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Everything posted by Peacefield

  1. Following you now! Lovely photos, Noll
  2. Hey Noll! I have an Instagram account, and I love it, especially using the app. I don't have very many photos on myself (plus what I do have is kind of boring), but I do like following other people. If you want to find me on there I'm ShameSpiral How do I find and follow you?
  3. I'm not seeing it on opening day either, Noll, but hopefully soon! Besides, the future Mr. Peacefield (aka Aidan Turner) has to be kept waiting at least a few days
  4. Happy belated Bday, Echo! Have a good time at the service, Noll, it sounds very festive . I've been slowly unpacking in the new place all month long and I'm getting closer to being all 'put away,' I can feel it! Then maybe I can think about digging out the holiday decor. Friday is our annual company holiday party and we'll be at the bowling alley this year, which should be interesting. Free food, drinks and gifts sounds fine by me! I'm also hoping to finish writing my Christmas cards this weekend and seeing the movie Lincoln. Have a lovely rest of your week, you guys!
  5. I bought the Moonrise Kingdom DVD over the weekend, Timstar. Lovely little film! Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors by far I watched Anatomy of a Murder the other night (excellent!) and this weekend I'm hoping to see Lincoln. Gotta love Daniel Day Lewis!
  6. Glad to hear you guys made out okay, Muggle, but I'll send all good vibes to your GD! I wish I lived closer so I could volunteer and help those poor folks in the NE. I've gladly donated to the Red Cross though so hopefully it'll help. Happy election day to my fellow members in the US! Remember to vote! I stopped at the polls bright and early this morning to do my part and am happily wearing my 'I voted' sticker for the rest of the day. Now to be worried and on pins and needles the rest of the day/night! Yahoo! I dropped Emma off at the kennel this morning and won't see her again until the 18th. There's just so much going on this week and my mom's already out in CA so Emma wouldn't have had anyone at home with her during the day since I'm at work. I leave on Friday and am so looking forward to it. My mom said it was 90 there yesterday! I'll take it . I hope everyone has a lovely rest of their week.
  7. Congrats, Muggle! I'd be looking forward it too Hey, how'd you guys come out with Sandy? Okay I hope. I think the snuggling up bit is the only part I enjoy about this time of year, Kat. We turn our clocks back this coming Sunday, which means it'll be getting dark really early. For now the weather is still pleasant and sunny, but once the snow sets in I get grumpy fast. What bugs me most is waking up and driving to work in the dark, then driving home in the dark at the end of the day. I need light! Busy weekend for me, as per usual. Dropping mom off at the airport on Saturday, checking out a dog kennel for Emma the Beagle, packing boxes, waiting for the satellite TV guy to come by, getting the phone/internet installed, etc... Sigh. Hope everyone has a great November!
  8. Lots and lots of good luck wishes and vibes are being sent your way, Wordsgood. Have fun next Wednesday, Noll!! Sounds like a blast. I'll be going to a show that night to see a little band from NYC, but I've already said no to a costume and am limiting myself to 2 drinks since I have to work bright and early the next morning, boo!
  9. I'm not sure if these are sold where you live, Bobblybear, but I have a Keurig machine for my coffee. It makes one cup of coffee at a time and you buy these things called K-Cups, which are disposable single servings of coffee. As far as I know they also have cups for hot chocolate and tea as well. I LOVE mine, though - can't say enough good things about it! I tried looking it up at Amazon.uk and it only listed one major kind, otherwise there are the Bosch brands. Good luck . http://www.amazon.co...51112299&sr=8-1
  10. I saw 'Argo' on Saturday. VERY good! Loved it and highly recommend .
  11. I'm very sorry to hear about your great-uncle, Laura . I'll be thinking of you and your family. Good luck with all of your tests, Wordsgood - I hope they figure it out swiftly for you! Have fun on your long weekend, Noll! I've often seen 'Merlin' in my Netflix queue but haven't tried it yet. I think I might have to do that Mom and I toured quite a few places this weekend, hunting for a home for us, and finally found one! I submitted all the paperwork yesterday so fingers crossed we'll be approved by the end of this week. If all goes well we can start moving in at the end of the month! This weekend we'll be making one last trip up to the cabin before winter, and next week my sister is coming back to town to help us pack, pack and oh yes, pack. I hope everyone has a lovely rest of their week .
  12. I'm getting caught up on a bunch of episodes of Ghost Hunters. Love these guys!
  13. I made a quick run to Half Price Books the other day and picked up Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella and yesterday I was surprised with a gift of Land of the Burnt Thigh by Edith Eudora Kohl. I read the latter earlier this year and absolutely loved it so my friend's mom gave me my own copy .
  14. Hello, everyone! I returned from my road trip on Saturday, and was off work yesterday and today to attend my step-father's memorial service and interment. It was very lovely and so many family and friends came to pay tribute. I'm working tomorrow and then will be heading up to the cabin with my mom and sister to start closing it up for the winter. I hope everyone has been well, and I'll post photos from my trip soon .
  15. Just a beautiful and adorable cake, Pickle! Well done I'm so excited for you, Chrissy! I hope you and your brother have loads of fun. Is he in the UK for a visit or will he be moving back? It's so great that you all will be able to spend time together after all of these years.
  16. You have the right attitude, LauraLoves, so good for you! Good luck with all your busy-ness at work, Noll. I know you will do fab and come out on the other side looking and feeling as sparkly as ever! I'm officially jealous, Muggle. Maine is SO beautiful and I can't wait to see your pictures! A few years ago when I took a road trip through New England we spent quite a bit of time near Acadia National Park and the drive from there to New Hampshire was almost the best drive I've ever been on, especially since we were there in the autumn. Thank you all again for all of your good thoughts, prayers and vibes. My step-father was discharged today from the hospital and he and my Mom are flying back home tomorrow afternoon. His daughters, who went to be with them soon after he entered the hospital, left today and drove my Mom's car back for them. I hope everyone has a nice weekend! I'll be getting ready for my travels on Wed and doing some last minute shopping.
  17. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. You always come through! They finally took the ventilator off this afternoon and mom called to say he was breathing on his own! He was foggy and his throat hurt, but otherwise he smiled and asked if he could come back to MN tomorrow Mom said the next 24 hrs are critical so he'll stay in the CCU until he's stable and able to move. They need to drive home from Michigan which will take quite a long time so they need to make sure he's well enough. Thank you again, so much. We appreciate it and I'll keep you posted on how things progress.
  18. That looks like a lovely piece of property, Muggle . I've only been to PA once, and that was an overnight lay-over in Philly, but I loved it. I received some sad news from my mom - she's a couple of states away at a reunion and her husband (my step-father) had a heart attack. He's 81 and had to have a breathing tube put in. They plan on taking it out this morning to see how he does so it's very touch and go right now. If he doesn't do well when they take it out, my mom said they don't plan on putting it back in . His daughters are there too and they are all on the same page. Please keep him and my mom in your thoughts everyone. Mom's supposed to call me later today with an update.
  19. How sad! Thanks for posting the details, Paula. I had no idea he had heart issues. He will be missed, that's for sure. (null)
  20. I finished Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness and am now just a few chapters into The House of Velvet and Glass by Katherine Howe. This one being set in Boston, Mass, just after the Titanic sank. I came home with two books from Half Price Books on Thursday - Generation Dead by Daniel Waters and City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I'm finally going to try that series! I heard they are planning on a movie of the latter and since my future husband Mr. Aidan Turner is in it, I thought it was my duty to read the book first I leave for my Laura Ingalls Wilder trip in a couple of weeks, so I'm trying to finish those books as well. I think for now I may just read a biography on her written by Donald Zochert as well as more background on the family lineage so I'm ultra-prepared before I show up at her former home/museum . Then I'll continue her set of children's books after I return. I will try my hardest to post a review of the Deborah Harkness book soon.
  21. Chrissy, what a lovely last few days of vacation you've had! That aquarium looks amazing - I will most definitely have to visit it one day. How sad that it's September already. The summer went by in record speed and even though autumn is my favorite season, it never seems to last long either and I dread which season comes next... I'm off work today since it's Labor Day (a national holiday here in the US) so it's certainly nice to have the extra-long weekend. It's seen as more of a BBQ, final hurrah holiday since school officially starts here for many tomorrow. I leave for So. Cal. one week from Wednesday already! Can't wait . I hope everyone has a great week ahead of them!
  22. I would say I'm a combination of many of these categories as well. First and foremost I'd probably say I'm a Hopelessly Devoted reader, since I'm always on the lookout for new book news on my favorite authors. I'll read something even though it might not get good reviews, simply because I'm a fan of the author and their other works. I'm also a bit of an Easily Influenced reader, which I think goes hand in hand with being a Sharer. I love other people sharing books/authors with me and I love introducing others to books that I have loved. It's very satisfying! Count me in as a Re-Reader and that's pretty much me, in a nutshell. If I love a book the first time I will always re-read it down the road.
  23. Beautiful flowering shrubs, Muggle! I would love to look out my window at those every day I had a nice weekend and a fun day yesterday in Pepin, Wisconsin. We visited the homestead of Charles and Caroline Ingalls and where Laura Ingalls was born. They had a replica log cabin on the spot and even though a lot of the trees were cleared out (she was born in 'the big woods'), it was still very lovely to stand on the actual spot that she and her family lived. All in all a nice prelude to my road trip next month . I have an appt with an ortho doctor on Wed to check on my left hand/wrist. I'm having carpal tunnel surgery on it later this year but in the meantime I'm considering getting an injection to help ease the discomfort. Hopefully the needle won't be too big! I hope everyone has a great rest of their week!
  24. I'm sorry to hear of your recent split, Laura. I can definitely relate Sounds like an excellent vacation, Sofia! I take off for sunny southern California in 20 days and I'm super excited! Can't wait to see all my sibs, 2 of the 3 of them I've not seen for 2 years. I'll get to see all but one of my nieces and nephews too, so that'll be great, plus it's just a lot of fun being in that area of the country. I'd never want to live there myself, but man it's great to visit! Tomorrow is my last day at my 2nd job, and wow, what a relief. I need to find something better, so hopefully I'll get into something that's just the right fit. Sunday I'm driving south and over to Wisconsin for a wee sight-seeing trip. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
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