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Everything posted by Booknutt

  1. Ladies - I thank you very much! - for truly, I was getting considerably "down" with all the health problems, and food problems, too! We can handle most things in this world so long as we can resort to our favourite comfort-foods - but it's a disaster when they have to go! I'll try out both your suggestions - the good news about my M.E. related problems is that I'm exploring new things I was much too boring to bother with, before.
  2. Having recently re-read "Wuthering" I do agree that each character is shown in quite a selfish light, but it's amazing too how I tended to despise Edgar Linton for being so forebearing with the Cathy/Heathcliff relationship - I wanted to smack him for loving her unconditionally! Imagine rushing to the deathbed of the love of your life,in your marital home - to find that their "soul-mate" had got there before you, and had your love clutched in his/her arms,having previously violated repeated attempts to keep him/her out of the marriage.! I don't think I'd be so reasonable - would you? Yet I couldn't like him, either. Aren't us people strange?!
  3. Thanks for the suggestion, Talisman - but unfortunately, mushrooms are a bit of a problem, too. I presently have problems with yeast-sensitivity, which includes in the list tomatoes, mushrooms, any red-skinned fruit or vegs, vinegar or alcohol!:(To add to my tale of woe - G.M. wheat, is "off" too, and no more than a little sugar/lactose etc., In short - I'm developing food allergies,due to immune system problems. My fault - I should have been more explicit (or or boring, according to one's viewpoint) The net result is that menu-planning is becoming a bit of a nightmare, with me relying a lot on plain cooked vegs/rice/non-wheat pasta, eggs, and potatoes for daily needs. It's come to a point where I'm snookered for ideas, and my imagination has taken a holiday. So, ladies and gents - any ideas for recipes, or suitable books, will be gratefully received. (By the way - going off g.m. wheat is a good idea in general - give it a try - I'm, losing weight without even trying!
  4. What a great thread - I'll be trying a few new recipes, soon!. Has anyone read Rose Elliot's "Kitchen Pharmacy" - we forget so easily that "we are what we eat" and there's loads of healing recipes in there - for all sorts of problems. I've got one problem, though. Rose is fond of using tomatoes a lot in her recipes - and I'm looking for a pasta sauce recipe which doesn't use tomatoes - or at least only a little. My system can't handle tomatoes now : and they used to be a favourite of mine. Any suggestions, anyone - my imagination has stalled on this one.
  5. Chamomile tea! I'm disgracefully "healthy" now with my drinks! My big "sin" is Assam tea - strong enough to put hairs on yer chest!
  6. I agree, Infinity - spirituality is individualistic - that's the beauty of it! We have been given freewill - to believe and practise, or not, and we learn and grow from each other's reactions. There's a multitude of options for each of us to choose from nowadays, isn't there? That's what makes being born at this stage of humanity's evolution so interesting ... and makes each of us such individual expressions of God - quite literally. Fascinating, aren't we?
  7. Anyone out there read/reading Diana Cooper's latest awesome "2012 and Beyond"? I love the messages sent to us through this book - such hope and promise for our world of the future. Such fantastic changes, as we learn to live with the Earth - not just get as much out of her as we can! This is a very reassuring time for Diana's "latest" to be published, for there's not a country around the planet which isn't feeling stress in one form or another, and the promise of a brighter future is here, for all of us. There must be at least ONE other Diana C. fan out there - where are you, my friend?
  8. What do we all think of Barbara's latest novel - Time's Legacy - fellow fans? I treated myself to this a few weeks ago - and I think it's great! She's changed her usual format a bit - which is very refreshing. This time, even her modern day "baddie" turns out to be not-so-bad, after all, and comes to a happy ending. Her historical villian isn't so lucky, but then he's a real out-and outer! I also loved the mixing of the Church of England and a Druid in the tackling of the problems encountered by our heroine. Those clergymen were a very openminded bunch, and hopefully reflect more openness in our modern-day traditional churches. Then again, it is a fiction novel! I really enjoyed it - what does anyone else think?
  9. "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly host praising God and saying "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, goodwill to all men." the King James Bible - St. Luke chapter 2, verses 9 - 14
  10. Hello Genevieve -

    I've been about the site a little recently, but frankly, since it seems to be difficult to actually get chatting with anyone, there's little temptation to drop in frequently! Still - I live in hope - maybe my choice of books or topics doesn't suit most people?

    Winter is here in Britain, and I'm settling-in for it with a new knitting project, and a few sequel-novels to the Jane Austen range of stories, plus a few biographies. There are a few positives to the coldest season, aren't there?

    Angel Blessings to you, fellow book lover - take good care of yourself.

  11. If any Jane Austen-type fans are here, maybe you might be interested in "Lydia Bennet's Story" by Jane Odiwe? Jane has made a very impressive effort to capture a warmer, more innocent Lydia than we tend to see. I'm about halfway through this, and have just come to the part where Lydia and Wickam have run off together! It's great to read a sequel to "Pride and Prejudice" which doesn't follow Elizabeth and Darcy, (a refreshing change!) and I'm getting a fresh insight into the "disgraced" Bennet sister, and her adventures. I wonder what Jane Odiwe's version of Mr Darcy will be like, as seen from the "other side of the tracks" - ?
  12. I'd love to see Ioan Gruffydd ("Hornblower") in the Heathcliff role. He's done a very good tall dark and moody in the recent "Secret of Moonacre" DVD! I've recently re-read W.H. after watching the latest TV version, which I thought was pretty good - but so much was left out! There really is no better option to actually reading a novel which a drama is based on, is there? Even near the ending - the "telly" Heathcliff was found self-shot lying on his bed. In the novel he died mysteriously - the Doctor was puzzed over what to put as cause of death. Surely allowing himself to die over love of Cathy, and his need to be with her, was much better as a drama? Poor old Joseph - on film or in book - nobody can understand quarter of what he says!
  13. Hi my friend - just to let you know that the "dream come true" that you wished me a few weeks ago - has! Just this morning something I'd been working hard on self-healing over, for years now, entered my life! Despite the gloomy day outside, the sun has been shining for me today, Geneveive. I'm sure you helped - no good wishes go wasted - so thank you, Geneveive.

    May the Angels pour blessings into your life.

  14. "Walking with Angels" White Eagle Many books exist on the subject of Angels, but few give so poetic a guide as this, of how we can actually work with them. "Every soul has it's own Guardian Angel, as well as the companionship of it's Guide. As you come into your physical incarnation you are accompanied by both of these, the Angel and Guide. Cultivate the habit of trusting the two who are always with you. Walk your path in full consciousness of them, and give them all your confidence, for they are God's messengers." www.whiteagle.org
  15. - by Marcia Zina Mager. "Believing in Fairies is an inspired journey into the elusive realm of Nature Spirits. Beautifully illustrated with fairy art, from a Master. Here is a gift for any grown-up who's ever lost touch with the magic of childhood." This is a special "read" - for anyone who was told as a child "fairies don't exist" - and allowed themselves to believe it! For they are here around us - just waiting to be recognised by you, again! The book also contains Exercises to help your reconnection with these vital Nature Spirits, who are working hard to keep our world healthy. They need our help. Very well worth a look - either buying, or ordering at your local Library.
  16. What a lovely thought, Geneveive - thank you. I love being told stories! I hope everything is going well for you , and you're getting some fun out of the Summer. It goes by so fast, doesn't it? Angel Blessings my friend -

  17. Salut Geneveive - thank you for your message and good wishes. I haven't been well over the last day or two, so your instincts were spot-on! I do feel better now, though, and in the way of Spirit, your good wishes will have helped - so thanks for the boost! I've just sent you Angels of Abundance to bring a bit of new life to your finances - so welcome them in, Geneveive, and prepare to have spare cash in your purse, soon! Take care of yourself . With Love and Light ... and Angels.

  18. "The Elves of Lily Hill Farm" by Penny Kelly This is the true tale of Penny's relationship with the land, grapes, animals, elements, and ... her resident Elves. Her friendship with the Elves begins when they coax her into a deal to produce 100 tons of grapes from a 13 acre vineyard, working in harmony with Nature, and themselves. The Elves teach Penny to see, hear, feel, taste, smell and touch the inherent sacredness of Nature ... and her inner self ripens during her experiences. a message from the Elves to us all - "Ye are out of balance, and yer standard of living is so close to a nightmare that we are sure ye must all be asleep" O.K. - we don't all own vineyards! But if you have a garden, or grow your own veggies, or even love your houseplants ... this is a fascinating book of the successul partnership Man (or in this case, Woman:)) and Nature can be.
  19. Only 1 and a half weeks to go now, Talisman! I've sent you Angels of Energy to keep you going, and Angels of Peace to help you sleep well. Welcome in their help (they need you to do that before they can "interfere" in your life) and they'll help you find a balance. Not long to go, now!

  20. Hi Talisman - how are you these days?

    I'm never here as regularly as I'd like to be - 'cos I usually spend so long, that I put it off till I've "time" - which happens rarely, but it's always interesting to stop by for a visit. I'm currently heavily into Fairies, and Stephanie Barron's "Jane Austen" detective novels. One extreme to another! Hope All is Well with you. Farewell for the present, fellow Bookworm.

  21. "Healing with the Fairies" Doreen Virtue I've been deeply into this book for several days now, and already have had the benefit of Fairy help and healing for myself. I never before realised that the Fairies are responsible for the balance and health of all things "earthly" - and that includes the physical bodies of human beings too!. They work under the supervision of the Angels (who of course, care for our spirit-side of us) but themselves do the actual "hands on" earthly stuff. The Fairies passed this message to Doreen re: eating of animal products - "You are eating the energy of pain every time you ingest animal flesh. The animal's suffering creates chemicals that flow through it's flesh, and when you eat that animal, you are ingesting pain. Pain lowers your frequency, and prevents you from hearing messages from the higher planes of the Spirit world. If you really want to be able to see and hear across the veil, stop eating meat. Dairy products are clogging your aura as well, and your "window screen" into Heaven will be clearer if you avoid dairy." A few pages along came this message from the animals themselves - "We don't mind you humans using us for food or clothing. It's the way you treat us while you are raising us, that's the problem." from Doreen: - "The message took my breath away, because up until that time I believe it was wrong - no matter how an animal was raised - to use it for food or clothing. But the Fairies explained it this way" - "You can choose to use no animal products, and there is a definite virtue in doing so. Yet look at how much the animals love you humans. Look at how devoted they are to your external happiness that they would give their own lives for you. They must be suffering greatly to even complain about their maltreatment. Help them, please, Be a voice for them, please. Create awareness of their suffering and pain, and we will do all we can to help you in this endeavour, now and always."
  22. Hi Geneveive - thanks for your "visit".

    I'm reading "Healing with the Fairies" by Doreen Virtue at the moment, where we learn how to work with the Fairies and Nature Spirits to heal not only ourselves, but the planet, too. It's a wonderful "read", and if you'd like to bring a bit of real magic into your life - get yourself a copy! Take care, posting-friend - With Angel and Fairy blessings to you.

  23. Thank you for the good wishes Geneveive - and the Angels, too. I think as I get older, I'm getting younger - in Spirit. I bought myself a self-gift of the new Tinker Bell DVD. It's great! Angel Blessings to you ...

  24. Thanks for the birthday wishes Mac. Don't fret about being late - I'm not too proud to take all the nice stuff I can get!

  25. Hello Geneveive -


    Just popped in for a quick browse - and to send you Angel blessings! Hope life is treating you well, fellow bookworm! Take care - Love and Light, Booknutt

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