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Status Updates posted by chrysalis_stage

  1. lol You sound like a king with that much :o why you got that?

    The last thing I had from marks was some toilet roll :S and it was stupidly priced - mum bought it tho.

    Yeah I bought Terry Brooks - The sword of shannara for about

  2. Yar I do, msn address in contacts on profile :)

  3. I want to sleep :( how r u at 20 to 4?

  4. Yeah I would recommend thinking about it now, its never too early. We started thinking about ours in the first year but got told not to worry over it then got straight into the second year and got slammed with picking something quickly without enough thought going into it, then they told us we could change our ideas if we wanted but it was quite late so alot of people were stuffed and haven't done their project to the best of their abilities. But hey ho bluddy lecturers confusing us.

    Mishmashing films - I like the sound of it, you will definitely see something unique lol

  5. Haha well in camb. I used to live by tesco and asda but asda was always packed silly with students so I prefered tesco, asda doesn't do elderflower pop in any form the bottle or the can its just not right, people should protest, so tesco wins for me :D I live right by morrisons at home, I agree good stuff, although I hate going to that shop because I always seem to bump into people I'd rather not. Where I live atm at uni the only close shop is sainsburys so my money has been declining faster than normal. :( Haha you sound useful, least you'll save money to buy better things such as books. yay!

  6. Watching parts of films? lol Tesco is amaze for bargin food! :)


    I shall have to try the ones you read too, I've heard those are the classic ones. The system of Dr Tarr and Professer Fether is very funny. I like the poem conqueror worm :D plus others ofcourse :P

    Yeah dissertation, I wish someone would probe my head already and be done with the write up, its one of those 'I know what I want to say its just doing it so people understand' lol


    Are you in the second year of your degree?

  7. Helu,

    Oh yeah I kept meaning to reply to your post on my thread, I'm sorry :(

    I agree he is fantastic, such a genius, its supposed to be un-nerving stuff but I can't help but sit and smile to myself mostly lol I've mainly read his poems but I've started a few of his stories and not finished but the ones I have finished are Black cat, Tell tale heart, The premature burial and The system of Dr Tarr and Professer Fether and I loved them all! :D

    What ones did you read the other night?

    I'm alright today, just reading and working, the usual, what about yourself?

  8. I haven't read any by Michael Marshall Smith but I checked him out last night after reading your message and I like what I see. Thank you for recommending Only forward - it sounds like something I would definitely enjoy, I'ts gone straight on my wishlist and will be bought very soon :) Hope your feeling better today!

  9. Haha, don't worry, virus, very funny - sickening! :P Shame about the man flu, hope u feel better soon but all the better for having more time to read :) Dissertation is alright, I just want it over and done with now, I know what I want to say but it's just putting it together so other people actually understand what i'm thinking - wish they would just probe my head and be done with it.

    Hope you having a good day under the circumstances! :)

  10. Haha, thanks for congratulating me on 600 posts :D I was very excited about it too, how sad am I lol 1 down, 32 to go for you!

  11. 33 more posts to go and your allowed in the debate area - god help them lol

  12. Haha you sound very excitable today. I have read the historian up to page 350 a while back and keep meaning to either finish it if I remember the plot or re-read. I've not heard of the last witchfinder but I'm definetly intrigued. I'm just finishing white fang atm, tbh didn't expect it to be so good, but its brilliant, def. one of my faves now.

    I'm alright apart from trying to finish my dissertation but being distracted too much esp by this place. How are you doing? :)

  13. Oops forgot newbies don't have all the benefits, hopefully I didn't confuse them. Thanks for reminding! :)

  14. Hi welcome to the forum :)

    I thought I'd let you know I read the Vampire diaries by L. J. Smith when I was a teenager and loved them. They are more young adult than the vampire chronicles by Anne Rice.

    I haven't read Twilight because the hype puts me off although I heard about them years before the film and was interested.


    Which have you read? Are you looking for recommendations or just other peoples opinions on books you have read?

  15. Are you a vampire? If so can you make me one lol Your posts are always in the dead of the night haha. Hope alls well!

  16. I completely agree with your post on Jade Goody and the British press! * thumbs up*

  17. Hi there, noticed your fave book is violin by Anne Rice - have to agree its a good book, I enjoyed it too :) Hope your are well!

  18. :lol: I think the same, although I used to walk through there at night when I was 15 stupidly.
  19. You do feel honoured its like a secret world. :) One was circling me in the summer as I was waving my hands in the air so to attract it back. It must have thought I was a looney because it flew off after a good look. I only know of websites in which to buy them from such as the NHBS (Natural history book store) and Alanah ecology. You can buy build your own detectors but unless you have your own soldering iron I would say don't lol. They range from

  20. :lol: Ofcourse not, I love the variety of life lol

    Thanks for the pic comments, I agree, when I saw it I thought wow. It is a contast but if you go through it at night it's always the same lol

  21. Call sounds from detectors will range from clapping sounds, wet slaps, or clicks and some bats are quiter than others. Some social calls may be heard from some bats by some people with great hearing lol around 20-30khz and apparently the normal human cant hear above 20khz - abnormal people are lucky lol

  22. Well you know bats use echolocation to find their way around and to find insects. Their calls are over 20khz - ultrasound, which is higher than we can hear. So bat detectors are kind of like a radio. you tune into a known frequency and their calls are somehow (i'm not completely sure yet) translated into noise that we can hear

    You can get different types but a cheap normal heterodyne detector helps you tune into the known frequency of a bat (they all have different ranges, most peaking around 50khz) A frequency division bat detector is great as any bat in your location will be recorded and you will hear it while with heterodyne, if your tuned into the wrong frequency you wont hear the bats calls.

  23. Thanks for my picture comments :) i never thought about it like that, yay my own wild sheep chase, it was like a chase on the moors too, chasing them out the way on the roads so they didn't get flattened

  24. Yeah bats have been hibernating and its around now, mostly april you will start to see them out and about again. Someone told me they saw some last night by the pub in town which is by some water. Which makes me think they are daubenton bats as they feed over water, other bats will feed in woodlands and by hedges in parklands. Anywhere insects gather such as honeysuckle bushes which attract moths which will result in attracting hungry bats. I haven't got a bat detector which is a bummer, I borrowed one but have yet to buy my own. Hopefully see them without needing a detector. :)

    They are amazing you should try see some. Just be out around sunset, different bats come out at different times. Some will come out while sun is still up while others come out when the sun has well and truley set, up to an hour after (You got me started now sorry. lol)

  25. Haha, yeah, when it rains it can be like night time, people run off indoors especially those prissy girls oh it makes me laugh to see them run.

    My Bf read the dark tower series, and is planning on reading it again. It sounds really good, I'll have to nick his when he is finished with them.

    I got some horror box set a while back with some weird ones in, about aliens that I haven't seen yet.....more scifi than horror I assume but it says its horror. :S

    Oh yeah H.P Lovecraft is meant to be great too although I've not read any by him as of yet. You'll have to let me know what you think of his stuff, any recommendatios etc.

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