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Status Updates posted by lexiepiper

  1. Yeah it is :D Such a fantastic book, I've just re-read it myself and fell in love with it all over again! :lol: I saw in your photo of your books that you have lots of Jodi Picoult too, I love her and have 9 of her books :D My favourite of hers is probably My Sister's Keeper, do you have one you prefer?

  2. Yeah I think so too :D Do you have a favourite book?

  3. Ahh, great, I'll have to buy it! I was thinking about A Message In A Bottle by him too, I remember there's was a film adaptation in the 90's of that and it was pretty good, so I can imagine the book is touching

  4. I haven't no, but I've seen the film, and it made me cry! Is the book any good? If so I'll have to pick it up :D

  5. I'm loving it :D There's a passage I love in the film and I didn't realise it was in the book too, and I was really happy when I read it :D Atm, I think I'm going to really love it when I'm done, I adore the film, so I can see me loving this too! Have you read it?

  6. Sorry to hear about your aunt Ben, hope things turn out well and you enjoy your visit :)

  7. Hey there :) Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum! I was born and lived in Bath until 3 years ago, it's always nice to see someone from home :D

  8. Hannah!! :D How are you doing? :friends0:

  9. Lol that's funny :D My BF loves Family Guy! So sorry to hear about your cousin :friends0: I'm okay, not having a great day, but hey ho, they happen!

  10. Like Stewie from Family Guy? :D and I'm good thanks, done lots of cleaning today, how fun! :lol: How are you doing? Had a good day?

  11. Aww, your kitten is gorgeous! :D

  12. I'm good too thanks, just waiting for my boyfriend to get off his bum and make some dinner! :lol:

  13. Hey there, thanks for the friending :D how are you today?

  14. No you're def not fat, but I suppose us women are always watching our weight eh :roll:

  15. Aww that doesn't sound too good! How long have you been dieting for? Dieting is no fun and shouldn't be allowed :lol: I will enjoy it thanks :D and yours will be on the way in a mo or two ;):lol:

  16. Ohh that sounds lovely! I should probably make myself and the BF a cuppa soon as he just made a lovely dinner for me :D

  17. Yeah he really is, and I got it from waterstones for

  18. Woohoo! I love Heroes too, I have a Heroes calendar this year, much to my boyfriends disgust :lol: I love most of the characters, but Peter, Hiro, Matt and Claire are my faves, how about you? :D

  19. Yeah, all of the episodes are very good, and they never let the excitement slip which is fab :D What other shows do you like?

  20. Hmm, I loved the ending to season 3, all the "will he, wont he go to hell", I was positive that he would somehow get out of it and then he didn't! I was so surprised, so I'd have to say, perhaps the last episode of season 3, but then again, I also liked the beginning episodes with their dad. How about you?

  21. See you later, enjoy your book :D

  22. I'm good thanks :D And yeah! I swear I spend more time on here than I do reading now! :lol:

  23. Hey Ben, how are you doing? :D

  24. I'm pretty good thanks, and yourself?

  25. Thanks for the friending :D

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