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The last film you saw - 2013


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We drove across the Lake today to see Old Boy.  Walked out an hour into it.  Senseless, crazy violence.  Really nasty stuff.  Must have verra strong stomach for it.  We've found out, too late, it's based on some Japanese Manga...really violent.....did I mention that?  /shiver/creepy/hammer into heads violence/

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We drove across the Lake today to see Old Boy.  Walked out an hour into it.  Senseless, crazy violence.  Really nasty stuff.  Must have verra strong stomach for it.  We've found out, too late, it's based on some Japanese Manga...really violent.....did I mention that?  /shiver/creepy/hammer into heads violence/

I thought Oldboy was a good film.

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I took Beth to see Catching Fire, and we both thought it was really good - it stuck pretty close to the book, but also worked really well as a film. Better than The Hunger Games. :)

That's a close one, since Hunger Games was pretty close too.  Anyway, the quality and great translations make me anticipate the next two!

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I took Beth to see Catching Fire, and we both thought it was really good - it stuck pretty close to the book, but also worked really well as a film. Better than The Hunger Games. :)


We saw Catching Fire yesterday, really enjoyed it.  I haven't read the books yet, and am glad to hear the films are so close to the books.  What a cliff hanger ending!  I may have to go and read the third book, just to scratch that itch.  LOL

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I haven't seen Catching Fire yet but I would say the first film didn't quite match up to the book, there was so much in the book that was missed in the film. I would suggest you read the trilogy rather that jump to the third book, which in my opinion wasn't the best.

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I've just watched Homefront and Winona Ryder was also in it.

It wasn't as good as escape plan, but it was better than the counsellor.

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Yeah, I agree, Other people who've seen IM3 Laughed at the

Many robotic suits that appeared after TS house was destoyed

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

or the Disappointment of Poppyshake as I now call it :D 


People have been saying it's a lot better than the first film, well not in my opinion. It is more action packed but this isn't Tolkien's Hobbit .. this is very much Peter Jackson's Hobbit and it was too padded out with stuff he'd dreamt up for me to like it .. plus it looked like an extended Pantene advert :giggle: 


Far too much Legolas (considering he wasn't in the book) .. not nearly enough Bilbo and ridiculous scenes involving Tauriel (who??) and Kili .. give me strength!!  .. Tolkien will be turning in his grave.

I'm probably going to be a lone voice in disliking it .. though Alan didn't like it much either .. but ridiculous dialogue and a heavy reliance on CGI which frequently wasn't subtle enough.

Too many scenes lifted straight from LOTR but not done half so well. The scenes that were from the book were disappointing .. especially those at Beorn's house .. I almost gave up hope at that point. The spiders were excellent and Smaug was also brilliant though Jackson pushed those scenes way too far imo. Also the barrel riding scenes .. which I was sure I would like .. ended up looked ridiculous .. and the water was as unlike water as anything I've ever seen. There was also a hall of fossilised dwarves under the mountain which were shockingly unrealistic (not that I've ever seen a fossilised dwarf :giggle:) and far too many scenes where the action was so speeded up as to make the characters look absurd. 


Martin Freeman is excellent ... I'm just so annoyed that he wasn't given more scenes/dialogue .. it's called The Hobbit fgs!! Not the Kili/Tauriel/Legolas love triangle!! :roll2: 


I must admit .. I'm not good with this sort of fantasy stuff on film .. my eyes are constantly rolling but The Hobbit films are just not a patch on the LOTR films and I thought he took liberties with those as well. 

It was a long 3 hours .. I was bored. If I had edited out the bits I didn't like the whole film would have lasted about half an hour .. maybe three quarters at most  :blush2: 

As I suspected ... they could've made one sensational film .. the rest is all padding .. most of it sentimental twaddle.

Not for lovers of the book but possibly entertaining stuff for everybody else.

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