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Book Fiend

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Everything posted by Book Fiend

  1. I read this a couple of years ago and it is an AMAZING book!! It is very well written, and incredibly detailed. The book covers his entire life (more in fact, it covers from before he was born to after he died) and really gives you a good idea of what he was like as a man. The writer spent several years in Cuba, and had the full cooperation of people who knew Che Guevera (including his widow) and also had access to some of Che's unpublished diaries and writings. I saw that Bookjumper recommended you read Che Guevaras own diaries, which I also recommend (I haven't read them yet myself, but they're on my bookshelf!) but I would also recommend you read this book to get an idea of Che Guevara in his historical context. It will also fill in all the blanks, as I believe there are only 3 published diaries covering his early travels around South America, the Cuban revolution and his time in Bolivia. This book will fill in the bits in between nicely so you get a really good overview. As you can tell by my somewhat lengthy reply, I do absolutely love this book. Please do read it and please tell me what you think
  2. I don't usually watch scary movies (I love horror books, but horror films just scare the out of me!) so I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to go to the cinema to watch Saw with my parents!!! I have never been so scared / generally freaked out in all my life!! I swear if I had been on my own I would have left half way through. Instead I just closed my eyes a lot. I thought the worst part was the bit Afterwards we went to Pizza Hut, and the toilets are absolutely miles away (upstairs and down a corridor) and I ran the whole way!!!!!
  3. Erm, no groups joined yet I'm afraid *looks ashamed*. I am going to join though! Promise!!

    I've actually been a bit busy lately, and in the next few weeks I'm going out quite a bit with my work friends, so I am getting out more!!


    Gyms are really expensive aren't they! Luckily the leisure centre near us does a really good range of classes for about

  4. I've given this a lot of thought (probably too much thought for an imaginary dinner party to be honest!) and my final 4 are: Valentino Rossi - because I love him and I want to marry him! He is also very funny and charming and charismatic so would make a wonderful dinner party guest. Gok Wan - so I can get lots of style tips from him. Do you think I could get him to come early so he could help me get ready?? Stephen Fry - who doesn't want Stephen Fry at their dinner party? Gael Garcia Bernal - my favourite actor, he is gorgeous and intelligent and could help me with my Spanish. I think they'd all get on really well together as well!
  5. I returned my jeans to Asda and ended up buying 3 more books! They were even cheaper this time because I got them from the sale section. I got Jane Eyre, The Picture of Dorian Gray and Lord of the Flies all for
  6. No slipping, I promise!!


    Hope you've had a good weekend. I've spent all weekend building wardrobes and sorting out my bedroom. It took ages, but it's now the tidiest it's ever been and it feels sooo good!!


    I'd really like to go to salsa too. I'm thinking about maybe starting going to aeorbics where everybody is on their own, then building up my confidence enough to try dancing!

  7. Cousins - Vampire Weekend It's currently my favourite song, and they are now one of my favourite bands!
  8. Hello, sorry for the delay in replying!


    The group I want to join is a discussion group. They meet once a month to discuss a book, and they have a monthly cinema night. There's also another group that arranges social events that I'm planning on joining.


    I really do intend to join, but I can already feel myself slipping back into doing what is easy! I really must try harder! On a better note though, I did order some new wardrobes today which I've been meaning to do for 2 years!:lol:

  9. Book Fiend


    I know what you all mean about Federer sometimes coming off a bit arrogant, but I think he's really just super-confident. I though his on court interview the other day was quite funny and he came across really well. However I suppose it is hard to stay humble when you're that good! I'm so pleased that Federer won today (not least because I spent all day Friday confidently predicting that he would!) He really is the most amazing player. I hope he keeps at it for many years to come! I have to say I've never liked Murray, I've always found him to be really miserable and moany, but I felt so sorry for him when he started cyring!! I'm such a sucker for tears! I now like him much more, I think because it just made him seem more human. Like you Catwoman, I was teary eyed myself, and I wanted Federer to win! Now only 16 weeks to go until the French Open (not that I'm counting!)
  10. I have quite an eclectic taste in films, but I tend to like things that are a bit quirky and interesting. As I'm learning Spanish I've been watching a lot of Spanish and South American films, and I think they are so much better than Hollywood films! Anyway, a few of my favourites are: Amores Perros A fantastic Mexican film, probably my favourite film of all time The Motorcycle Diaries Sin City Incredibly violent, but also visually amazing Donnie Darko I have seen this 3 times and I have no idea what it's all about! The Shawshank Redemption The Hole This film gave me the scariest nightmares I've ever had, but it's really clever Pulp Fiction The Lord of the Rings Trilogy The Matrix Dirty Dancing Because I am a girl! I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them at the minute.
  11. Well I've finished my first book of the year and I've finally gotten my reading mojo back!! I'm really enjoying my current book, Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb. It's the first book in The Tawny Man trilogy, and picks up about 14 years (I think) after The Farseer Trilogy ended. I'd forgotten what an amazing writer Robin Hobb is, this book has had me hooked from the very first page!
  12. I learnt that in Spanish a dirty joke is not a blue joke, it's a green joke! I think that's really interesting! (I'm fascinated when it comes to language things like that)
  13. I was so excited when I first opened this thread because it's the first time I've ever know what book somebody was talking about! Unfortunately you beat me to it! I love these books too!
  14. I've just watched a trailer for The Science of Sleep on Youtube and I will definately be getting it. I really love quirky films! It's brilliant to be able to watch a film and feel good because it's educational! I'm so bad though, my Spanish film collection consists almost entirely of films with Gael Garcia Bernal in them!
  15. I've learnt that I can't watch tennis and eat cereal at the same time. I just keep spilling milk down my top!
  16. I haven't seen The Science of Sleep - is that an English film? I have only watched his Spanish language films. I'm learning Spanish so it's the perfect excuse! I will have to get hold of some of his English films. I love Amores Perros, such a good film (although slightly disturbing). The last film I watched with him in was Bad Education (La mala educaci
  17. It would be quicker to list the films that don't make me cry! Really it doesn't take much! However the only film I absolutely cannot watch because it upsets me too much is Dumbo!
  18. My favourite actor is Gael Garcia Bernal. He's a Mexican actor who does mostly South American or Spanish films, although I think he's done a few English films as well. He is an amazing actor, and it doesn't hurt that he is absolutely gorgeous! I also love Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman. I'm not sure about my favourite actress. I would probably have to say Thora Birch (I nearly write Thora Hird then! ). She does really interesting films.
  19. Book Fiend


    That's what my mum keep saying. She's very upset about it because she's a huge Rafa fan. We weren't even allowed the news on in our house tonight because she didn't want to see him lose! I completely understand. I'm a huge Federer fan and when he lost Wimbledon to Rafa the other year I refused to even discuss it for 3 days! Murray plays Cilic next, which I think will be a fantastic match. Cilic is undefeated this year and has beaten Del Potro and Roddick in the last two rounds. Go Cilic!! I'm very nervous about Federer's match tomorrow. Davydenko has beaten him in their last two meetings.....However, apparently he was amazing against Hewitt so fingers crossed!
  20. Ah India, I'm very jealous! It looks like an amazing place. Did you enjoy yourself?


    I've been out a few times with people from work, and they're people I wouldn't normally go out with so I'm quite pleased with myself. I just need to keep pushing myself because it's really easy to slip back into not doing much! I've discovered a book / cinema club in my area that I'm planning on joining so that is my next step.:D

  21. Hi


    That's okay, hope you had a nice trip! I'm very good thanks. The snow and ice has finally gone and I've been sticking to my new years resolution of getting out more :smile2:. How are your new years resolutions going?

  22. I've had a clear out and gotten rid of 15 books!!!! It was painful but it needed to be done! I know I will never read them, but I still hate to get rid of them.
  23. Book Fiend


    Did anybody watch Roddick-Gonzalez earlier?? That was the best match I've seen in ages! I was so disappointed that Gonzalez didn't win. I think he deserved it, he played amazingly well!! Too bad about Murray. Never mind, Nadal up next for him which will be the first challenge he's really had. Go Nadal!!
  24. Buffy is definately my favourite programme ever! I only started watching it at season 5 (then never missed an episode of 6 & 7). I then saw most of season 4, and got season 1 on DVD. I also got season 2 but I've only watched a few episodes of that. I used to watch a couple of episodes every Friday night (I have no life to speak of ) with the intention of watching all 7 seasons, but for some reason I stopped (I think maybe I actually went out!) So what I have left to watch is most of 2, all of 3 and the beginning of 4 (did you follow all that??) Anyway, I now have desperately want to start watching it again but my DVD is broken! I may have to watch them on my laptop. My favourite episodes (from the ones I have seen) are Once More With Feeling (fantastic!), Tabula Rasa, the one with the Buffy bot, and the final episode of season 5. I don't think I've ever cried so much! Oh and I'm definately team Spike too!! I love him. I really couldn't see what Buffy's problem was with the fact that he was a vampire so it was wrong to be with him. I don't think I would have let moral dilemmas stop me!
  25. Book Fiend


    I was really disappointed about Baghdatis as well. I got up early especially to watch it! Yeah, go Isner!!
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