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Status Updates posted by Nightwish

  1. Oooo, and I also saw Napalm Death at one of the clubs I have been to before. Got right to the front and hated it :( Was being crushed into the stage and my legs ended up getting bruises from it :(

  2. Well the Bloodstock festival is pretty small! Its camping from Friday to Monday morning and we always find a decent space to find. I saw Nightwish twice last year. Once at Birmingham and it was horrible, we were right near the back just so I could see them! They headlined Bloodstock as well and I got really close, 3rd/4th row from the front, it was brilliant! :D I think its a great atmosphere at festivals as well ^^


    I've been going since 2005 and so far the bands I have seen and loved are Within Temptation, Edguy, Turisas, Kiuas, Firewind, Scar Symmetry, Wolf, Epica, Lacuna Coil, Arch Enemy, Nightwish, Opeth and Dimmu Borgir :D :D


    Phew! That was quite a bit to remember!


    My faourite is Nightwish and I have no shame in that, meeeeep! :D I really think my name gives that away, lol.


    You know I have never had a Gamecube :( I feel so left out now :(

  3. I used to love the DS version, I still do in a way, but I find that now I have played the Wii version I can't go back to it because it looks so bad :o


    Haha, well I play Lord of the Rings Online, it is a bit like Warcraft, just as obsessive and paying to play it which sucks! :( Luckily my brother plays it as well so we pay half each :D It is stunning though! I love going to Rivendell and meeting all the characters ^^


    So what bands do you like? I think it is obvious what I like *the name, the naaaame*!!!! I go to festivals quite a bit so want to know if I've seen anyone :P damn work won't let me have the weekend off this year to go to Bloodstock! *little angry lady*

  4. You know, I demand that Joe changes some of the dates in the book. I found out the day that Snape...:'( You know...and its May 2nd, mine and my boyfriends anniversary! Not happy with that, lol.


    Yes we are awesome! It is really all thanks to Will, but he got me hooked on online gaming...which is bad. But no, not Warcraft :P I dread to think of the state of my town in Animal Crossing!! :| :| I had all these flowers because I thought the state of my grass was horrible. Really not a nice look to the game, but now I bet my flowers are dead so I have to start hiding my grass all over again :(

  5. Well I am a loser! Haha, I am a complete gaming nerd...well so I say but I have taken some time off from it :(


    Yeah, that is one of my favourite chapters in the book, and I knew he always loved her! Ever since OotP I've been saying it. In an interview with Jo she couldn't believe how everyone seems to love him and that if Harry had not been Lily's son then he wouldn't have cared one bit (or something like that), which I can believe. Us all loving him is her own fault for making him such a likeable character though :P

  6. I was 11 I think...I remember this girl in my class was obsessed with the books and because I hated her so much I refused to read them :P Our teacher read us PS and I got really obsessed. I remember it was around the time GoF came out and I was begging my parents to buy me it when I hadn't read the other 3, lol!


    I'm dreading seeing the last film. Rickman is my favourite actor, Snape is my favourite character...and that scene...its going to be horrible :'(


    You know at the sports centre I go to theres also a karate class and they don't get graded like how we do. Instead the instuctor goes around the class in a lesson and marks students on their performance. The bad thing is that they don't know they are being graded at the time so you might not be doing the best. I always try and aim for an advance pass ;):D

  7. Oh yes, I like browsing the digitalspy forums but the website itself...stupid celebrity gossip is classed as breaking news! Please! *rolls eyes*


    You should go for it! I know karate and TKD aren't the same but it is so much fun and the only time I've really been thrown in the limelight is at the gradings where childrens parents stand at the balcony and watch us all. That put me off once when I saw my aunt and uncle!


    He must be very patient if he still wants to be with me, putting up with my Twilight obsession :P It will fade...the other month when I was re-reading the Potter books I had a slight obsession. Ok it is still there! I really really want to see the new film! oooo and more of Rickman as Snape! He IS Snape! No other person could play the part as well :D

  8. My dad did karate on and off for about 10 years and he tried getting me into it as a kid but I was too shy *goed red* I've only been training for a year but I've been finding it a bit of a drag lately. I am taking a few months break soon. I have a class at Uni from 6pm til 9pm on Wednesdays starting from October, during my TKD lessons!


    He seems positive about it. We haven't argued today and he seems more relaxed. I was kind of expecting it all to fall apart today...just because its the day after and I was afraid he would change his mind, but nope :)


    Eeeeee, its great to talk to a more understanding guy about stuff like this ^^

  9. Yeah :D I know its the film version of the cover but Marley is just too cute :D


    It is a crappy situation but with talking it through...I think we are ok...He did say that he couldn't stand the thought of losing me as we have been best friends for years, and it actually scared him pretty bad.


    I hate the heat. Too much sun makes me too hot, and with being a redhead I just turn lobster :P At least its not as bad as yesterday. I had a Tae Kwon Do lesson in the sports hall that has not windows or door leading to outside. No fans either!! Grr. My instructors bugging us because a competition is coming up and he wants the whole class to take part. Only problem is its a weekend and I work weekends and he doesn't seem to get the fact that I just can't go to it.

  10. I'm sure they will be after a bit of time *hugs*

  11. Heyhey Tom. Things are...ok I guess. We almost broke up yesterday. I ended up telling him to come to mine because convos like that are NOT good on MSN, and face to face we managed to sort it. He was so stupid and said he actually worried at times that he might change his feelings for her. If hes not done it by now then I'm guessing he won't.


    Todays not been too bad. Been helping my younger brother with job hunting now hes finished his GCSE's and has all this time off now before going back to 6th form. Found a copy of Marley and Me. The book cover was too cute to resist! :D


    How are you doing?

  12. Just a lot of worries :(

  13. Try telling my bf that I am cool =P I'm doing this because I love him, and tbh if she never came along we wouldn't be having problems so in a way there isn't anything bad in our relationship.


    =O Leaving me on here all alone, what will I do? =P For some reason after agruments I hate sleeping, afraid of it in a weird way I guess.


    You have a good night, not a gory film I hope, nightmares, mwhahaha :P


    Niiight, ooooh and call me Kelly :)

  14. Yeah I guess. Well its not like a break, just giving me 3 weeks to get over it and more comfortable of the fact that he might want to visit her and stuff... Going to the cinema tomorrow with her didn't bother me and first, because I chatted to her yesterday and thought she was alright but then she was ignoring me today which I thought was rude. Apparently according to him shes in a bit of a weird mood and isn't talking much to anyone. Everyone gets over things at some point. I guess getting to know her will make me feel more comfortable because I might see her as a friend in the end. Turns out though that I added her on facebook =O!!! Thats what she said to him. Odd as I was the one who got a friends request. Damn facebook! Lol! Myspace is much better but everyones left it!

  15. And now I feel like I'm the baddy!

  16. Yeah, ended up leaving half hour earlier. Only problem is I had to stay there until mum finished her aerobics class, haha!


    Hmm looks like I have updates on the bf situation. He was pissed, basically said he had enough and splitting up was mentioned. I said theres no need to go round that route and I asked for time. At first he said no he wouldn't and that I would have to like it and leave, then i asked for 3 weeks max and it was no use him pushing me into the deep end when I'm not comfy and we will only just argue. He agreed to 3 weeks. He said he won't go to hers and will ask if I'm comfy or not, and that I will try and become her friend. She already added me on facebook and MSN yesterday so I guess it means something...


    He also admitted she had been going through a hard time with her mates, having fall outs, and shes said she feels like hes the only real friend she has...

    He also doesn't want it ruined because apart from me, shes the only true friend hes had.

  17. No I didn't get it done. When they had left there was too many slow people in :o the FAST lane!!! They were either slow, swimming in pairs so there was no way around them, and this one pair decided to walk along the shallow end and swim when it got deeper! Its a lane for serious swimmers :S

  18. It doesn't sound weird. I would love to have them one day, but I guess thats when the aww feeling will kick in. I'm the oldest in my family, reaching the big 20 next month! But all my cousins are really young. Ones my age and ones my brothers age, but then it ranges from the ages of 11 to 4! So I do tend to see the evil side quite a lot, especially when babysitting and they play up :P


    Yes! The water is so evil! I stopped going because it was irritating my nose and the back of my throat (and lost all motivation with arguments) and today I went they decided to make the water really cold so my ears hurt. Felt like cold wind blowing into them.


    Its really cool you taught yourself though ^^

  19. Funnily enough I want to be a teacher but still find kids annoying :P I don't feel all aww like other people do. I guess I just look at them and see that they aren't going to be that cute and small forever and for all we know could turn out to be really horrible. Oh I am going to be a bad teacher!


    I remember learning how to swim, the teacher was so evil my parents stopped me from going after 2 lessons :P

  20. Damn moths! I've had the same problem so now my windows closed and its hot and stuffy =( Damn the UK for getting this hot, it really isn't allowed.


    At least you CAN exercise! I went swimming today and the pool was full of kids! Then they decided to wee us all off by coming into the fast lane, lifegaurds watched for ages before they actually decided to do something. Grr, really didn't manage to swim much at all.

  21. Not too bad! On msn with my bf now and trying to get him to understand. This is hard going!



  22. Oooo sorry for the long reply, I haven't been online in ages. It sounds lovely and you have to take photos when you've finished :)

  23. Hello hello!!! I've not been on in ages! Sorry I never replied sooner, just letting you know I'm baaaack :)

  24. Yeah it has been getting stupid, but it has been on for so long, and tbh, there is only so much you can do with an island. It is now about as boring as Harry and the gang camping in DH

  25. Haha, Neopets was so awesome! I remember making a PetPet store of my entire collection, put them all to the highest price as well. I went on recently and found I was very rich :P Some of the games was so awesome I love going back just to play them :D


    Lost + stupid time travel thing = makes my head hurt

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