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Hi everyone :)


I'm new here, and was just hoping if anyone could point me towards a fantasy book, or series of books that tell of Elementals for example Air/ Earth/ Fire/ Water. To be honest I'm not interested in anything with a modern setting/ cross overs, so would prefer something in its own setting. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Ever read SoT series?


I mean The Sword of Truth series. I Always forget that not everyone knows what it stands for


If you like fantasy with magic and sorcery, I'm pretty sure you already read the Harry Potter series, but in the case that you haven't I do reccommend it. It provides not only a cute feeling, which starts to welcome you back home every time you start a new book, but also has a very philosophical view to it as well. The Percy Jackson series are also supposed to be good, however I'm not too big of a fan. I hope that helped! Also try the Princess Bride, its considered somewhat a fairy tale classic


I'd like to throw out a bit of a left field suggestion. 'Stone Junction' by Jim Dodge. Its probably a good idea to check out the synopsis before getting a copy to see if its the kind of thing you would like because its not your usual tale of magic and mystery.

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