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Everything posted by Tinatin

  1. Eat Pray Love is simply marvellous. There's no religion in it, at least I didn't find any when I read it, and it really is empowering. When I first read it, I believe I was a bit too young to understand it, since I was only 15 years old, but being 21 now, I see how great that book really is. Trust me, you won't regret it, it has the perfect amount of humour and philosophy in it.
  2. If you like fantasy with magic and sorcery, I'm pretty sure you already read the Harry Potter series, but in the case that you haven't I do reccommend it. It provides not only a cute feeling, which starts to welcome you back home every time you start a new book, but also has a very philosophical view to it as well. The Percy Jackson series are also supposed to be good, however I'm not too big of a fan. I hope that helped! Also try the Princess Bride, its considered somewhat a fairy tale classic
  3. "The Ransom of Red Chief", O'Henry in which two men kidnap a boy of ten. The boy turns out to be so bratty and obnoxious that the desperate men ultimately pay the boy's father $250 to take him back.
  4. I read The Book of Tomorrow, I did not like.
  5. Keiko Kasza has a lot of interesting books for this age.
  6. Keiko Kasza has a lot of interesting books for this age.
  7. I am 13 years old and I love to read books. my last book The Headless Horseman
  8. it is an excellent book
  9. I finished Main Rid "The headless horseman" It's a brilliant book
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