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Everything posted by MDR124

  1. Happy Birthday :)

  2. I'm (in this century) a monk in the XII century London.
  3. It happend to me a week ago to say: "The film was absolutely better than the book." It was the first time, but believe it was well deserved. I generelly tend not to compare books and films, considering them two completely different form of art you can't quite have the right to compare. But this time I was impressed on how you could turn a good book in a wonderful film. Book: Let the right one in, by Richard Lindqvist; Film: Let me in, Thomas Alfredson (screenplay by Lindqvist).
  4. Happy bd Ben, hope you'll have a fantastic day!

  5. I voted for The Lion, the witch & the wardrobe, which is in my opinion the most representative of C.S. Lewis Chronicles: here is strong the symbology, the figure of Aslan undergoes his sacrifice to save the children and the world of Narnia. You could almost read it without the others and still have a strong idea of the message Lewis wanted to give.
  6. I agree with Michelle. Ben clearly said that "Dead is dead". As for Jacob, Maureen, I think (but it's just a theory I have) he don't want to change things, or he would never ever have touched Locke after falling all those stories: he seemed healed after Jacob touched him. In the thread Jacob is threading at the beginning of the season finale, ther's written in ancient greek "May the gods give you wathever your heart desires". Which is something Jacob tend to suggest to losties when he meets them: to kate he says not to steal again, to Jack suggest that maybe all his father wanted him to have was a little push, so he shouln't bother, he gives little Sawyer a pen, to write to, I guess, let him make a clear breast of it. In this frame Jacob is a good guy who loves humans (is he one too ?), wants them happy and knows that everything ends just once, but ther's before it ends the time to progress, to achieve something better, a better life. Only one thing doesn't fit: Nadia. This threat my theory.
  7. Unfortunaltely neither of them does...BUT we could give them suggestion on what to write, should we happen to be stuck in a lift with them, can't we man? Sheer interest in literature anyway I'd like to be stuck in a lift with a lot of ghosts: Dostoevskji in the first place, Dante Alighieri, Homer (if he ever existed), and counting...
  8. MDR124

    It's been good luck for both of us. Something we can tell. It's never end if you have a story to tell (who said this? can't remember). :)

  9. I just start to read from the very first word the author intended to start the book with. No introduction and absolutely no synopsis. Not to talk about the various unbereable phrases or adjectives from the reviewers: "Compelling"; "Dazzling"; "It will struck you."; "It will haunt you". I really can't stand them. Every new book is covered by these falsities, I mean if you're a journalist from a very respectable journal, then write something short and efficient, not just a word, which don't even resembles the book.
  10. I've written a very wise answer already to you, after the submission the page went blank.Horror (that really BUGGED me!!!). Now that I'm writing for the second time I can't (and I don't want to) try to remember the exact phrasing or edifying advice I wrote in the first place. I'll just thank you! And to Bookjumper: try, while wandering in the dark, to learn from every wound you might have received, so to grow stronger and wiser. The bright side is having the possibility to learn, to improve, not to be mistaken again. If you can breath it isn't over. You have all my sympathy
  11. I would be in the number, but (should I write thanks to?) in Italy w4e just have Moleskines and pretty expensive too !!!
  12. I know probably it is a bit off topic, but I couldn't help writing it. It was really piercing my brain this idea, risen by recent developments, that I can't do what I want just because an old mistake,which incidentally I've already paid enogh for.
  13. Hi Beth, welcome to the forum. Hope to read soon posts from you
  14. Thank you. I wish you can get out from where your mistakes have led you. If, as I hope, you haven't already done.
  15. Having to pay the bitter consequences of a mistake done six years ago and that almost certainly will spoil one of my dreams.
  16. Really looking forward to it. I just hope to see a purely burtonian film, not just a pleaseall thing.
  17. There must be a list of my favourite films in some other thread. I'll fetch it eventually. Recently (yesterday) one film has entered my preference list broking into it with all is horror, sadness and romance. It's Let the right one in by Tomas Alfredson. Absolutely great. One of the best vampire films I've ever seen.
  18. Happy Birthday!!!!

  19. One day,after a lot of time spent looking for a good book forum, it was there, first line, first page of the google search. Isn't it a sign?
  20. It's just a recap. The story of the oceanic 6 doesn't add anything new to the story. Worth it or not? Well it depends on your grade of lost addiction probably. If you want to go over the things you've already saw just trying to find out some new perspective it could be useful, but really nothing special.
  21. I know very well this site. It works perfectly and there are no shipping costs. I love it, because living in Italy means both you don't have much choice in the few libraries where they have a narrow selection of english books and you have to pay extras for importing fees. That's why I buy from The Bookdepository.
  22. The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery; The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis; The witches, by Roald Dahl; The eye of the wolf, by Daniel Pennac; Hello? Is anybody there?, by Jostein Gaarder. That's it. These books shuld be read by grown-ups too !
  23. I agree with you Chrissy. Life and book not only they're not mutually exclusive (you can have just one of tthe two), but also they don't have side effects on the other one A good book can help you living your life, passing through a bad time, giving you quite while everything else in your life is lousy and so on. On the other side living your life means you'll be able, through the experiences and the encounters you've made, to understand more deeply the feelings of other human beings as written on the page. Books and life can't exist one without the other (What a bookworm phrase the last, but how true )
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