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Everything posted by SueK

  1. Seems to me that emin just wants to rock the boat. Don't rise to it peeps. Best ignored if you want my two penn'orth.
  2. I've only been off for a week's holiday but have come back to thousands of emails and no cover while I was away. I feel like jagging it in and going home to read my book.

  3. has anyone read A Week in December by Sebastian Faulks (his latest). I bought it at the weekend and hope to start it soon. It has mixed reviews on Amazon and I must say that after Birdsong (great) Charlotte Grey (OK ish) and The Girl at the Lion d'Or (my favourite of the trilogy) I have mixed feelings over Faulks. Interested in your views though.
  4. I must say the ol' mojo has been good to me lately. After finishing VLAD, which I loved, I have been on a reading spree. I had last week off and I got to read some good books including The Dvina Remains; A Whispered Name and now I am in the middle of Silesian Station, a great book highlighting Berlin just before WWII breaks out. There is a series and I am reading the second one. I will have to get hold of the others to complete the picture.
  5. I'm about halfway through it now and loving it .... and not a fang in sight
  6. errrm - no. I'm afraid I gave up on it. If I get to see the DVD one day, it may prompt me to pick it up but again it has been pushed way back down the reading pile.
  7. Why not try your local reference library (or your college/university one). Are you based in UK? Maybe try Foyles' website? Now, let us Luddites get back to our Mills and Boons ....
  8. Darn it!! Why does work get in the way of reading a good book!

    1. Karsa Orlong

      Karsa Orlong

      Because work is evil ... although, without it, I wouldn't be able to afford any books!

  9. Hi MM, nice to see you back. Yes I read the Labyrinth and thought it was the most overrated book of the decade LOL. The premise was good and she wrote it on the back of the conspiracy books that were being churned out at the time - I thought it would make for an interesting plotline but for me it just didn't hit the right notes. Not helped (in my copy at least) by the use of the word OK ...... in the 12 Century??? Shame really. I found Sepulchre another big disappointment.
  10. Started Vlad last night and already into the early 100s (pages). Wow - unputdownable (is there such a word?).
  11. I was looking through Amazon for some Witch Trial books and was excited to see that Mist over Pendle is being re-released (I have pre-ordered). I read this 20 odd years ago and then it became out of print (couldn't even get hold of a copy in the libary). Mist over Pendle
  12. Really want to start my next read but I've got to get my self assessment tax form out of the way or I won't be able to concentrate. Grrrr.

  13. Hi Pickle, yes I am enjoying the Akunin books - I have read the first three in the Fandorin series now and I find them quite quirky. I particularly enjoyed Leviathan - it was almost farcical in the plotline. I find Fandorin quite a strange character and quite different to the first introduction of him in the Winter Queen. It might be a while before I try the next one as they are good in small doses. I haven't tried Sister Pelagia yet - are they worth looking at?
  14. My mojo seems to have decided to return! I have read Leviathan (the 3rd Erast Fandorin book by Boris Akunin) and two more Maigret novellas. I'm now ready for a something different and on Nollaig's recommendation I ordered Vlad: The Last Confession - which I am looking forward to starting later on today.
  15. Oh well, that's definitely going on my TBR list. I am more interested to read of Vlad as a historical character rather than a Vampire (although Bram Stoker's book is a masterpiece and I really loved the Historian) so this ticks a few boxes. Marvellous review Nollaig, thanks.
  16. SueK


    Interesting theory and one worthy of further thought actually. My view is that so far, Jim Moriarty is a puppet because to me, he couldn't be taken seriously as THE arch enemy. Also at the end of Sunday's episode, who was shining the lasers on Watson when Moriaty appeared from a totally different area of the swimming pool? Mycroft in this series certainly seems quite sinister and unlike the the original series, there doesn't seem to be much brotherly love. If that is the case and it is Mycroft/Moriarty, then the Reichenbach Falls scenario could be interesting!!
  17. SueK


    YAY, just heard that BBC are going to commission a new series of Sherlock!!
  18. Hi I can't access the link that Chrissy added above but you could give these a try: World War One 1. No Graves as Yet: 1914 2. Shoulder the Sky: 1915 3. Angels in the Gloom: 1916 4. At Some Disputed Barricade: 1917 5. We Shall Not Sleep: 1918 by Anne Perry they are exceptionally good.
  19. I'm taking a break from Maigret for a bit now (I've read about 3 on the trot). I'm focussing on the Boris Akunin books again and have picked up Murder on the Leviathan (another Erast Fandorin quirky story).
  20. SueK


    Have to agree with you there, I was hoping for more from the Bohemian stationery angle. Perhaps Ms Adler is set to appear in the next series? I treated myself to an MP4 player at the weekend and after setting up everything, I downloaded the last episode from iPlayer last night so that now I can watch it again at my convenience - not allowed to stream here at work but, hey, lunchtime should be good today
  21. SueK


    Loved last night's episode - wow what a rollercoaster. I think I'll catch them again on iPlayer too as I'm sure there are bits I want to see again. It really is set up for another series eh?
  22. I bet I'm many thousands of year older than you though, hehe. My favourite books are The Sherlock Holmes ones, followed by Medieval Historical fiction, victorian and russian, pro or post revolution fiction. Occasionally I pick a present-day whodunnit. Quite like sagas but I have to be in the mood.

  23. SueK


    Well let's hope that there is at least a whiff of Scandel in Bohemia in this one, that is only story where a woman actually outwitted SH
  24. Hi Bunnybooks, pleased to meet you and look forward to chatting about books and other stuff. I hope you get your tooth sorted out because there's nothing worse than toothache.

  25. SueK


    They showed a tiny trailer of this week's Sherlock on the One Show last night (Benedict Cumberbatch was on) and there was mention of "Bohemia" as a letter had arrived - hmmmmm
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