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The Common Cold ~ what remedies?


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I have developed a stinky rotten cold. :sneeze::(


To combat it I am staying warm, getting to bed early, drinking lots of fluids, eating good and healhy food (with a few naughty bits thrown in from time to time), having hot honey drinks and taking an occasional paracetemol / ibruprofen tablet.


So the question is ; What do you do when you have a cold?


An special remedies? Do's and don'ts?


Come on, help me beat this cold....gimme your cures! :D

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I now swear by echinacea, friends used it for years and I poo poohed it but tried it last year and it (seems) to work a treat, I take the high strength tablets for a couple if days when I feel a cold coming on and the symptoms never amount to much - touch wood!!!


Hope you feel better soon Chrissy x x

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I don't have any advice to add to the list you've provided yourself, Chrissy, but I'd also say rest as much as you can, make OH do all the work, and no stressing over work/studies/housework and that sort of things. I'd also prescribe lots of love :smile2:


I hope you feel better soon :empathy:

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I take high doses of Zinc and Vit C if I feel a cold starting.. I believe there's even some research to say Zinc can help. I like the Sudafed Blocked Nose spray - probably similar to the Vicks one.


I take a dissolvable vit c and zinc every morning, if I'm poorly I'll take an extra one to give me a boost..

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Looking on the internet it is interesting to read all the suggestions out there, it's fascinating stuff to read.


According to one site the two best things to do are to gargle salt water, and to administer a nasal lavage (nasal cavity / sinus rinse) as soon as you feel a cold coming on. The one big thing the site (I think it was a blog) mentioned was how marvellous honey is. My Dad used to keep bees many years ago, so I grew up with honey, and it is my first port of call when I'm feeling rough, so it was great to read that scientists consider it a positive cold buster. :smile:


Echinacea, Vicks Sinex, Zinc and Vit C all seem to make the lists of cold busters - there must be something that makes them popular go-to products!


I am lucky, as I don't often catch cold or go down with the flu. This one caught me off guard! :giggle2: I reckon I am over the worst of it now, but the battle continues.........

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Sorry to hear your poorly Chrissie. Get better soon. :smile:


I've got a few additional remedies which may help. Inhale over a bowl of hot (not boiling water) with either a dollop of Vick, Olbas Oil or some cederwood oil. That helps with the congestion. Also, some people rub Vick on their chests or back but the best place to put Vick is on the soles of the feet and then put some cotton socks on. The heat goes right through the body when you sleep. Hope those help.

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Don't give me sympathy anyone ~ it's only a cold after all! :blush2: I just thought that at this time of year over on this side of the planet we are heading wildly into cold and 'flu season, and a thread on cures, remedies and indulgent soothers was worth having on the forum. :D


The suggestions are great - I went one better than orange juice though as my son had left an unopened giant bottle of clementine juice in my fridge when he went home the other day. This stuff is the posh of the citrus world. :giggle: Olbas Oil I have and always use (forgot to mention it earlier) but I love the sound of the footsie vapour rub! That is going be administered tonight.

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I use SueK's Vicks remedy, although I haven't tried it on the soles of my feet. If your nose is blocked, inhaling Vicks dissolved in hot water is wonderful. The only other thing I sometimes do, is drink cider vinegar with honey, dissolved in hot water. Cider vinegar is supposed to have all sorts of amazing properties. If you are starting to get a sore throat, drinking cider vinegar or gargling with it (diluted) will sometimes stop it in it's tracks.

Big hugs Chrissy, hope you feel better soon :empathy:

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1) Sleep alot. When you think you've slept enough, sleep some more.

2) Shower a lot. Twice a day. Wash away all germs. After each shower; sleep!

3) Stong mint Vicks. Good for nose and naso canal also.

4) Ginger flavored tea with honey

5) Water and more water

6) Lots of garlic in your food

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I now swear by echinacea, friends used it for years and I poo poohed it but tried it last year and it (seems) to work a treat, I take the high strength tablets for a couple if days when I feel a cold coming on and the symptoms never amount to much - touch wood!!!


Hope you feel better soon Chrissy x x


i too take this. my friends a teacher & used to get all the kiddies germs & once started taking this she wasn't constantly picking everything up.


i normally always get a cold or 3 over winter but last yr did well & i do think its because of this. i rave about it.


its a natural product to. its a plant found in north America.

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I have to say, I've pretty much given up on medicating a cold - I'm not really sure that many things actually make much difference. I think as most people have said, plenty of fluids, and although I have no evidence to why we do this, but me and my OH have both always had hot Ribena (a blackcurrant cordial) whenever we've felt a cold coming on, and seems to ease a sore throat too.

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Zinc seems to be backed by research, but not enough to know exact doses etc.. http://www.nhs.uk/news/2012/05may/Pages/Zinc-shortens-common-cold.aspx


And some general info here: http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/coldsandflu/pages/preventionandcure.aspx


I think drinking fluids is just to keep generally hydrated, especially if you have a fever and are sweaty! ;)

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I developed my cold last Thursday, and now the cold has almost gone. I have a tickly dry cough from time to time and still feel 'bunged up', but in the main I am feeling soooooo much brighter and less foggy headed.


Our local supermarket had fruit juices on special offer, and one in particular caught my eye with this cold in mind - Winter Warmer Apple Juice! :D It's apple juice with added juniper, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. You heat it up to drink, and it is soothing and warming. Lovely stuff, almost worth having a cold for.


THANKS for all the great tips people! I am going to keep this thread bookmarked so I can refer to it when I next get a rotten cold. :smile:

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A remedy for sore throat: Icecream. Ice cubes work too, but frankly- who would want icecubes when you could have icecream? Seriously, try this if your throat is sore, the general reasoning behind this idea is that your throat is a bit swollen, and ice will make it feel better for a little while, since the swelling goes down. Also good as remedy for kids, since they usually loose their appetite if they have the flu, but they tend to eat icecream anyway, appetite or no..


For cold and general flu warm drinks are nice, though. Tea, with lemon and honey for example.


Also- whatever your mum used to give you (or do) will make you feel better. :biggrin:

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Bit late for Chrissy but I've heard that that stuff that Vick makes works for some. Not sure what it's called but it's in spray form and you blast it up your nostrils at the first sign of a cold and it kills off the germs before they get a hold, apparently.


I like my own 'cure' which involves warming up some cider and adding cloves and cinnamon. Not sure if it works but it makes me feel better

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Your 'cure' sounds yummy Ophelia.


I may have to give that a try regardless of whether I have a cold or not, as it sounds like the perfect autumn / winter drink. :D It sounds like the naughty version of my apple juice one - I like the naughtey version better I think.

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Glad you're fine Chrissy :friends3:

Thought I'll add my remedies too, as I've spent the last few days nursing my little girl who's got an awful cold - and these are right on the top of my mind.


1. Ginger lemon honey tea

(Grated fresh ginger root boiled in water, strained and stirred with a spoon of honey, and few drops of lemon)

This is my main fluid


2. Steam breathing


3. Any soup with a generous sprinkling of crushed black pepper


4. Lots of sleep


(I also use a chewable homoeopathic immunity-booster)

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