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Everything posted by SueK

  1. Sorry to sound completely ignorant ...... but what is LSU?
  2. Great book Frankie! and not without humour. If you like it I would urge you to read Gulag Archipelago (shorter version) as it is quite amazing. I nearing the last part of The Novel in the Viola and is a fantastic read. I'll report more on it once I have finished it.
  3. I am definitely a chain-reader and I always have a book in my bag (although that's now replaced by my Kindle). On the very odd occasion that I don't pick up a new book straight away - it's because the previous book has left an impression on me that I can't quickly shake off. So I have to clear it away in my mind before I start the next one.
  4. Charm, you can have some of mine My mojo is buzzing (I don't understand it) - trouble is there is just not enough to time get through all the books mounting up....... Will do Kylie I'm enjoying it so far but will report back on it later.
  5. Same here. I bought the 3g version (bit more expensive) but I wanted to be able to download books anywhere rather than just near my PC. It is great to be able to do that. Like Chrissy, I just love my Kindle too. I cuddle mine Ps: Your'e an earlybird Chrissy
  6. I've decided to put my other reading to one side and concentrate on The Novel in the Viola. I've only just made a start but I think I am going to enjoy it. I'll let you know how it goes.
  7. As you say, that is just bad. He couldn't even be bothered to look up the country's demographics before plotting his book. Even I can understand Lao because they speak slower than Thais
  8. This is one of my pet hates, Kurtz, when authors can't be bothered to research the places they write about. I suppose he thought setting his book in Thailand would be exotic and quite different. I've found authors (unfortunately American ones - sorry ) who write about things in England that seem to come out of a fairy tale. Chris Kuznetski is one - he makes up a lot of stuff about UK because he can't be bothered to research properly .... and then he makes a fortune from his awful books. I'm amazed that the main character in the book you mention can speak fluent Thai - clever man. It took me ages to learn to speak the language and I still can't read it. I still get the tones wrong sometimes
  9. I just had a email from Amazon to say my book has been despatch (I scratched my head as I hadn't ordered anything) but when I checked it was a pre-order from August last year which I had almost forgotten about. So, I look forward to receiving Mist Over Pendle shortly I'd been after this book for ages but it's been out of print for so long.
  10. Yes, a while back. I found it in a charity shop and thought it would be a good light read on a train. I wasn't altogether gripped - it's not one of my favourite Agatha Christie books.
  11. Received Eagle by Jack Hight and The Novel in the Viola by Natasha Solomons and reading Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham on the kindle.
  12. Hi Kurtz Do you go to the used book shop near to the Suriwong Hotel in Chiang Mai? can't remember the name of the shop but it had quite a good selection. I feel for you though - I always had trouble finding good books when I lived out there. There was DK bookshop in Bangkok (sooo expensive) and we had a good library in the Embassy - those were the days before internet though. You'd probably do well to get a Kindle then you could download anything you wanted.
  13. Finished The Magic Cottage by James Herbert last night (I just love that book!) Starting Mrs Harris goes to Paris by Paul Gallico today and have ordered two of my allowed freebies off the Amazon Vine Club: Eagle (first part of a Saladin Trilogy) and The Novel in the Viola. I'm looking forward to reading these.
  14. I absolutely loved Elizabeth Taylor. I never got tired of looking at her. Those eyes were just amazing.
  15. I've just finished reading Private Dancer. This is the first Stephen Leather book I've read (and not necessarily going to read any more - just because it's not my normal reading genre). Having said that though I thought this was a very well written book. The story, for me was interesting, as I got into the minds of the Thais from another perspective - that is taking a step back from my own personal viewpoint. I related a lot of the story to my OH who said that sadly this was the way of life with a lot of his fellow countrymen and he certainly has no desire to go back there to live. It is definitely worth a read and I would strongly advise any hot-blooded single male who was on his way to Thailand to taste the so-called delights to read this book first!
  16. My mojo is brimming over I've finished 13 Rue Therese, Private Dancer and a couple of Du Maurier short stories in the space of a week and have now started an ol' favourite, The Magic Cottage by James Herbert.
  17. Going back to the Kindle advert ...... I love dogs to bits but I wouldn't want my dog licking the kindle whilst I was reading. At that price, it doesn't deserve to be slobbered on!!
  18. I love Bernard Cornwell's books and have read quite a few of the Sharpe books. The Warlord Chronicles (King Arthur) are definitely worth reading and I've also read Harlequin from the Grail Quest series. I've read Stonhenge from the standalone books and I'm planning to make a start on the Saxon Chronicles when I get a spare year off
  19. Desperate to finish 13 Rue Therese now as I want to get reading the downloaded books on Kindle. I've just downloaded Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham, for the princely sum of £1.44. Bargain!!!
  20. I love Somerset Maugham's books. You might like The Painted Veil - this takes place in China. I've just downloaded Of Human Bondage for £1.44 onto my Kindle.
  21. Linford Christie has just come to our offices. Had my picture and hug. He's still got it!!

    1. Janet




      Where does he keep it?! :P



  22. I think I might read this book. The Thai Bar girl is a very real part of life - and someone I tend to feel sorry for as the options for the country girl is either becoming a prostitute/bar girl or a servant - unless they want to stay with their families up country and work in the rice paddies. Not much of a choice. They see the Farang as their meal ticket out of the, often dangerous, life they have perforce got themselves into. It would be good to read this objectively. Thanks.
  23. This is the problem with so many adaptations and why I didn't want to watch Pillars of the Earth! Not having read Crimson Petal yet (I have got the book but it's not up the top of the pile yet) I may well watch and then read the book. I have seen some trailers on TV so would think it is imminent.
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