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Posts posted by jewell

  1. I started reading Emma about 5/6 years ago and I had to put it down in the end and read something else, as Emma was getting on my nerves with her blind stupidity. And I couldn't believe how much of a snob she was. When I attempted to read it the second time I liked her more, and she didn't seem as annoying. She was just really funny. I had a good amount of giggles throughout this book.

  2. I love these little vid's of animals. I'm always watching them. The first one makes me laugh. Cats love getting into boxes or suitcases, and then you poke a pen or a piece of string in a hole and they go mad.


    That one about the dog saving the other dog is brilliant. Animals are amazing.

  3. I've cried and blubbered over many stories. Cried with laughter, laughed out loud and i've had everybody staring at me and not realised until i stopped laughing. I've been scared wittless. I think i have quite a vivid imagination. So whatever emotion the character is feeling, or whatever atmosphere is trying to be conveyed, i tend to get carried along with it.

  4. I once had a dream after reading The Hobbit. I hadn't yet got up to them meeting the dragon. I dreampt i was reading it in bed but i could actually see it happening ahead of me. Then i was actually in the book. The dragon was in a tower, like in shrek. Then for some reason my mum and dad were with me and the dragon saw us snooping around the castle and grabbed us all! Then i woke up. I was a bit gutted actually because it was a really exciting dream.

  5. I have mixed feelings about starting this thread, Have I encouraged people to tell us their stories that they found hard to tell ? or have I given people a thread where they feel happy to release their personal triumphs through reading?


    I think it's important to share how you feel. Not only because it helps you but because it's good for others as well. I find it really helps me to know that other people have felt the same way or how other paople have found reease and aid.


    Besides that, if someone didn't want to share their feeling on this forum they don't have to. I think it's an interesting thread. Thanks

  6. Jewell, I know exactly what you mean. I'm signed off work at the moment & for me reading has become my means of coping. I have always thought of reading as an escape, but at the moment reading is what is keeping me sane!


    Our bodies and minds have their own way of telling us when we need something to keep us going. I have heard stories of people who can go blind or deaf, because their bodies just can't cope with hearing or seeing real life. Reading is like tuning yourself in to another world. One that helps you escape from this one for a while, without the extremity of going blind or deaf!

  7. This is the only one of Jane's i haven't read. Thanks for the review though i will give it a go as soon as i can. I was a bit put off by the idea it was written in letter form. I've read books like that before and found them irritating.

  8. There were quite a few different fruits i tried recently when i went on a detox diet, Bethany. Can't remember the name of them all though. But i was really surprised how many things there were that i'd never even heard of. I want to make it my aim to try as much as possible. I'll give any type of food a go. I tried snails when i went to Paris last years and i thought they were delish!

  9. I love final fantasy! I love playing games. I go to my brother-in-laws house a lot and because he is as in love with gaming as i am, we spend hours on his playstation.

  10. I was brought up in a new town full of scousers. So i have a liverpuddlean accent. But the town was near a few other places with strong accents. I then moved to wales when i was 17 and i came back with the welsh lilt. And now i live in Bolton which is near Manchester and i have picked up their rather strong 'Bakers born and bread' accent.


    It's strange really but i tend to pick up accent a lot easier than most. And if i stay somewhere even for a week i can hear in my voice that i'm picking up their sound. It really bugs me!

  11. I struggle a lot with depression and at the moment i'm going through a bad patch. I have ll sorts of things that i use to try to escape life, as i find them easyier to cope with. Most 'real' stuff at the moment gives me panic attacks and leaves me feeling so tierd it's like i have been up for days on the run! I watch a lot of drama series and really get into the characters and plot. Reading i love, but it has to be something i'm really in the mood for. Writting fiction is brilliant because it allows me to write about how i feel from a different third person angle.

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