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Posts posted by vinay87

  1. image0947.th.jpg




    The orange one in the first image is my favourite one but it's really worn out now. So the white one in the second one's the one I use the most now. I made them all out of wedding invitations and gift cards.

  2. I recommend reading Terry Brooks's Shannara books if "Classical" fantasy is what you're looking for. It's a bit cliched for someone who's been in the area but since you're new to it, it'll set you in just fine.



    Start with "The Sword of Shannara" by Terry Brooks.

    And I second reading David Eddings's books as well, but first either read the Shannara books or the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. I think Tolkien's work might put you off the genre for a bit because of the hugeness of it all, and the language itself isn't that comfortable.

    How old are you by the way?

    Some fantasy books require a lot more maturity. But for a beginner, Brooks and Tolkien are the way to go. Especially if Rowling's the only fantasy writer you've tried. And would Redwall fans say that the books are slightly fantastic as well?


    But if it's Elves, Dwarfs, Dragons and the like that you're looking for, start with The Hobbit. Read LOTR and then slide right into Brooks. I swear, the next twelve years of your life will be fraught with the genre. I'm just getting out of it.

  3. I went to the bookshop today and bought 10 books!


    1. Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    2. Hard Times - Charles Dickens

    3. Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels And Short Stories Volume 1 and 2 - Arthur Conan Doyle

    5. The Complete Novels And Selected Stories - Nathaniel Hawthorne

    6. Villette - Charlotte Bronte

    7. Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

    8. Selected Works Of Chaucer - Geoffrey Chaucer

    9. Dracula - Bram Stoker

    10. Still Me - Christopher Reeve


    I'm going to start Still Me tonight! I love the Superman movies of Christopher Reeve and I've always wanted to know more about the man behind the cape and the man who fought spinal disability to the death.


    I'm sure I'll love this book.

  4. hmn... I think I've lost my Tolkien craze. I used to be a big fan of Agatha Christie but I just stopped reading detective fiction. Same goes for Alistair MacLean, Hammond Innes and some others I can't remember.

    As for hating a writer completely, it's Samit Basu. I LOVED his first two books of the Gameworld trilogy and loathed his last one.


  5. Yeah! Just last night I watched "How To Train Your Dragon" and wondered if there was a book, and would you know it, there was!.


    Though, after I watched "The Man From Earth" several times in a single week, I wondered if there was a book. There sadly isn't. I wish there was, maybe I should write it. :D

  6. I like the original English, but for no particular reason. I make sure to change my word processor's default language to English(UK) every time I reinstall my OS. But I have to admit that it does look like American English will be come the norm soon. I once debated with a person in college that the words "centre" and "center" are the exact same thing. He persisted that "centre" meant the centre of a circle and "center" was used when talking about a location. And the fact that Google Chrome's highlighting centre as a wrong spelling makes me wonder just how long we have till American English becomes the norm. It's not a matter of "will it happen", rather "when will it happen?".

  7. (It's been a long time since I was on here!)




    1. The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan and Brendon Sanderson

    2. The Time Traveller's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

    3. A Feast For Crows - George R R Martin

    4. Straken - Terry Brooks

    5. Dragon Rider - Cornelia Funke OR Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - JK Rowling (Can't decide... )

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