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Everything posted by Tikkititi

  1. I've only seen the film, but yeah. Ditto. The Hobbit was my first venture in the the fantasy genre, too. I don't care for Tolkien, particularly, but I do love the Hobbit. Still re-read it occasionally.
  2. Heh, cool, I'm looking forward to reading. I knew Queenie would keep me right! :lol:

  3. Your book sounds really - REALLY- interesting and I'd love to read it. I've not been here long though, and we don't really know each other, so I feel a little weird about pushing myself forward, as it were. However, if you are OK with a newbie looking at your work, I'd love to provide some feedback. If you were more thinking along the lines of more long-term members, that's cool. Just thought I'd register my interest. ;)

  4. THANK YOU! I find Lewis Grassic Gibbon unreadable, frankly, and have been made to feel like an inadequate reader because of it. Hmph. Pet peeves for me would include constant reminders of a character's looks. I had to stop reading Jean M Auel's Earth's Children series because, GAH, Ayla is beautiful, I GET IT. I would also agree with the use of unnecessary graphic scenes. I'm by no means a prude, and will happily read those scenes if they actually serve a purpose. Actually, the Earth's Children series is a good example again - in the first book, Clan of the Cave Bear, there is a quite graphic rape scene. The scene furthers the plot and makes sense in the context of the book, so no problem. In the later books, graphic sex scenes are included for no reason than I can see, other than extending the number of readers. (Note to Jean M Auel fans: Sorry for picking on the Earth's Children series. Auel just happens to be guilty of two of my biggest pet peeves.)
  5. Oooh, I'd no idea. I love his Matthew Shardlake books, thanks for letting us know! *wanders off to listen*
  6. Books read: 15 (pathetic, I know) Favourites, so far: Donna Tartt: The Secret History Margaret Atwood: Oryx and Crake C J Sansom: Sovereign Shannon Hale: The Goose Girl
  7. You could use a towel. That way you'd know where it is.
  8. I read Love of Seven Dolls by Paul Gallico in one sitting a few weekends ago. Cried floods of tears over it, too. Mr Tik kept bringing me cups coffee and giving me concerned looks.
  9. I only read one book at a time, but if the book is very long or starting to bore me, I might have a break from it and read something short and light inbetween. I also usually have an audiobook on the go, for when I don't feel like reading.
  10. East of Eden is one of the books I re-read every so often, just because I love it so much. Cathy (or Kate) is probably my favourite character of any book, ever. Steinbeck's description of the Salinas valley is so evocative it practically jumps off the page. I you haven't already, go read it right now!
  11. Haha, thanks! I'm quite happy though, that I don't speak "cat" - sometimes I think they must be calling me names! Cats are always a bit stuck up, I think. They always think they're better than us, don't they? (Maybe they are!) I think it's wonderful that you invite the cats for tea - even if they're ungrateful.

  12. Heh, I'll try not to! I was in Aberdeen earlier this year, it's lovely! Your profile page looks really pretty, by the way.

  13. Watership Down has been on my TBR for ages and this thread is making me think I should pick it up once I've finished my current read (AKA the never-ending book which is long and never ends). I'm a bit worried about it being sad, though; I cry very easily. I've never seen the film, and after reading Kell's comments, I don't think I ever will!
  14. Hiya, settling in fine, thanks! This is a nice place. I'm in Edinburgh, rainy Edinburgh just now, lol.

  15. So, you dislike him, then? This is one of my all-time favourite books. Glad to see you're enjoying it! I agree, none of the characters are particularly likeable, but they are all so vividly drawn. (Even Linton. )
  16. They were both working their final shift at Blackjack Pizza that night, although nobody but the two of them realised it was that. Wally Lamb: The Hour I First Believed
  17. Roast duck, courtesy of Mr Tikkititi, OM NOM NOM NOM
  18. Tikkititi


    I've just started knitting again, after a long break. Working on a fair-isle jumper for Mr Tikkititi. Jillybeads. Very helpful and friendly. I haven't bought anything from them for a while, though.
  19. Yes! Wigtown is amazing. I could spend weeks there. Hmmm. Not a bad idea! "No, I'm really, really sick, boss. And, um, my doctor, he lives in Wigtown."
  20. I have lots of bookmarks. I can never resist looking for new, pretty ones when I'm buying books. Sometimes I think I love bookmarks as much as I love books!
  21. Me too! It's good, isn't it? Lots of good books on your list; I loved The Historian as well and The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane / The Lost Book of Salem is now on my wishlist. It sounds really good. Not going to hop on the Twilight bandwagon, though!
  22. I often read books twice. If the plot is very interesting,and there are layers that merit more attention, I'll read through once, quite quickly, just to see what happens. I'll then read the book a second time, much more slowly, catching all the little details I missed the first time round. That, and the fact that I read quite slowly, is probably the reason that my monthly reading list always looks pathetically short. There are several books that I've read many times, just because I love them so much, including East of Eden, Wuthering Heights, The Never-ending Story, House of the Spirits and the His Dark Materials Trilogy.
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