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Posts posted by Sakura

  1. They aren't ment as cuddly lap bunnies, and they don't behave as such. They prefer each others company to that of humans. Which is just as well, since I work all day and cannot be a bunny substitute for them.


    Hadron is a bit afraid of us. He's always had a careful personality, and sadly his castration did not work out so well and I had to force feed him for a few days. He hasn't quite forgotten that yet.

    Dasha is very forceful, and will let herself be pet, but if she's had enough she'll just take your hand in her snout and kinda thow it away (it's acctually pretty cute).


    They are housebroken, though that's not really something you have to teach bunnies.

  2. Dogs are cute, but I'm cured from wanting to have any. Training a dog would be too much for me.


    But, I have two bunnies. They keep each other occupied, but are equally cute and adorable.

    Currently they share a cage in my kitchen, but in a few month we'll have our own flat, and they'll have a whole balcony to themselves. :)


    Hadron, the shy one



    Dasha, the alpha- girl




  3. We did not read a lot of English books in school.

    I remember we read Macbeth, which I still love, but we had to get a two-language version, since the teacher assumed the English would be to hard for us.

    Actually, I understood the English well, but the German translation never made a lick of sense. :P


    Also, we did the Body a few years earlier, but I found it deadly boring and way too easy. Which should tell you a lot coming from someone who rarely got a better grade than 4.

  4. I only read on the bus/train to and from work. But it's a 90 minute commute one way, so I get in about one book a week, less if I feel sleepy in the morning. ;)


    I tried how much books I can read in a day once, when I was younger, and did not actually had to be anywhere (school holidays). I managed 3, but it's not really something I feel I'd need to retry.

  5. I love Gaiman. Especially American Gods, Neverwhere and Anansi Boys are right up my alley. Coraline and Stardust are pretty good too, and even spawned two very decent films.


    The Graveyard book I found kinda forgettable, really.


    I just ordered The Ocean at the End of the Lane. It sounded a bit darker than his usual stuff, but I'm looking forward to it.


    I've got one volume of Sandmand, and got through the eComics quite a bit farther. But sadly at some point my PC broke down and I lost my space about half-way through it all. I've never been able to get into it again afterwards. The whole thing is just so massive, and I didn't want to start from the beginning. I also don't like the artwork at all. But then, I usually can't stand anything but the modern age of comic.

  6. I pretty much only read English originals, even though I live in Germany. Now, most German bookstores do have a small section for English books, but those are usually just pretty mainstream stuff, and easily 50% more expensive than buying online.

    I still supported one local bookstore I liked for some time, and would get most of my stuff there, but they keep making the English section smaller all the time. Also, prices of English books I ordered to be delivered would suddenly go up from what I was quoted. And that wasn't just when they had to be delivered from America or Britain, taking 6-8 week. Sometimes I'd get a book I ordered the day before and found they wanted more money, "since the dollar rate changed".


    So I'm pretty much done with that bullshit and just order from Amazon. I pay less, get my books faster, and only pay what I'm quoted when I order. It's full win for me. :D

  7. Neil Gaiman is a good suggestion, but I already read pretty much all of his novels. :)

    Jasper Fforde I tried. I read The Eyre Affair, but I never got into the rest. Not sure why, it should be up my alley, but it kinda doesn't click for me.


    The rest sound pretty good. I believe I'll have to make a big order now. ;)




  8. I wasn't aware Lackey also did modern fiction. I know I own something from her that's more high fantasy. I have to keep an eye out for them. Sadly the first books are so old I can't get them easily anymore.


    Is the whole Elemental Masters Series modern fiction, or just some of them? I read some synopsizes for the books, and some mention the early 20th century or Victorian times as setting.

  9. Hi guys.

    I badly need some more reading material. I'll be having a lot of free time on my hand soon, and need to gear up. :P

    I'm very much into modern fantasy right now, but I'm not sure that is the right term. What I mean is fantasy set in a world pretty much like our modern day world, with the addition of magic and/or some other supernatural elements, like mystical creatures, gods or the like. What I don't like are romance driven books and pretty much anything with a lot of focus on vampires.


    Examples that I enjoyed include:

    Dresden Files,

    Anita Blake (before it became a porn-filled daily-soap),

    Rivers of London Series,

    American Gods,

    most of Scarlett Thomas stuff


    Any and all recommendations are very much appreciated. :)

  10. I red the first 3 and I like them a lot. I love modern fantasy and the style of writing is very fun, even though the themes are kinda dark. But I prefer that. It's better than going too far into the grim dark. That's kinda what turned me of Dresden Files.

    I also very much enjoy all the little geeky references Peter likes to throw around. You don't get that often in mainstream books.

  11. Hi everyone.


    I'm a 26 year old bibliomaniac from Germany. I only read English books, so an English book forum seems to be the obvious choice.

    I mainly read fantasy, like Pratchett, Gaiman, Brust or Asprin but I also like a good detectiv novel, some English classics and I recently got interested in reading Marvel comics.

    Right now I'm reading the Dresden Files, to get up to date till we start the Dresden Files RPG.

    When you can pry me from my books you can find me bakeing or cooking, playing computer games (DDO anyone?), bass or P&P RPGs (D&D 4.0 or Rogue Trader) or painting miniatures.

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