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Everything posted by Skírnir

  1. Welcome! And as a fellow fantasy-lover, I'm curious - have you ever read the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin? I saw the author was at least not on your list so, if not, I recommend you read it!
  2. It depends on the book, the time and place and the language as well. Took me a big part of last night and this morning to finish only a 200 pages' book because it's written in Danish. I've also read it before and I'm not particularly interested in it. I "ran" through all of Twilight in very short time however, a very easy-read, and I was sitting in front of the television with loads of people around me the whole time as well... I think I read fastest in Icelandic though, of course. Even though there's maybe not that big of a difference between Icelandic and English for me.
  3. Yeah, a friend of mine downloaded these episodes from the internet and she liked it so much that she made me watch them all! And I loved them. I've only seen the first series, I hear there's a second one being aired on television in the US now, right? Excited to see the next episodes at least.
  4. The same here really, only then I don't have anyone to be frustrated at! It happens rarely with me though, last time it worked to pick up my huge geology book from school and read about all the different type of stones an-ZzzZZzzz.....
  5. The thing that really annoys me more than anything is not being able to sleep when I'm about to collapse of fatigue. I'm usually not mean or snappy but on certain occasions, say, school trips e.g. where people stay up the whole night (not drinking or anything of the sort, we're not allowed to anyway), simply staying in the bedchambers making noise... It's completely fine until 2-3 o'clock but when it's 5 o'clock and the idiots are jumping over your mattress, I could just scream... Same goes for when my idiot brother plays his Drum&Bass "music" (as he likes to call it) at 3 am in the night when I have an exam the next day or something... I might add that the latter is old annoyance, I got moved to the huge garage a few months back and I can't hear a peep out of the other family members - the walls happen to be too thick!
  6. My sister is travelling out of town right now and she called me earlier with a random request - "Can you google the lava on Lyngdalshei
  7. "Fire roared through the bifurcated city of Ankh-Morpork." Terry Pratchett - The Colour of Magic. Ahh, it was about time I tried one of his books. Though I really should be devoting all my time to my studies because I have a lot of exams ahead of me... but who can stay away from fiction for full 22 days? Anyway...
  8. I have seen both the Twilight films and I must say, I'm definitely not impressed. I'm the opposite actually. Although I'm a fan of Robert Pattinson, I'm not so fond of the 16-year-old who plays Jacob and I don't think Kirsten (Kristen?) is right for the Bella's part. The films are rather shallow, some of the scenes were really awkward - especially in the second film. I don't know what your experience with the film was but I went to see it in the cinema and I can honestly say that the whole audience laughed at the awkward at the end of the movie. In my opinion, the films are not nearly as good as the books but I must however go to see every one of those - preferably at the cinema. I have a thing for seeing films that are written by books I have read - whether it is to judge the whole script or to enjoy the show. Edit: I wanted to add that I do love the actress who plays Alice in the film! She's so right for the part, but I don't think Jasper's character is the same as in the books with his actor. He's also my absolute favourite in the books so I was really disappointed:( And don't get me wrong either - I think the trailer looks all right and I'm always sort of looking forward to see how the films turn out.
  9. For me, it varies. I've heard a lot of well-known titles and famous authors and if that's the case, I'm willing to try the book no matter what the cover looks like and it doesn't matter whether the book has a synopsis on the back or not. I do judge a book by it's author if I've read anything by the person before - of course - but if the author is completely new to me, I judge by the story line or recommendations. If it's something I see on a shelf and I have never heard of, I must admit - the cover attracts me.
  10. Thanks again everybody for the warm welcomes!
  11. They have Grey's Anatomy on TV here tonight. I haven't decided if I'll watch it or not - the series are becoming pretty worn out...
  12. Dan Brown, I think. I don't DISLIKE any of his works but I recall reading Angels and Demons - and absolutely loving it. I read the DaVinci Code after that, and then I read Angels and Demons again some time after that. When the Lost Symbol came out last christmas, I bought it right away but meh... it was really nothing special. It is as if he's writing his novels by a recipe, they're all too alike. Even though tLS was an ok-read, then still... I don't think I'll read his next book, if there is one.
  13. Oh my, I've never known about Folio Society before and now I almost wish I never had - they're too beautiful! Is it true you have to be a member to buy those? Do they send abroad?
  14. Hmm, I at least know one man who appreciates her books. He is my history teacher and often quotes her as well as using scenes from her novels to represent class division when we're discussing aristocracy. I was personally talking to him today about Oscar Wilde and he mentioned Austen as being "second to none" when it comes to writing in beautiful English. He's tall, over 40 years old with a beard. Also looks pretty manly to me.
  15. Hmm, I just wanted to say that the Subtle Knife was the best in my opinion. Did you really like the ending of the last book? I love the trilogy in itself but I had all too many complaints about that ending...
  16. Hahahah - a nice way to put it! I might try it anyway, and see if the "dipping" is as uninteresting as it sounds.
  17. Sorry, I meant to spell it "Freyr" before - not Frey. But no, they are not the same. Freyr is male and Freyja is female, they are siblings and son of Nj
  18. Thank you. Did you know it's the name of Frey's messenger in Nordic mythology? And to all others who have commented here, I thank you the warm welcomes!
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