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Everything posted by vodkafan

  1. Well I finished The God Of Small Things . It was a grim struggle to the death....nah it wasn't so bad. I will review it Saturday. Reading something lighter now as a rest.
  2. Frankie, I honestly feel this book is more than just a book.
  3. I will let you know my opinion very soon!
  4. vodkafan


    Dang it Nicola got in there while I was writing my reply...
  5. vodkafan


    Let me be the first to welcome you lindsey. Yes this is a friendly place.
  6. I was impressed by your review missy I am going to add this to my "to get" list.
  7. Somebody else bought up Black Like Me on here only last week, I can't remember who. But yes it was a very important book to me when I read it. It sort of made me think about the sort of person I wanted to be when I grew up. The man was very courageous.
  8. Not read any of your books Lexie this is a whole genre I have missed out on. Will have to rectify that once my TBR pile has gone down. Your reviews are interesting.
  9. I liked the idea of this Ethan. Gonna look this one out. Thanks.
  10. Book Review: THE BLUE WORLD by Jack Vance. I first read this when I was about 16. Jack Vance is my favourite author and although all his books are good this one is my favourite. Sklar Hast is one of the descendents of the survivors of a crashed spaceship marooned on a strange world that is all sea, no land at all. But he and his fellow citizens know no other world and have made a strange (to us) but peaceful society. They live on giant floating sea plants and have developed a technology using all natural materials. There is plenty to eat. But this peaceful world has one drawback- nasty sea creatures they call kragen. One in particular has grown so large he is known as King Kragen. Sklar Hast one day decides to kill King Kragen and becomes the catalyst for a revolution that will either liberate the people of the floats or kill them all...for he must also go against the established cult of the Intercessors who worship King Kragen. Lots of things make this my favourite Vance book....the way he has thought out the technology. (Like all JV books it is presented in liitle footnotes on the bottom of the page) This would really work! I like the way Sklar Hast character is represented. He has faults like a real person. Also I like the fact that (as in some other JV books) there is a gentle romance going on as a sub-plot. If you have NEVER read a JV book before then It is no good me telling you about the sheer fun of his writing style and use of words that just carries you alongpage after page...you will have to discover this for yourself. You can buy this book on Amazon for 1p. You have no excuse!
  11. Neither of those titles rings a bell missy... So annoying when you can't remember the name of a book isn't it?
  12. Read all your reviews with interest Tunn. Sounds like "the little stranger" might be Sarah Water's first "bummer" -not as good as her earlier books although have only read one as yet (Fingersmith which was superb)
  13. Well I am at work. So might well get the whole book finished. Struggling with Miss Roy though. Feeling tempted to switch to something easier.
  14. Kylie I am well into chapter four and I still don't know what it is about
  15. Okay here's my 5 books: Black Like Me. John Howard Griffin The Blue World . Jack Vance Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen A Suitable Boy. Vikram Seth Fingersmith . Sarah Waters
  16. Good points Vinay. I have never thought about it before. I think they should be free after say 50 years after the author's demise. so I voted no.
  17. I am not prejudiced....if its got pages and two covers it's a book
  18. Andrea were you saying that because you have already read it? I am a chapter in and it has something about it....her description is strong, quite sensual and evocative language...the first chapter seems a bit messy but she does have a lot of explaining to do...I won't say any more till I have read it all.
  19. Welcome Emma Jane, To echo what Janet said, good for you for getting it out there. I hope you continue to recover and enjoy good health.
  20. I haven't read all the replies..I am just responding to the original poster's question. I can read anywhere , anytime. Doesn't matter if TV is on or off or what background noise there is.. I am not allowed to read at the dinner table. But if I am on my own in the house I invariably read while I am eating. Otherwise you just have your food to look at don't you? What is the point of that? I used to have a book open in every room- some books it would take me weeks to read that way but since being on here I have actually changed my reading habits overnight. Now I just read ONE book at a time and keep it with me till it is finished.
  21. Hey Missy did you get hold of A Thousand Splendid Suns after all?
  22. Wow Frankie you really ARE a reading machine. Only one out of that lot I have read is Dracula. Laundry Fairy has all the Dave Peltzer ones. I don't like books like that so haven't read them.
  23. Oh no Laundry Fairy is not one-dimensional. She is my wife we have been together 21 years. We have 6 beautiful children all half Indian . We have done our bit for race-mixing. Yes it would be cool if she joined the forum. Thank you. I like to think I am laid back. But I suspect I am just worn out instead. I let things pass me by these days live and let live. I found the avatar photo on google. I picked him because he seems the antithesis of a reader, glued to the telly with a beer in his hand. That's so funny you thought Laundry Fairy was an imaginary friend...
  24. I was looking around at home for books to swop and instead I have found enough interesting unread books to keep me reading until September. That's without even touching Laundry Fairy's stash of chick lit books. If I do a Reading Circle book every month as well then the books might last until Christmas without buying any more. I will most likely swop most of them afterwards. I have no room for books. Laundry Fairy is getting into it too. She told me yesterday she wanted to read 1984 by George Orwell so I ordered it from Amazon. She doesn't like my avatar picture. She worries people might think that is actually me. Struggling with Khaled Hosseini.
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