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Everything posted by Beccles

  1. I know you are off duty Dr but can you just have a look at this? Often heard at parties. Sunday Drivers, Slow Traffic Lights, Lateness, Laziness and Football shirts in restuarants and shopping malls. Keep them for the terraces please.
  2. Beccles


    I know nothing about sport and do not follow it. I find cricket a slow ponderous game but all my family love sport. I can see no point in it. I was brought up in a non competative era and do not approve of "One up manship" or beating oour fellow human being. Like class peopel should be no different to each other
  3. No way. There are too many new books to read, I could not waste reading time re reading books. I am getting too old too.
  4. I have always been interested in the decisions made by our Prime Ministers. I read the Thatcher Years in 2008 and I have been a Maggie fan throughout her political life. I am now looking for her other books in the charity shops and slowly going through all our contemporary Prime ministers. I particually enjoyed her chapters on the Falklands War and the decisions she had to make. Very readable and very interesting.
  5. That one where the man slaps his daughter on the head and she robs and cant read in class. It is not really very nice to see. It is so stupid and too violent, Bring back Mary Whitehouse.
  6. I read the book in one sitting and then saw the film The book made me cry and so did the film
  7. I read Garden of Beasts. I enjoyed that but have not read any more of his other books.
  8. Does the 2nd hand book sales in charity shops, Bookcrossing and swap meets affect authors fees? Personally I never buy books new. I just cannot justify the price so borrow from the Library and buy from charity shops, I guess I am not a struggling authors best customer. I guess there are no fees made by charity book shops for authors. My local charity shop only makes 12p from a second hand book and often have to turn them away. Even car boot sellers dont like selling books anymore as people just wont pay 50p for them.
  9. As I get older I am in more need of Fantasy I guess life is getting too tough and I need a real big escape. I still cannot get into the Classics.
  10. Sadly I have heard all the Dexys jokes before It does get very wearing after so many years.
  11. I know several people who have no conscience. Sounds like a good read I will have to look it up
  12. So what else do you read? do you like adventure?
  13. It takes authors up to five years to research a book and the breakdown of the advance is not adding up. I would love to hear from an author his or her thoughts
  14. Hiya just joined too I read of Mice and Men years ago, glad you like it too
  15. I see in the Times today on page 23 authors are not getting as much advances as they used to two years ago some historians are writing historial fiction instead to earn extra pennies. How sad
  16. I find Ruth Rendell very hard going. But do try and read them It is a personal choice but try them and see how you get on, I would love to know your opinion of them
  17. Wow thanks for the welcomes so soon. Been browsing it looks like a very active forum thats good.
  18. I have a Toy Boy lover, I live in Beccles an old town in Suffolk. I work for a well known food superstore. I read all books, do cross stitch and have six grandchildren and five grown up children. Thats about it.
  19. 2001 Space Oddessy Trilogy by Arthur C Clarke, It really all went over my head. It was the sort of book that you had to sit in a silent room to really concetrate on. I still came away not knowing what on earth it was about.
  20. The Stand by Stephen King unputdownable
  21. Well possibly a hundred or more plus my partners which I am not supposed to read. Like him I just cannot pass a charity shop without buying something. Ok we did sell seven boxes of read books at the car boot sale in the spring
  22. I just dont get it, my children used to watch Dr Who in the 70's and 80's but my Grandchildren just think Torchwood is a load of rubbish.
  23. Hello I have just joined the forum. I have been a Beccles (Suffolk) resident since I was born. I enjoy rummaging in 2nd hand book shops in the town and charity shops. I read most books but never buy new. Not really into chick lit but often read my husbands books, which irritates him as if he has not read it he refuses to discuss it with me, I have this thing about reading out passages to him. Well I will try and get involved as best I can. No I wont get him to join the forum Eileen.
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