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Everything posted by Gingerbreadman

  1. Thats brilliant pickle! They're really good aswell Nolliag
  2. @bunnybooks I would usally draw straight from the book. It's hard to draw from imagination because it would be harder to know where you went wrong. @Chrissy No I haven't seen any of his books but I'll probley google him.
  3. I don't wacth amine so I don't have a clue who the are but they're still brill I also lost one of my drawing copys ;( I had 60 pagee filled up with drawings. I have a book called Myrhical Monsters, Monsters and Villians and Dragons.(they're made by the same person and they're not a book book but more of a Bestiry)
  4. You should add more pics bunnybooks I had to post this separate because I could post ant more pics :/
  5. Thats great bunnybooks Here's one I did on my iPod using a paint app Here's some I drew when I was like 12(They're kinda hard to see)
  6. Cool I'll post my drawings later
  7. Son of Neptune is the second installment to The Heroes Of Olympus series by Rick Riodan. Here is a sneak peak http://cdn3.dolimg.com/explore/PMPages/Printable/Son_of_Neptune_preview.pdf
  8. Its ok I'll re post it There was a young girl from Rabat, who had triplets, Nat, Pat and Tat; It was fun in the breeding, But hell in the feeding, When she found she had no tit for Tat.
  9. Limericks are five lined poems like this You can see that the first,second a last line ryme with each other and the third and fourth line rhyme with each other. Their not really like "Beutifull" like other poems. Their more fun. You post your own Limericks here
  10. Probably because I don't understand it. But Limericks on the other hand...
  11. Yep Wexford is the best . Did you know that Eoin Colfer is from Wexford
  12. Palace of the Damned - Darren Shan The Spook's Destiny- Joseph Delany Son of Neptune- Rick Riodan(did I spell that rigth?) New Skulduggery Pleasent book- Derek Landy
  13. I know most of you can write but can you draw? Would you be able to illustrate a book? Post your drawings here
  14. I have 2 dogs Tazz is a 11 year old black labadour Pipin is a 4 year old German Pointer(I think) she's bullies Tazz. So we had to get separate runs Got about 10 fish Got a gentle snake called Bruce. He's a king python.Not shore how old he is. Ringo my bird we just got him in Janarary And my Cat Felix
  15. All of Darren Shans books= 25(not counting city of snake) The Spooks series(or The Last Aprrentice)= 9(counting 2 companion books) and getting 8th one for my bday(in a week) Percy Jackson= 5 Heroes of Oylimpus= 1 The Kane Chronicals= 1(Getting 2nd for bday) All the Skulduggery Pleasent = 6 or 7? Goosebumps= 22 And a lot of others(prob about 225-30) I'm only 13 I'm meant 25-30
  16. First horror was Demon Thief by Darren Shan at age 10 First fantasy book was Cirque Du Freak by Darren Shan at age 10 Would Skulduggery Pleasent count as a Sci Fi? If it does first Sci Fi book at age ten
  17. Probably one of the youngest I'm 13 (14 in June the 14th)
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