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Posts posted by vinay87

  1. I feel most collectors abhor the idea of giving a library book back. :roll:



    I like ownership though, possession. They're mine. My precious! :)


    Does Pabloses like its precious? It does, does it? But pray is Pabloses possessive too? Maybe it'll play me a riddle, precious. Silly little humies like to play their riddles. But only if it doesn't cheat... yesss? preciousss?

  2. Is noise allowed? The TV or the children?

    Noise doesn't bother me I completely zone out, sometimes I even listen to Classical music whilst reading but never music with lyrics.


    Thank you for changing my style of reading!!!!!

    I read that and decided to try it. I get really distracted when listening to my usual selection of heavy metal and hard rock songs while reading, but I can't read in complete silence either. So I thought I'd give classical music a try.



    Not only do I enjoy the music now but I also read better!!!!


    Thanks again!

  3. Hmmmm, might have to take issue with you on that one vinay. The Robin Buss translation is superb (that is the Penguin Classic and has around 1,200 pages). The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation recommends this version too:)





    That's what Nollaig was talking about I think... I'll be sure to buy it as The Count is nearing my love for Les Mis right about now. :(



    I'm excited to hear your final review when you finish this one :D The movie is one of my favorites and I've debated whether or not to read the book for some time (but decided not to because I love the movie so much and don't want to stain that love if the book doesn't match up.)


    I'll be sure to review it. I can already tell you that it'll be the totally biased review of Dumas's newest fan(atic) though.

  4. I have the Book of Merlyn as a separate book. Both are in pretty bad condition though, I got them used. I haven't ever seen the books in a first hand condition anywhere.


    Funnily enough, I only picked up the books because a review for GRR Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire says his writing is highly similar to TH White's. Even the storyline apparently. I haven't read past the second part of TOAFK so I am still confused to where the similarities lie.

  5. @ Vinay & Kell: Back in uni, I read the Oxford edition of Malory's works, which I would not recommend as the spelling poses a major barrier - I had to look at the text for days on end to start understanding what was going on. The one I saw in a bookshop and have wanted ever since is this here edition of Le Morte D'Arthur, which keeps the original syntax but modernises spelling throughout (most modernised editions tinker with syntax also), thus giving a version which is as close as it can be to the original without being untintellegible. It's not cheap but I think it worth the investment, as the story itself is definitely worth reading.



    haha I hate old English spelling. Rather I hate that I can't read it comfortably. Which explains why my copy of the Canterbury Tales lies unread.

  6. I've been thinking of hunting this one down as well - I've always been a fan of the Arthurian legends, so to go back and read the originals (or as near to the originals as we have) would be great! If you track down a copy, let me know - as well as telling me if it's any good! :D


    I love the Arthurian legends as well. Have you read TH White's The Once And Future King? The first book, The Sword In The Stone, in my opinion, is something every child should read growing up!

  7. The Wheel of Time series! As a TV series rather than a movie though. Why? I don't want them missing anything out!


    But then again, considering how The Sword Of Truth series was seriously spoilt in the small screen portrayal, I think I'll just enjoy my own imagination rather than see the story of the Wheel of Time spoilt.


    And a Sword of Shannara movie!! It would be epic!

    Also a movie based on David Eddings's Belgariad!

  8. Ever noticed how your favourite book doesn't necessarily have to be about your favourite story? I don't mean short stories alone of course, though that's counted too.


    My favourite book is Les Miserables because of the depth of the characters, the name Jean Valjean, the description of the Battle of Waterloo etc. But it is not my favourite story!


    My favourite story is Don Quixote. And, surprisingly, I've not read it! I remember watching a program about it on Discovery Channel and I bought the book three days later. Sadly enough, P A Motteaux, the translator of the Wordsworth Classics edition, did not understand how to use paragraphs and that annoyed me to the point that I can't get past twenty pages.


    Even more interesting is how even my favourite author, Saki, never wrote my favourite book or my favourite story.


    So is it just me?

  9. OK, I knew I wouldn't be doing much reading once college starts. But I'm adjusting now, I think.


    I'm post-poning reading HG Wells's War In the Air for now. I restarted Alexandre Dumas's The Count Of Monte Cristo which, halfway-through, seems to be a better read than even his Three Musketeers!


    I'll be sure to review it later. Anyone wishing to buy this book, please buy the Wordsworth translation. It's a little short on the required amount of comments and study notes to understand the innumerable references Dumas makes to his contemporaries but worth it all the same. I doubt any other translation is this beautiful.

  10. I tend not to read online reviews. Mostly because I seldom plan before going to a bookshop. And I never buy books online.


    Case in point. I know I'd find good reviews of Twilight online. But something about the name just reminds me of some old show on TV, which I can't for the life of me remember, where some guy used to say "An hour in the twilight zone" every episode. An eerie childhood experiance which has made me weary regarding the word. And even if a romance vegan vampiresque series named Twilight has reviews that try to convince me to read it, I will not.


    What's in a name? Why, everything sonny.

  11. My cousin is very, very, very rich (well, her husband is), and they just built themselves a huge new house. They have some gorgeous bookcases throughout the lower level of their house, especially in the front and back living rooms. There are some lovely, old-looking books in them, and my mom asked her what they were. It turns out they're all in Swedish (which she doesn't speak or read) and they were bought by the decorator for looks. They don't have even one readable book in their house! Argh!!! :D





    I think I'd rather buy bookshelves and hide the ones I keep on filling. I HATE lending books to friends. lol



    And just what in the name of Kafka's favourite metaphor is a book monkey?!

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