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Karsa Orlong

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Posts posted by Karsa Orlong

  1. Apart from the Dalek episode, I'm loving it too. I think Matt and Karen are great (but then I ended up hating Tennant, so that's no surprise!). Thought this week's was cracking.


    I thought the bit where The Doctor came back and spoke to Amy in the forest - when he told her to remember what he said to her 7-year-old self - seemed a bit odd at the time, as if it had been filmed differently for a specific reason. Searching around, there seem to be a couple of theories about it: when The Doctor went off with River he had lost his jacket to the Angels, but when he came back to talk to Amy he had the jacket on (I watched the scene again and it is indeed the case), then we see him with River again and no jacket. Could just have been a continuity error, I suppose, but the way it was shot made it seem more important. Something to do with the crack, perhaps? Him coming back from 26/06/2010 to help her perhaps? And isn't 26/06/2010 going to be the date of the last episode of this season? Intriguing!

  2. I should have looked for this thread before posting in the 'what are you watching' thread :D;)


    So who's going to make the Stanley Cup Finals this year? I was convinced the Caps would push the Penguins in the East, but that's out the window now. I would've loved to see Ovechkin go up against Crosby again. Really hoping Chicago make a go of it in the West - they're exciting to watch.


    The Habs/Pens game 2 is on ESPN America in about an hour, and then the Wings/Sharks game 2 is on at midnight (UK time) - and no work tomorrow so I can stay up :D

  3. Are you a fan of NHL hockey, Karsa? I love watching it, although my pathetic hometeam didn't make it into the playoffs this year :D.

    Yes I am ;)


    I got into the sport during the Winter Olympics some time in the early 90s, and I subscribe to ESPN America so I can watch it. Have only ever been to a handful of games, though.


    Who's your team? I'm still gobsmacked that the Caps are out, I thought they'd do well this year :D

  4. The Blair Witch Project - Possibly the most overhyped horror film of all time. "Oh, it's so scary - I could hardly watch." "Oh, it's all true, you know - those students really did disappear while making that film!" "Oh, the film makers were cursed after making it and they all died shortly afterwards in bizarre accidents!". It was utter tosh. It was badly filmed (and gave me a headache!) and not remotely scary. The only thing that was handled remarkably well was the marketing! It certainly got people talking, and I know many people will disagree with me, but I thought it was a dreadfully dull film.

    Yes, that would be my choice too. What an absolute waste of time it was. The strange thing was, for me, if I had caught it late night on tv without knowing anything about it I probably would have found it quite unsettling, so the hype worked against it in that regard. Still, fair play to the people who made it - it was probably the first example of the internet being used to create hype in that way, and it worked for them.



    I'm not sure I agree with the earlier posts about Avatar. For me the comments are the wrong way around - I didn't think it was poorly made at all. As a 3-D cinematic experience, it was unlike anything I'd seen before, and even on blu-ray in 2-D it is still stunning. What lets it down for me is the story, which is just a re-hash of many that have gone before (Ferngully, Dances With Wolves etc etc) and there are some really stupid gaps in its logic which make it fairly laughable as a result. But then you kind of expect that from James Cameron, and it's still much better than most other blockbusters. Just about every Michael Bay film, for a start :D

  5. Mentioning Seth Green (when he was Oz in Buffy) reminds me I used to fancy Alyson Hannigan as Willow. She was a redhead, wore dungarees and turned out to be gay. That just made her hotter as far as I was concerned :)

  6. I finished Joe Haldeman's The Forever War at about 1:30 this morning. Thought it was fantastic.


    Haven't quite decided what to read next. It's between Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination and George RR Martin's A Feast For Crows. I'll probably go with the latter so that I can put that series to bed until the next one comes out.

  7. Yay, a reply :D


    So anyway, I was reminded of the series several times last year and I finally started reading Gardens of the Moon a few weeks ago. But I found it difficult to get into. I don't like to be spoon fed, but Erikson seems to go to the other extreme (doesn't help that I like to read fast, but with this there was so much going on all at once I had to slow down considerably). I certainly wasn't swimming, but I wasn't quite sinking either. More like wading neck-deep through molasses.

    Yes, and I think that's what puts a lot of people off. Funny thing is, I didn't find it that way (although there was probably a lot of frowning going on when I first read it!), perhaps because I'd read a lot of comments about it and was expecting it to be far worse. I think - and this is just a personal opinion - that maybe it's best not to try and understand everything the first time around. It was only when I read the following books that things started to become clear, particularly stuff like the warrens and how they work/what they are. I re-read it a few months ago, having only just finished Dust of Dreams, and raced through it. It was almost like reading a different book, with all the knowledge I had gained since.


    GoTM was written several years before the rest of the series. He had an awful job trying to get it published and ended up coming to the UK to get it done. As a result there are some stylistic differences between it and the rest of the series, and there are some ideas he puts forward in it that have never been mentioned again. It doesn't make it any less of a book, but forewarned is forearmed etc etc.


    My first foray into the series was when I found House of Chains in a charity shop many years ago. I bought it and read most of it even though I knew it was several books into a series. I remember something about a horse called Havok, blood oil(?), wooden swords that were actually quite epic

    Good memory! So you've met my namesake, then :) Havok, the blood oil, the wooden sword etc all belong to Karsa Orlong :D As it goes, if you were to dive into the series halfway through, House of Chains isn't quite so bad, because the first 300 pages or so are all about Karsa and his history, and it doesn't tie into the ongoing story until after that point. Once it gets him up to the 'present', though, it links in with Deadhouse Gates so I'd imagine it can be a bit bewildering.


    However, your post has reminded me that actually its the kind of series I usually enjoy. So I will try again. I'm not sure when though, as I have about 10 books here with bookmarks in, and a stupid amount on my TBR list *blushes*.

    My work here is done :D


    *hand you a glass of (insert preferred beverage here)*

    This is a great post! If I hadn't already heard of the series I'd definitely try it after reading this. As it is you've got me picking GotM back up to give it another go :D

    Thanks - for the drink (I needed it!) and the kind words. And if you feel like coming back to this thread and discussing GoTM when you get around to reading it, please do! :)

  8. This is the first thread I've started on here - I feel like I'm dangling my foot over a vast abyss ... :motz:


    Anyway, bear with me, cos this is going to take some explaining, and there's nothing like beginning with an author whose work, I know, divides readers :motz:


    Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of The Fallen is a sequence of ten novels set in a fantasy world created by himself and his friend, Ian Cameron Esslemont, and sees the Malazan Empire waging campaigns on three very different continents. The world, its various races, gods and history etc were all created as part of a role-playing game in the early 80s, and the pair subsequently developed a film script based on it, which Erikson later turned into the first novel of his series, Gardens of The Moon. Here's Amazon's blurb for it:


    Bled dry by interminable warfare, infighting and bloody confrontations with Lord Anomander Rake and his Tiste Andii, the vast, sprawling Malazan empire simmers with discontent. Even its imperial legions yearn for some respite. For Sergeant Whiskeyjack and his Bridgeburners and for Tattersail, sole surviving sorceress of the Second Legion, the aftermath of the siege of Pale should have been a time to mourn the dead. But Darujhistan, last of the Free Cities of Genabackis, still holds out - and Empress Lasseen's ambition knows no bounds. However, it seems the empire is not alone in this great game. Sinister forces gather as the gods themselves prepare to play their hand ... Conceived and written on an epic scale, Gardens of the Moon is a breathtaking achievement - a novel in which grand design, a dark and complex mythology, wild and wayward magic and a host of enduring characters combine with thrilling, powerful storytelling to resounding effect. Acclaimed by writers, critics and readers alike, here is the opening chapter in what has been hailed a landmark of epic fantasy: the awesome 'The Malazan Book of the Fallen'.
    The Malazan world is a very complex one. For me at least, the sense of place, and of witnessing only a small part of its vast history, lends the writing a depth and richness that I have rarely encountered in other fantasy works. There are no orcs, dwarves, elves or any other recognisable genre standards (apart from dragons - and even they have a different slant to them). Each race is new and unique, and their enemies and allegiances have grown over thousands of years. He tells his story from the viewpoint of the grunts, the lowly soldiers whose futures are being decided by leaders thousands of leagues away. There is sorcery, but it is portrayed in a manner unlike any other I have read. Oh, and there are gods and ascendants, all of whom have their own agendas and don't mind interfering and manipulating when it suits their needs. There are three major storylines, each of which is dealt with separately over the course of the first five novels before being brought together in the sixth.


    Here's the crunch: Erikson's middle name might as well be 'Marmite' because I don't believe there's any middle-ground to be found - you either love him or hate him. He does not hand anything to the reader on a plate. Gardens of The Moon throws you right into the centre of things, with everything already in motion, and asks you to either sink or swim. He hints at huge, earth-shattering events, which everyone seems to know about except you. He tosses out throwaway comments which only become important five, six, seven books down the line. I have found that this series benefits from re-reading like no other. In fact, there are so many revelatory "oh that's what that was all about" moments that at least one re-read is almost essential.


    As he says in his brilliant preface to Gardens of The Moon:


    "I quickly discovered that 'back story' was going to be a problem no matter how far back I went. And I realised that, unless I spoon-fed my potential readers (something I refused to do, having railed often enough at writers of fantasy epics treating us readers as if we were idiots), unless I 'simplified', unless I slipped down the well-worn tracks of what's gone before, I was going to leave readers floundering [...] Better, I think, to offer readers a quick decision on this series - right there in the first third of the first novel, than to tease them on for five or six books before they turn away in disgust, disinterest or whatever."


    Personally, I'm really glad he went the way he did.


    These are the novels, in order:


    Gardens of The Moon

    Deadhouse Gates

    Memories of Ice

    House of Chains

    Midnight Tides

    The Bonehunters

    Reaper's Gale

    Toll The Hounds

    Dust of Dreams

    The Crippled God (to be released 2010)


    Anyway, forgive my waffling - these books hold a special place for me. I realise I'll probably be talking to myself, but hopefully there are some other fans here, or maybe this thread will spark some interest from people who haven't heard of/considered these books before.


    I should probably also mention that Erikson's cohort, Ian C Esslemont, is writing his own interlinked series - Malazan Empire - and that Erikson has published four novellas set in the same world, and has signed up to write two further trilogies.


    For anyone interested, you can read the beginning of Gardens of The Moon here:




    And now that I've driven myself mad over this post for over an hour I think I need to go and lie down :P

  9. 6/10 is way too low. Can't think what else this person reads to give it a 6/10. They have obviously never read any really bad books.

    A friend of mine recently tried to read Wolf Hall and gave up after 90 pages. On talking to him about it he echoed almost exactly what the review above says.


    Unperturbed, I dived into it a couple of days ago and am currently about 320 pages in - and I think it's utterly brilliant. I feared the worst after my friend gave his views but nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps there is an element of reverse psychology going on. I certainly wish he'd given it more of a chance but, in the end, it just comes down to differing tastes. I think Mantel's writing style flows wonderfully, and it's carried me along to the point where only the need for sleep has stopped me from reading all night. The 'he' business mentioned in the review has not really jumped out at me at all.

  10. Magician, The Day of the Triffids, Ender's Game, Game of Thrones [just ordered], Dune, HGTTG).

    These all rank among my favourite books. I read Triffids years ago and thought it was excellent. If you can, seek out Wyndham's The Kraken Wakes as well. When I was about 12 my teacher decided to read a passage from it and it scared me witless. I read it for myself a few years later. Great stuff.


    Magician, Ender's Game, Dune - all classics, particularly the latter two. I recently re-read Dune, about 30 years after I first read it, and it hasn't aged at all.


    A Game of Thrones - the beginning of, imo, one of the best fantasy series written to date. Must start a thread about it at some point ...


    I just bought The Stars My Destination yesterday, so looking forward to that. Would also be interested in opinion of Hyperion, as I've read a couple of Dan Simmons' books and enjoyed them (most recently The Terror).


    Enjoy! :irked:

  11. Great choices Karsa! At least, I think they are, because I also have the SF Masterworks editions of Cities in Flight and Stars My Destination, but I haven't read them yet. :irked:


    I have read I am Legend though, which I really enjoyed. I read an ebook version though, so I'll be on the lookout for a nice SF edition. I really love that series. It seems you can't go wrong with them.

    Yeah, I've yet to get one from the series which I haven't enjoyed. And far be it from me to judge a book by its cover, but they do look rather nice together on the shelf :D

  12. Last night I read the first hundred pages or so of Wolf Hall. So far, utterly brilliant.


    Today I have been sucked in by Waterstones' 3-for-2 deal on some of the SF Masterworks series, so I bought Cities In Flight by James Blish, The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester and I Am Legend by Richard Matheson which - to my eternal shame - I have never read. And I had some money left on a gift card so only paid

  13. The Painted Man by Peter V Brett


    I loved that book! Can't wait for the next.

    I noticed the hardback version of The Desert Spear has just come out. I'm looking forward to it, too, but I'm going to wait for the paperback :lol:



    I suppose I should do my usual bit and recommend Steven Erikson and George RR Martin. I avoided them in my first post 'cos I'll start sounding like a scratched record. But I ... just ... can't ... seem ... to stop myself :friends0:

  14. Magician by Raymond E. Feist is a good read on its own. There is a whole series using the same characters/setting if you like it.

    Yes, if the OP likes David Eddings then Feist is a good way to go :friends0:




    The Painted Man by Peter V Brett

    The 'Memory, Sorrow & Thorn' series by Tad Williams, starting with The Dragonbone Chair

    The Robin Hobb books mentioned by nicholbb

    Eon: Rise of The Dragoneye by Alison Goodman

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