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Everything posted by Hayley

  1. Well that's comforting Will we have a weekly goal for this? I think Cymbeline has 5 acts in total, which is annoyingly uneven, but acts 2 and 4 only have four scenes each. What if we did: Week one: Act 1 Week 2: Act 2 Week 3: Act 3 Week 4: Act 4 and 5? Then we will be finished by the end of August
  2. Should this be Raymond? (I can change it if you want). I read Raymond Chandler as part of my university course and I think it kind of ruined the experience for me. I was trying to read it too quickly alongside other things and I get it mixed up in my mind with Chester Himes. I feel like I should go back to it though because I love a good mystery! I don't think the Philip Marlowe series needs to be read in order, does it? Absolutely agree. I don't think that's as successful in every novel, but it was particularly well done in Whispers Underground!
  3. Oh no, Virginia!! Make sure you take good care of yourself. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest. My sister just had it and she swore Berocca made her feel a lot better (probably because it helped the tiredness a bit). I hope the symptoms pass for you and your family soon!
  4. This sounds like a really intriguing concept. I would be worried that, given the theme, the stories might end up feeling quite unsatisfying though? After all, we generally don't know beforehand whether the criminal will 'get away with it' or not when we start a story!
  5. That sounds like a good one. I chose The Masque of Anarchy as my A-level English poem (we were allowed to research and choose any poem we wanted, which was great) and it was the first I'd heard of the Peterloo Massacre. I was shocked even then that it seemed to have been largely forgotten about (or, at least, was little discussed). It's quite disturbing how easily such a horrific even can be swept under the carpet!
  6. Thank you! This definitely sounds like one to try (although I'm slightly apprehensive about the texture combination of watermelon and feta - I trust your taste )
  7. Thank you Anna! Actually, it would be really useful if you could ask your friend what she thinks would have helped her to navigate the site (if she doesn't mind!). Would a sort of beginners guide, with pictures and instructions on where to post first, help? Or maybe a video showing exactly where to click and what to do first on the forum?
  8. Air conditioning They're really uncommon here in houses. Generally they're seen to be a bit of a waste of energy, since it's not warm enough to use them for the vast majority of the year. I did a quick search because your question made me wonder and it came up at around £2000 for one unit. I understand you also have an added (mesh?) layer against your windows, to stop insects from coming in during summer? Only because I was talking to group of women from America at a conference a few years ago and they were horrified that the windows in their accommodation just let wasps in! Absolutely makes sense when I thought about it. We've had periodic bursts of quite heavy rain today, it was lovely
  9. I’ve never tried this but I do love watermelon! Actually I bought one yesterday… what else did you add to your salad?
  10. 38 degrees here today and I’m joyfully watching the temperature come back down slowly!
  11. It is very hot here and I've spent, in total, an entire hour sitting at my laptop waiting for very late people to join meetings!! But I have the afternoon off, so I'm going to sit in front of a fan now and not move for a while. Don't forget to drink plenty of water everyone!
  12. Well now I'm both adding The Leopard to my reading list and desperate to go to Sicily!
  13. I knew Shelley wouldn't let us down with the ultra-Gothic . I'm really enjoying The Old Curiosity Shop so far. I know it's going to be very sad but the characters are typically brilliant (in the very Dickensian over-the-top way). He really outdid himself with the names in this one too...
  14. Amongst Our Weapons by Ben Aaronovitch 4.5/5 After feeling slightly underwhelmed by the previous book in the series, I was so pleased to find that this one regained it's magic! The mystery at the heart of this one was really intriguing, steeped in history and even expanded our knowledge of some people/organisations from previous books. There were large sections I didn't want to stop reading because I had to find out what was going on! The whole plot felt a lot more immersive and believable (well, you know, for a fantasy), than the previous book. The only criticism I'd have is a massive spoiler, so only for those who've finished the book... But still, I can't wait for the next one Tehanu (Earthsea Cycle 4) by Ursula Le Guin 5/5 This is such an amazing fantasy series. I was very happy to see the return of a character I loved in a previous book, though not in a way that I expected. In fact, I think this whole book is about challenging our expectations of the fantasy/adventure story. It's a story about power and what that really means - how it can be used and lost, twisted and abused. Not just magical power, but also the power of words and the power of choice. It's more complex than that, even, but I won't go on about it . Without giving anything away, this one isn't about a powerful wizard doing great magical things, it focuses on a new character who is largely rejected from society. The result is equally engaging but more contemplative than other books. I think this might also be the best feminist novel I've ever read, without being at all the kind of thing that would usually be referred to as feminist. I'm now reading The Old Curiosity Shop, which I've avoided reading in full for years because I know it has a notorious very-sad-part... but I really felt like reading Dickens. I could be mildly traumatised for my next review!
  15. Oooh, I'm going to look out for this! I'm currently reading The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens
  16. Hayley

    Hello, All.

    I think that makes them even better! What an interesting thing! Although I have to agree with Madeline, they do look quite creepy. Imagine coming across them at night without expecting it! (Also, is it just me or does the tallest central head look a bit like Sir Ian McKellen!?)
  17. I'd be up for either of these too. I actually don't mind which but I've never read Cymbeline, so I'll put a vote in for that!
  18. Hayley

    Hello, All.

    I did not know that about your profile picture timebug!! I would also like more information/ pictures if you have them . As you now have ten posts you can access the Writer’s Corner . It’s been quiet for a while but we have plans for it…
  19. Hayley

    C S

    The quote sounds vaguely familiar to me but I can't think of where I saw it either. I haven't actually read any of C.S Lewis' non-fiction in full, which makes me think I've probably seen it in relation to another author - maybe George MacDonald. I'll let you know if I find it!
  20. Hayley

    Hello, All.

    Hi, welcome to the forum! We have members of a broad age range and very varied reading tastes, so I'm sure you will find people with similar tastes .
  21. What a haul! Yum. The blackberries aren't ready here yet but I'm looking forward to getting some! I've only seen recording of their live performances but they always look incredible - so powerful and full of energy. The effort that must go in to all of the staging and props too! Do you have a favourite performance of the ones you've been to? This sounds idyllic. Ignoring the very long train journey it does, anyway I'm glad it didn't ruin the day for you! I had a couple of work things I was meant to be doing to today rescheduled so, instead of getting jobs in the house done (as I really should have) I sat and read all of Tehanu by Ursula Le Guin. I did feel a bit guilty but, honestly, it was great. I'm going to stare at my physical tbr for a while now and decide what to read next!
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