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Everything posted by karen.d

  1. yes, but can i make a new one for 2018 already?
  2. I'm still interested in joining in, just need to write my TBR list! Where can I post it?
  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll pick one of the 'Marple' books first!
  4. Yes, I've noticed that too! I signed up to use LibraryThing, but have no idea how it works.
  5. I'm very excited about the final tonight. I hope Joe wins. Who are you hoping to win?
  6. Great! Will definitely be participating as this weekend will be a holiday where I am.
  7. ye, I would be interested in participating!
  8. Not sure if it's the correct place to post this question, but I watched 'Murder on the Orient Express' this week and really enjoyed it, it made me want to read some Agatha Christie. So which Agatha Christie books would you suggest I read first? I've only read one of hers, can't remember the name of it, but it was neither a 'Marple' nor a 'Poirot'. Looking forward to hearing your suggestions
  9. I am currently reading book five of 'The Dark Tower' series and I absolutely love it. I think so far, my favourite books within 'The Dark Tower' are 'Drawing of the Three' and 'Wizard and Glass', but I love the way that each book has a different feel to it. Most of the time I don't like it when authors mix genres, but I think the way in which this series combines, sci-fi, adventure and westerns together works very well. After reading the first novel, I wasn't sure whether this was a series I would continue, but I'm so glad that I didn't, because this just gets better and better.
  10. So is there a plan to do a read-a-thon in the first few days of Jan? If so, I'd be happy to participate! Also, would it be possible to include one read that all of us participating in the read-a-thon, could read together, or not?
  11. I enjoyed reading 'I am Legend' by Richard Matheson. It's a psychological take on the vampire genre.
  12. Wow! That's impressive! Here's my progress: Friday: I didn't manage to read anything Saturday: 'The Drawing of the Three'- Stephen King 7% Read Sunday:'The Drawing of the Three'-Stephen King 22% Monday: 'The Drawing of the Three'- Stephen King 25% Total percentage Read: 54% I don't know many pages I read, but I'm quite pleased that I read over half of the book during the weekend. I'm really enjoying this book!
  13. Here's my progress so far: Friday I didn't read anything Saturday 'The Drawing of the Three'- Stephen King 7% read(I don't know where I got 20% the other day!) Sunday 'The Drawing of the Three'-Stephen King 25% read Total percentage read 32% I don't really know what that means for pages read. As I missed Friday completely, I'm going to do an extra day of the read-a-thon tomorrow.
  14. So far, I'm really enjoying 'The Drawing of the Three'. It has a much different atmosphere about it and it is much more exciting. It has changed my mind about this series.
  15. My reading progress is slow. I didn't read anything yesterday, but today so far, I've read about 20/30% of 'The Drawing of the Three' by Stephen King. i'd really like to finish this, this weekend.
  16. Last night I went to the cinema to watch 'Spiderman:Homecoming'. I was nervous about going to see another reboot of the 'Spiderman' series, but I really enjoyed this.
  17. I'm happy to join in with this month's read-a-thon! I did participate in last month's, but forgot to post my stats on here
  18. You're right, this really starts the story. I'm enjoying this much more than 'The Gunslinger' so far, the writing is much more of what I would expect Stephen King to create. It kind of almost makes me wish that King hadn't bothered with the first book and condensed the majority of it into 'The Drawing Of The Three' , if that would be at all possible.
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