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Posts posted by Sakura

  1. I really do not have enough room for them I had 2 billy shelves with upper extension, but then my boyfriend moved in and he needed some room too, so now I have exactly one billy shelf for all my books. Not enough room by far, so a lot of them are on a big pile in the bedroom mixed in with the SUB.


    That what I have on actual shelves is ordered first by series (about 80% of my reads are serial), author then genre. They tend to get a bit mixed up all the time though, when I need to fit in one more book in a series in the remaining space.

  2. I have quite a few cookbooks, but I don't get to use them much since my bf moved in. He abhors cooking anything after a recipe, since he can pretty much create anything from his knowledge. Therefore I let him reign the kitchen most of the time.


    I've focused my collection on Japanese cuisine, though I also have a few books about other Asian countries, as well as American cuisine.

  3. I never have favorite anythings. I have terrible memory, so I probably won't be able to recall the plot of a book I read 3 month ago, if I can even remember the name.

    I have a lot of books I loved, but I'm never able to maintain any kind of order of liking, if you know what I mean. If 3 books where great I couldn't tell you which one was best. I liked them all, why force a ranking?


    But I certainly have favorite genres, that's easy. I love low and urban fantasy, English crime fiction, the kind where it's about the relationships and social background that lead to the crimes, not the ones with a lot of blood and danger. Sci-Fi, when it also explores new societies and relationships among different beings., Sometimes I enjoy books about people with certain mental illnesses.

  4. I finished Magic Bites yesterday night.

    The beginning was a bit rough around the edges, and the cover art made me doubt a good choice, but I found myself enjoying it despite of that. The dialogs get certainly better, though I still find Kate a bit undefined and the romance part seemed to be entirely pointless. But I'll certainly try to get the rest of the series in sometimes.


    Today I started on Cursed and got in 3 chapters. I love it already.


    Thanks to bookworm for both of the tips. :)

  5. I've just finished Hammered, and already ordered the next 3 books in the series. Good stuff.


    I also got started on Magic Bites. Not sure what to make of it yet, but the premise seems new, at least.


    And I'm reading a few pages of Ocean at the End of the Lane here and there. It seems a suspenseful scene, but I'm having a hard time getting back into it.

  6. There is really not a lot of selection around my town. I usually buy that Mayersche, which is a big chain store. At least they have a few English titles there.

    There's also an independent shop, but I'm not too found of them anymore, since they added a big book club section to the store and also always expended on their selection of expensive pens and decor articles, effectively shrinking the space they have for actual books.

    I also often frequent a station bookstore which happens to be on my way to work. They do have quite a few English books too, as well as a nice selection of fantasy novels.


    But mostly I buy at Amazon, since I can get all my original English titles there for about half of what I have to play in B&M stores.

  7. I've taken a break from The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I admit, I did not expect it to be a children's book, not after the blurb I read. It's still a well-written children's book, but not at all what I was in the mood for. Also, pretty short, masked well by the heavy pages and big font.


    If started on Hammered now. A much better background read for the gamescom last weekend. It also wins simply due to the short dialog wherein the druid explains to a vampire that Neil Gaiman is awesome. ;)

  8. There seem to be so many awards for every possible niche, that they are pretty much pointless again. I don't really know any awards by name, so I have no idea what kind of jury they have, what criteria they use for the awards, and I don't really care to investigate that every time I just want to read a book.

    I mean, I could give out awards for the most awesome fiction novel ever written, and it would be worth less than the paper it's printed on.

  9. Another option might be the title.


    I'm usually only interested in the covers when browsing.

    German publishers tend to translate the titles badly, so that you often end up with something painfully generic. There are also a lot of books with the same or very similar titles. I don't know if that can be the case in English speaking countries, too,  but I've only really noticed it in Germany yet. The blurb is also often very generic and short.


    So, covers often convey the content of a book better than blurb or title could. The strange thing is, when I buy the English original after having been swayed by the German cover,  the English cover usually would not have gotten me interested at all. Some examples of that are the Favia de Luce books or the Monstrumologist.


    But most of my books I find through recommendations of friends or book forums.

  10. I used to own a lot of books. I had a manga collection of 3000, as well as about at least 1000 of regular books. But when I moved out of my mothers flat I sold or gave away most of it, since I didn't have the room anymore. Then my boyfriend moved in with me, and I gave away a lot more of my books since we have a lot of doubles, and he needed some room for his books too.

    Right now I guess I have about 200 books again.

  11. I guess most of my books average around 400 pages, though I rarely check explicitly.

    I don't mind thick books at all, but they tend to pose a logistical problem since I take my current book with me where ever I go, and my small backpack can only hold so much.


    I wouldn't say thick books are necessary more difficult to read, but the plot can be more complex and obviously there tend to be more characters and facts that need to be remembered, which can be a problem for me. Especially with character names. After a few hundred pages I just forget who this person was and why I should care in the first place.

  12. Actually, I make the divide between YA and children's books at the point where the author can have a plot that's interesting and involved enough for most adults to enjoy.

    Which is why I read quite a bit YA. Some authors are just more creative and whimsical when they write for young adults.

  13. What bothers me about children's books is often the easified plot. Easier language is usually not so bad, if the author can write well.

    Do you know Skulduggery Pleasant? That's a good example of what I mean. I liked the style of writing, but found the plot flat, simple and uninspired.

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