It's not the sort of life I want to live... :lol:



Hope the move goes well, and can't wait to find out more about your new fabulous library. :)

You'll definitely be hearing more about the library, I'm sure to post loads about it :lol: Maybe I should write a review or two every now and then, so as not to forget what this thread is supposed to be all about :blush:

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Frankie, I'm so glad everything seems to be working out for you :friends3:. Your new place and town sound great and I hope you become good friends with your flatmate. She sounds like an interesting and friendly person :). It's so nice the trip there isn't complicated. The library sounds awesome and it's great you don't have to go far for food or bringing away rubbish. I'm happy for you and I hope you enjoy first the move and then living in your apartment :).

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Thanks Athena :)



I also just realized that I don't actually have to give away any of my books that I had been planning to take to a charityshop or some place. :exc:  My parents will be visiting me some time this week, and they'll take away my crappy bookcase and other unneeded stuff (also old desktop computer), and I think I can also give them all the books I don't feel like hauling to Espoo, so they can take them to my room and stash them there. Awesome!! :exc: It's so handy that they have bought the van :giggle2:

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Thanks Athena :)



I also just realized that I don't actually have to give away any of my books that I had been planning to take to a charityshop or some place. :exc:  My parents will be visiting me some time this week, and they'll take away my crappy bookcase and other unneeded stuff (also old desktop computer), and I think I can also give them all the books I don't feel like hauling to Espoo, so they can take them to my room and stash them there. Awesome!! :exc: It's so handy that they have bought the van :giggle2:

What a relief that is!  I'd hate to give away my books.  Your apartment sounds awesome- I love having a big porch/ deck area in an Apartment/flat.  Gives you one extra place to just chill. 

Edit: Dexter:


ewwwww! But so freaking cool!  BTW- can you tell I just learned how to do spoilers?


Edited by Anna Begins
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Hey Frankie- do you really think that Dexter

doesn't have any feelings about anyone as he claims? It seems like he feels strongly about a lot of things! Or is he just good at hiding his real self and only shows he cares? Ah! lol I'm lovng it though


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Hi Frankie


I'm so excited for you about the move! It all sounds brilliant :) Also excellent news you don't have to dispose of any books!


Thanks Alexi! :) I'm really happy I don't have to give away any of my books. My babies :wub:


What a relief that is!  I'd hate to give away my books.  Your apartment sounds awesome- I love having a big porch/ deck area in an Apartment/flat.  Gives you one extra place to just chill. 

Edit: Dexter:


ewwwww! But so freaking cool!  BTW- can you tell I just learned how to do spoilers?



Haha good job on the spoilers! But what's eww? :D 


Hey Frankie- do you really think that Dexter

doesn't have any feelings about anyone as he claims? It seems like he feels strongly about a lot of things! Or is he just good at hiding his real self and only shows he cares? Ah! lol I'm lovng it though




That's a good question, but one I've never been able to decide for myself. It's really tricky. And it gets trickier in the future when you see more and get to reading the books. I guess it's one of the things that keeps it interesting :smile2: 


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Hectic and tiring :D I'm moving in a week and have to get everything sorted out before that. 


Thankfully parents are coming tomorrow to take away a few pieces of furniture as well as other unneeded stuff and it'll be more spacious around here and I can start packing when there's more room. I do like moving but I think I'm going to be happy when it's all done and I can relax a bit. 

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