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This Monday we're going to be talking to Kirk Slater about his new book, The Girl Who Wasn't There, a Victorian ghost story. Kirk is a graphic designer who previously launched some very successful Kickstarter projects for custom playing cards. Now he's using that platform to publish his novella, which was inspired by a stage production of The Woman in Black. He'll be telling us a bit more about the book and also his decision to publish in this less traditional way. It's been really interesting talking to him and I think you'll all find this this one interesting too!
For Christmas, my dad's asked for a good book to read and as he's a huge fan of Vincent Price, I've began searching for a book of his films or a biography. Would any other fans be able to recommend the best book they've read on Vincent Price? If there's one that particularly focuses on his work in horror, that'll be great! Thanks for any replies, Ouija x
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Did anyone read this man's amazing book? If you haven't read it yet, please, don't waste any more time and go freaking buy it and READ IT!!!! Josh Malerman was and is the best Suspense/Horror book writer ever! The book is very confusing though, the ending especially, I mean, it's a group of people trying to run away from something, and trying to survive from something, but the thing is.... the author never reveals WHAT it is they are trying to survive from. Please, can someone discuss this issue with me >_<
I'm looking for a teen horror novel that is at least ten years old. It was the first book of a series. Here are the details I remember: - it had a romance plot. The boy was immortal because renewed his youth through some sort of ritual with holding his face over a bowl of steam or fog, and he wanted to share it with the girl so they could be young together forever - I think the boy controlled a fog that would surround people and force them to kill one another. I remember a scene where the town would reenact a chainsaw or axe massacre that had made the area famous or something. The fog came while they were all playacting at murder, and then they started actually murdering each other - I remember a very specific line about "a single blue eyeball" where the boy was confronted by some popular kids (?) and the fog surrounded them in a shack and they started screaming, and all that remained was the eyeball - the sequel, which I remember giving up on, started with the boy and the girl from the first book, who have not aged because they're both now using the ritual. The boy has an interest in a new girl, and the first girl (her name might have been Kim? I'm just remembering that as I type, so I might be completely wrong) starts to get jealous and whiny, and the boy things about how he might need to kill her Please let me know if this sounds familiar, this book has haunted me since the fifth grade Thank you!
Abe 'Sarge' Griffin served in WWII 60 years ago. His squad was responsible for finding more unusual (meaning supernatural) threads. After destroying a polish madman's weird ritual and taking the arcane pieces with them, so he could not try again, they went home, but Abe was never the same again. He has not aged a day, is faster, stronger, tougher then any human ought to be. Being on the verge of killing himself from ennui and loneliness he is visited by the granddaughter of his old squad-mate Paddy. Paddy is old and demented, but Anne, the granddaughter, tells Abe that Paddy has not been himself for days, trying to flee the home crawling, trying to reach Abe any way he can. Abe agrees to come with her to visit Paddy and trying to reassure him, but as it turns out, things are far from fine. The past they left behind in Poland has caught up with Abe and the left-overs of his old squad, and they have to figure out a way to end it, this time for good. I enjoyed this book very much. It's a mixture of superhero action scenes (though Abe is not actually wearing a costume, he displays typical abilities and powers of a classic superhero) and lovecraftian horror, with some military bits thrown in. The Action is varied, engaging and fun. The scenes are described well, so I always had a good sense of what's going on even in more complex tussles. There are monsters, fanatics and people driven crazy. The author managed some pretty disturbing images and scenes, but it never felt like too much, if you know what I mean. It always fitted well within the story and did not seem to be purely for shock value. I liked the characters. Abe tells the story from his perspective, but there are also a bunch of other support characters. Abe, for all his old demons and problems is a pretty sympathetic character and I like his thought process, tough deviance, rough nature and protective instincts, but I also could understand his deep flaws. Anne is a pretty awesome character too, though, understanding and independent, weak only when the action is up. I simply gobbled the book up and am very happy to know there's still one more part out there, because I'm not quite done with this author yet.
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Long time ago, I read Preston and Child's Relic and got addicted. The setting of the book blended perfectly with the horror movie like aura of the story, and I have never thought about a museum in the same way since. As it was the first book that introduced Special Agent Pendergast, he wasn't as overbearing and overly caricatured as in the later books. I have read and own most of the books the duo have produced, as you may have guessed, I am not a fan of "series" books, and I have come to dislike how the need to have Pendergast in every book they write has limited the imagination of this otherwise creative duo. Such "series" books ultimately become dreary, unimaginative litanies of how some superhuman hero survived yet another overly engineered trap by an equally superhuman nemesis. Ok, the content is interesting, but you know from the moment you turn the first page, that Alouysius Pendergast, the scion of an ultra rich and ultra enigmatic family, and an FBI agent to boot, and his numerous wards and proteges will survive to carry on to another book - even if they get walled up in a Tuscan castle. Their non-Pendergast books are mind-blowing. Ice Limit is one such feast for the brain. So are the books written individually by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Are you a fan of Preston and Child? What are your favourites?
Hi I'm a pretty long time member, haven't been on as much lately, usually turn to Goodreads but when I have a special question, I know just where to turn For those who don't know, readers block is when it's hard to read, even when you force yourself, you simply can't retain anything you've just read. I have ADD and I think it's most common for others with ADD. Anyways for passionate readers like myself, this can be like torture. I hear everyone has their own home remedy to cure it, some go back and read their favorite books to help remind them why they fell in love with reading in the first place. What helps me is reading shorter novels.. I actually just read a really good one called "Kill Whitey" by Brian Keene. It was awesome yet only 196 pages lol. By any chance, can anyone recommend some good yet short novels? I love the horror-thriller genre. Some favorite authors of mine are Kevin O'Brien, Tom Piccirrilli, Brian Keene, anything similar would do. thank you
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For October Horror Month 2014, we're reading Horns by Joe Hill. Please post your thoughts on the book here. If you want to talk about spoilers, please use the [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] tags . I've ordered my copy but it hasn't been sent yet, I hope it'll be here next week as I'm eager to start reading.
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October Horror Month 2014 Group Read Poll and Set-Up Discussion
Athena posted a topic in Group Reads
Please vote which book or books you'd be interested in reading for October Horror month. If you have a preference in those you voted for (if you voted for multiple), please post it below. I think we will read one or two books, depending on how the poll and preferences turn out. -
I want to read, but my problem is that I get bored very easily. I like a book that gets to the point and doesn't spend time dwelling over the details in the setting or the colour of a characters flush face. The two series that automatically attracted me and had me hooked in the past were The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd and Cirque Du Freak... Yes both are novels based on vampires, but I don't only read vampire books. I like the mythology, but anything as to the point should do fine. Cirque Du Freak is especially done well due to its thriller/horror elements. Basically, I don't like excruciating detail in a book, half of the reason why I migrated to Comic books, elegantly referred to as Graphic Novels.
Hey I was wondering what has been the scariest book you've ever read? So far, "Hell House" by Richard Matherson has been the scariest book I've ever read and I'm trying to find something as good or better. I like to read books that make you jump when you hear an unexpected noise (like someone knocks on your door while your reading and you scream!)
G.R Yeates is a self-published author of the critically acclaimed Vetala Cycle, a trilogy of vampiric horror novels set in world war one. Q. How would you pitch your books to someone who hasn’t read them yet? It's about vampires in the trenches of World War One - I think that's the most succinct description. Q. What gave you the inspiration for the novels? The initial inspiration would go back years to when I first read Wilfred Owen's Dulce et Decorum est at high school which led to a fascination with World War One. I started working on the series in 2006 and, at the time, decided to challenge myself by taking a classic monster I didn't particularly care for, the vampire, and reinterpreting it into a fresh form. I think it worked out as I have yet to come across a version of the vampire that is very close to what I have done with the Vetala. Q. How long have you been writing for? I've been writing for publication since 2006 and, before that, I was pursuing a musical career for about four years and wrote a lot of lyrics and poetry during that time, all of which have been consigned to the bin. It seems to have served its purpose as a solid apprenticeship for prose though as I regularly hear my writing style described as poetic. Q. You have an academic past in English Literature, how far has this helped you become successful? Only in as much as my love of reading and stories led to my qualification so it's more the other way around really. Being a writer and being a hard-working perfectionist when it comes to the craft has opened a number of doors for me in recent years. Q. You are a self-published author, what made you decide to go it alone? The fairly common experience of being treated appallingly by the traditional publishing industry. I had an agent who did nothing for me for about eighteen months and, by the times I sacked him, ebooks and digital publishing were starting to become big news. I researched about it and decided that long-term it is the smart path to take these days. Q. What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are considering to self-publish? Short answer: do it! Long answer: Work out what you can do for yourself in addition to the writing. All self-published writers have to promote themselves one way and another but also look at your skills and see whether you can do your own covers or your own formatting. Check out free formatting programs such as Sigil and Calibre. Also, join the Kindleboard forums, Goodreads, Librarything and the other venues where you can connect and talk with, as opposed to spamming, potential readers. I would also highly recommend joining the Indie Writers Unite group on Facebook - a lot of knowledge and smart, supportive people dwell therein. Q. The Vetala Cycle novels are set in WW1, how much research did you do? I did about six months before I sat down to write The Eyes of the Dead which was way too much for one book but as the idea for the series took root, it proved to be about right for writing a trilogy. I concentrated my research on personal reminiscences as I wanted to evoke an atmosphere and a sense of time and place to immerse the reader in rather than just churn out dry factual details. Q. Do you read horror books and do you like any other genres? I have been reading a lot of the new horror talent that is surfacing thanks to self-publishing. A few names that I would like to mention being James Everington, Tony Rabig, Autumn Christian and Sean McLachlan as writers to check out. I read science fiction and fantasy extensively before I converted, for want of a better word, to horror in the mid-nineties and I have read a broad mix of the classics such as Shakespeare, Dickens and Wilde. Though I have developed a passion for obscure and weird European literature in recent years by writers like Thomas Blanchard, Bruno Schulz, Tadeusz Borowski and Stefan Grabinski. Q. Would you like to see any of your books as a film or do you think they couldn’t be portrayed the same way on screen? I would like to see them as films, definitely, but the film industry seems to be so stuck in a rut of remakes, sequels and prequels when it comes to horror that I doubt it will happen. I also have never enjoyed script writing unfortunately so that's a task I would gladly handover to someone else, which would probably lead to an adaptation with a happily ever after ending starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Q. So, Hells Teeth is the final instalment of the Vetala Cycle, what can we expect next? It's the final instalment of this cycle. The Vetala Cycle will begin again in 2013 with a trilogy set in World War Two. Before that kicks off though, I will be releasing two novellas and two short story collections before the end of the year. The first novella is The Thing Behind the Door and can be considered a response to Stephen King's Carrie. The second novella is This Darkness Mine which will be a William Burroughs-style nightmare sent in a nameless city - it takes a lot of inspiration from Naked Lunch. Then, the first short story collection will be Night Residue - a series of vignettes, or flash fiction, inspired by nightmares I've had over the years. Lastly, I will be releasing a short story collection heavily influenced by H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos entitled The Black County & Other Forms of Despair. As you can see, I'm keeping busy and fully intend to keep my readers so as well. Thank you to G.R Yeates for agreeing to this interview, to find out more about him please visit his website
I'm basically asking if there is any fiction (probably thriller or science fiction) where a murderer decides based on some kind of vote or poll who he kills, or they can suggest victims etc. I remember seeing a movie where the killer had a website the police could not take down, the first victim was an animal. It doesn't have to be the public making a choice between two victims, fiction where the killer poses a yes or no choice is also an answer (not to the victim, of course). If you know of any fiction with a theme like this, please answer this question! It would be a tremendous help.
Hey, I'm planning on writing a book. Normally I like to write short stories for younger generations when I get an idea in my head. But this time round I'm setting my aims higher, I want to write a full book which I want to base as a sequal to another story that I used to read allot. The genre I have chosen is Horror, so I want to know what people like to see in horrors for my market research. Instead of allot of primary research I wanted to google it. But when the only results were why people like horrors I cannot find what people like to expect in them and what people enjoy reading in them. So I would like your suggestions so I can get allot of data for what I am going to put in my book. Your suggestions would be truly helpful and I will appreciate it allot. thank you JCAWilkes Age 13
I took a chance and ordered the kindle version of Wishbone because someone recommended the book to me on facebook. I have to admit it’s the first book I’ve read in some time that I couldn’t put down. I kept telling myself I would go to bed after the next chapter ended but inevitably I would be compelled to know more and keep reading. The author does a really great job at introducing the characters without over describing every detail. It’s hard to decide who the bad guys are because even the bad guys have heart and you sympathize with them and kind of understand their decisions. The main character (Julien) can be a little over reactive, but who doesn’t know someone like that, and as you get to know him you start to understand why. The author’s style flows well and covers all the important bases but allows for some reader imagination which I like. I hate when authors make the characters so one sided that it feels they are telling you who to love and who to hate. This author lets you decide for yourself. I’m 23 y/o so I was a little put off in the description because the characters are more mature but it didn’t make a difference in my ability to relate to the characters. It’s a thriller with some horror undertones kind of like Stephen King style. Some scary moments that were really creepy but no blood and guts horror. It really made me think about wishes and the trouble I could get myself into. It’s the kind of book I want to go back in a few weeks and read again (kind of like I felt about the movie The Sixth Sense). I hope they make a movie out of this (the authors bio suggests a screen adaption is in the works) cause there are some cool scenes I would really like to see translated to film. To sum it up, it’s a great story. Every time you think you’re heading into the same old clichés the author adds something different to change it up. Highly recommended read. I'll be looking for more works from this author in the future.