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Posts posted by StephenKingman

  1. Not really, i would much prefer that someone else who may like a book that i disliked get the chance to read it rather than throwing it in a bin. Most of the books i dont want anymore either get passed on to friends, sold on eBay or handed in to the local second hand shop.


    Having said that, i have thrown tonnes and tonnes of magazines away in the bin when im done with them because its hard to hold on to magazines the same way as books-they have a much shorter shelf life. I have a press which holds 3 drawers of old magazines that i want to hold onto but most of them go straight in the bin...

  2. I'll just have to leave reading it long enough for me to forget the spoiler, I guess - some time ago I read a scathing review of Neil Gaiman's American Gods which revealed the ending so I'm deferring that until I can't remember the revelations anymore :lurker:.


    Yeah try and push all that spoilery info out of your mind with more books and hopefully by the time you return you wont even know who Stephen King is!!


    I do hate that when people blurt out endings or plot twists even when its by accident, it ruins your enjoyment of a book. Nothing wrong with a difference of opinion but revealing the ending is out of order. I know someone who has to read the last page of a book FIRST before she reads it proper "just to satisfy my curiosity"-madness!

  3. I've been watching, and loving it.. but I find it hard to chat about and discuss, for some reason. I'm pretty much just letting it all happen, and not thinking too deep.


    Carlton and Damon have already said that they won't be answering every question, as they think some things should be left for discussion at the end.


    Here's one thing though.. most people seem to be saying that in the 'alternate timeline' when the bomb never went off, the island is under water, and that means that MiB did escape - so therefore why does everyone seem to be living a generally better life?


    However, I think that the island being under water may mean that they were BOTH trapped, and the battle or game between them stopped.. the losties have therefore not been touched by Jacob, and their lives have followed their original paths.


    Mind you, those sideways lives may not really matter, as they are apparently going to come together in the near future.


    Yes. i suspect the sideways timeline is their for a reason and no doubt has something to do with the timeline that the show will ultimately finish with, a clash between past present and future as it were. There will be many unanswered questions i agree but that is designed to get you to rewatch the previous seasons for clues that you may have missed or events which had no significance at the time but explain a lot after The End. In fact i would go so far as to say that Lost will be one of the most rewatched shows ever.


    And hopefully the negative doubters that have been moaning for YEARS that the show is made up as it goes along will be proved well and truly wrong after the ending...:lurker:


    Just 6 episodes left and the next one is about Desmond....

  4. We were talking about endings at my last Creative Writing meeting, and someone spoiled the end of The Dark Tower series for me *not amused*!


    OUCH! Thats not good, especially when you consider how much effort and time has been put into the entire series. I feel for you.:lurker:

  5. Many people here are members of book clubs or else participate in online and real life book club discussions so what would your ideal book club setting be if you had to be the host in your home, what would your preferred genre be, would you provide many snacks, what time of day etc? Visualize your most preferred conditions and describe it.


    Personally, i would like a nice warm comfy room with a few (soft) drinks and snacks and a good chat about horror or thriller books with about 5 or 6 people so everyone gets a chance to air their opinion. And to break the flow from horror, i would like to read a mixture of other books from classic to non fiction.


    Over to you...:lurker:

  6. I LOVE ghost stories. I agree - there aren't enough haunted house books around at the moment. Which is perhaps why I find myself in the current process of writing one :lurker:


    Hey, the best of luck with that, there needs to be more haunted house books out there and i hope you do well with your venture.:D



    @ Rawr


    Hang on, let me get some coffee to read your incredibly looooong post-kidding! I found your experiences very interesting and i am also very open minded about the afterlife and the supernatural. You have to sift through 99.99% of the lies, secret agendas and hoaxes to see some genuine evidence of the paranormal but some events are very hard to explain away.


    Haunted house books are historically very tricky to write-you want to draw in the reader with a tale about a big old house (or even hotel or small cottage) but you need to avoid the cliche of the rattling chains or screams in the night and you also need to be careful about revealing too much; some images are best left to the imagination. It takes great skill but the few authors who have managed to nail the haunted house tale are imo King for The Shining and Shirley Jackson for The Haunting. There may be other hidden gems around that i have yet to read though!

  7. I LOVE ghost stories. I agree - there aren't enough haunted house books around at the moment. Which is perhaps why I find myself in the current process of writing one :lurker:


    Hey, the best of luck with that, there needs to be more haunted house books out there and i hope you do well with your venture.:lol:



    I like to go on about such musings sometimes so it is very excessive but I hope there is some points of interest for people to think about :D


    Hang on, let me get some coffee to read your incredibly looooong post-kidding! I found your experiences very interesting and i am also very open minded about the afterlife and the supernatural. You have to sift through 99.99% of the lies, secret agendas and hoaxes to see some genuine evidence of the paranormal but some events are very hard to explain away.


    Haunted house books are historically very tricky to write-you want to draw in the reader with a tale about a big old house (or even hotel or small cottage) but you need to avoid the cliche of the rattling chains or screams in the night and you also need to be careful about revealing too much; some images are best left to the imagination. It takes great skill but the few authors who have managed to nail the haunted house tale are imo King for The Shining and Shirley Jackson for The Haunting. There may be other hidden gems around that i have yet to read though!

  8. Sooo......does anyone here still watch the final season or what???


    There are only 6 episodes left until the end, and last nights episode gave a few more answers. A war is brewing, good versus evil and all that jazz and in a few weeks we will hopefully have all the answers we want.


    I still love it anyway :lurker:

  9. Not so fast SKM, it's an long weekend, I think we'd all love to be told a long story. :lurker:


    Lol, well sorry for late reply but basically i was trying to serve up one of my trademark aces in my local tennis club with a few workmates and lo and behold my boss finishes his soccer match nearby and decides to watch me for a few mins. Well i get so self conscious that i mess up the ace and hit most of the shots into the net, all the while he is laughing his head off!!!


    Oh well at least you cant be fired for bad tennis i guess :D

  10. Im a 54 yr old former construction millionaire who has lost his arm in an accident, divorced his wife and relocated to a beautiful stretch of beach in Florida known as Duma Key where i get the sinister and uncontrollable urge to paint sunsets, abandoned boats with dark histories or serial killers. And most of my paintings have this strange habit of coming true....

  11. I do tend to expect no errors when reading a book so if i come across a grammar or spelling error im a bit annoyed. Obviously not enough to raise my blood pressure or anything, but still- proof reading should be taken seriously.


    If a book was riddled with errors i would simply stop reading it as its not my job to scan novels for errors, someone else should have done that.:lol:

  12. Yes, i found it a real struggle to finish Hearts in Atlantis, and i was thinking about the end less than a quarter of the way into the book which is never a good thing. In my opinion, since his accident in 1999, the pace of his books since has been noticeably slower. Sometimes in a bad way, as in the laborious From a Buick 8, and other times its not so bad, as in Cell or Duma Key-these books are slow but there is lots of character development so its not that noticeable. Then of course Under The Dome proved that King has still got it, despite the weak ending.


    Hes a real mixed bag of tricks...:D

  13. Feel like I should be sitting here with a torch under my chin.


    And thanks for bringing The Haunting of Hill House to my attention, yet another addition to my list!


    Ha no problem its a fantastic book and in my opinion the best Haunted House book ever written, and the film does it great justice. Just avoid the 1999 remake by director Jan de Bont and starring Owen Wilson and Liam Neeson like the plague, its a disaster of excessive CGI effects and a poor script.:smile2:

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