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Status Updates posted by AbielleRose

  1. Yup, it is the Travelodge. :D


    Yea, I have to get to work too. My boss is p****d because of the work I've had to miss lately for my doctor appointments:roll:


    Hope you have a great day! Talk to you later if you're around. :)

  2. Thats great you got to talk to him :) Hopefully things work out and you will get to go visit him.


    Honestly, I was really distraught yesterday, but am coming into more of an acceptancce about the situation today. I won't find out for 100% sure until this next set of blood tests comes back, but my doctor says he is certian and these are just for my records.


    I have absolutely no idea what part of town I'm staying in :lol: my hotel is on City Road if that makes any difference???

  3. Sounds like you've been pretty busy lately! Hope you were able to connect with the OH.


    I've been okay. Seems like things just keep happening in my life, never a chance to breathe. I got the blood test results back from my doctor and he did find something, now I have to go in tomorrow and get poked again for confirmation. *rolls eyes* That will be my 8th shot in a week.


    Other than that things have been going pretty well. I bought my plane ticket and reserved the hotel room for London and last night I picked up a traveler's guide and a London map (because I WILL get lost, mark my words). :lol:


    Any big plans for today? Think you'll be around Twitter or MSN later?

  4. Hey lady! I hope you're having a good weekend :)

  5. Hello there :) Hope you're liking everything here so far. :D

  6. That would be great. I just want to make sure that when I arrive I'll actually be able to leave the airport, lol. Thanks, I appreciate it!


    How are you feeling today? No hangover or anything from last night, I hope!

  7. Aw, that's great you get to see each other fairly often.


    I'm just freaking out right now about the whole visa thing. One website tells me I do need one for my 10 day trip, one tells me I don't. Ugh... make up your mind British government!

  8. You should! Are you planning a trip there anytime soon?


    Coffee is inevetable this morning... need...it...to...function... *falls back asleep*

  9. Good morning! *Passes CW a large steamy cup of coffee* I saw a pair of rocker wellies in the mall and thought about you. They were black with silver studs. I had no idea that wellies could have studs.

  10. Me too! I miss our daily chats! I'll be him in a little less than 2 hours tho, if you'll still be around. :)

  11. Ooh, that coat looks awesome! You're a crafty person, aye? I love little projects and stuff too :D


    The night out was okay. I felt a bit seperated from them in the sense that we have all really grown apart in the last year. The topics of conversation were mainly ones I didn't feel I had much of a right to comment on anymore, if that makes any sense.


    Coctail #3 shall commence shortly...

  12. Thats really cool you bumped into an old friend :D Sounds like you've had a pretty good day so far.


    I've just gotten home from running a few errands. I picked up some packages of books in my apartment office (See my reading thread for further details as I don't want to clutter up your wall with my naughty book buying) and I ran to the store to get all the ingredients for Better Than Sex Cake :D As of now I am on my 4th coctail of the day and plotting out my cleaning/laundry for the day. Aka, I am probably the most boring person you'll ever meet.... :lol:


    So glad to hear you are loving Chosen! Its one of those books where people either love it or are indifferent. Zoey is one of the best characters to have been written in the YA genra, IMO. I love her Cherokee background and how P.C. Cast stays true to the Native American heritage and folklore.

  13. Legos! I haven't played with Legos in years! That sounds like a lot of fun :) I'd never follow the instructions though... :D


    I'm okay today. Nothing too special. Hope you're having a good day!

  14. I'm glad to hear he's feeling better today! Poor little guy, no one wants to be sick over their holiday.


    How was the play centre? I might be around for a bit tonight but an old friend of mine is in town for Easter and wants to go out for dinner and some alcohol consumption. I'll tell you one thing, I'm gonna need a biiiig ass margarita tonight! Hope you're having a good day and are doing well :D

  15. Oh noes! I hope the little guy starts feeling better soon. Poor thing.


    Its great to hear the kids are doing so well at keeping the hamster all well kept and stuff. Hopefully they keep it up for the next 2 weeks.


    Hope you have a good night! Take care of yourself and your little ones.:friends0:

  16. Aah, that means you have the hamster at home and all set up then, aye? :D


    I'm just looking forward to a nice regular weekend at home. Its not a bank holiday over here so I don't get any extra days off, unfortunately and my family really aren't big into the whole holiday-lets-get-together thing. I plan on making a little personal size pie and a nice meal and will probably do a few projects I've had on the table for a while. :)


    I'll be around Twitterverse later :) Hopefully we can connect and chat a bit.

  17. Aww, Its so good to hear from you! I've had better days, to be honest. Just had a very emotionally overwhelming phone call from my grandma. She was diagnosed with skin cancer, the first out of my whole blood related family to ever have any kind of cancer. I'm just floored and unsure of how to react, what to say, what to do... At least skin cancer is fairly treatable and she actually just had some of the spots removed today. It sounds like she has known about it for a couple months.


    I'll have to check out his Twitter page when I get home from work in a bit (we're not supposed to Tweet or get on Facebook @ work... boring...) Thats too bad its not a good pic. Maybe he's not too photogenic.


    How's life been for you? Anything interesting been happening lately?

  18. Darn those mojos of ours! I bet they are off for a coffee break without us again...


    Aww, hamsters are adorable. That sounds crazy though that he has such a huge palatial cage! I guess they gotta give the little ****** some kind of consolation for being put in potential danger of being killed off by the school bully... Hopefully everything will go well and the 2 1/2 weeks will fly by. :D

  19. Awww! Hamsters are so cute! What's its name? :D


    I'm doing okay. I'm getting excited to get out of work and go home for the evening. They are giving us all new desks and furniture here so all day long there have been power drills and hammering and all sorts of building noises. Its driving me up a wall and we have 3 more weeks left of the renovation! Tonight I need to get home and start working on my writing before the mojo decides to go on vacation. lol

  20. Eep! *Runs away screaming*


    How are you doing today? :D

  21. Thanks. I just called my grandma and told her of it. She was surprised but said not to worry so I'll just delete his message. Hope you're having a good day :)

  22. Happy birthday Laura! :party:

  23. Hey there Mac. I hope you have a good trip! Enjoy every minute of it. :)

  24. Hey Paula, haven't seen you around much lately. Hope you're doing well. :friends0:

  25. :balloons:Happy Birthday Nici! :balloons:
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