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Status Updates posted by Chimera

  1. Chimera

    Hi! That makes perfect sense... it's a fairly accurate description of a many of my evenings in fact *laughs* Have you tried setting yourself 'mini' goals which might give you a sense of achievement? Like... choosing a new pair of shoes online which you have to buy next time you go out... or reading a couple of chapters from your book... or beating your record of number of bcf posts in an hour.... or, I'm sure you get the idea *laughs*


    I'm still lost in my existential considerations on the meaning of life, the use of studying, the value of money, and more to the point "what's up after school?" question unfortunately. Trying to make sense of it in a post in my 'home travel' thread actually...


    In fact I'm procrastinating by replying to you instead *laughs* So I'd better get back to it.



  2. Hi! Thanks for letting me know, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! It's a book I read and re-read as a teen but no one around me knew it so it's good to see other people enjoying it!

  3. Yeah, things seem to be rather quiet...


    Ouch, bugs do tend to do the rounds like that. Hopefully spring will be there soon. There's been enough cold and humidity for this year.


    Oh well, when you do I'd love to see the result.

  4. Hi Roxi!


    You dont seem to be around as much these days, or is it jut me not seeing your posts? Anyway I hope you're feeling better and getting over your mass of exams/ essays.


    What did you 'Mr Men' version of the forum become?

  5. Well, as for everything you need a bit of both to fully appreciate it *laughs* I can't complain though, I've had my share of travelling and excitement. It's just right now that it's a bit too quiet.


    Wait till you've seen it before thanking me *laughs*

  6. Ah, seems very appropriate! *grins* You invented "the tiny dangerous one" just for her didn't you? *cracks up*


    I'll stick with the gangster, thanks. the gossip one would be rather 'antinomous' for me actually *laughs*

  7. Wow, these plans look great! I'm so excited for you, you'll have a great time! I hope you'll bring back some photos *grins*


    Nothing that exciting on my end *laughs* Just the usual work & school routine. Oh well, I'll just start thinking of what I can do when I get a holiday *goes off in a daydream*

  8. uh oh what are you up to now ?? :lol:


    I would be honoured to be part of the BCF Mr Men gang! *cracks up* But what to choose? Such a wide and appealing choice...


    Let's see: I'll have to leave "the one who has all the gossip" to ii of course, "the good little church girl" definitely isn't me... hopefully "the goodie two shoes" and "the drama queen" neither... Oh can I be the gangster? Please?? Sounds much more fun than the others if I go by the book I'm currently reading!


    Who else will you be putting in there?

  9. Happy birthday Michelle! I hope you'll have a fabulous day :balloons:

  10. Hi Beth! I forgot to ask how your last trip and meeting the in-laws went? Must have been interesting!


    Oh and have you decided on what you'll be doing in Kerala?

  11. Hi Phoebe, and welcome! How are you finding the forum?

  12. Chimera

    Oh dear, I'm trapped now aren't I ? *laughs* Actually given the price of lessons in Paris (yes, I did just research it) I'll have to pass for now...


    Now now let's not get overly tecnical or I wont be able to keep up *pants* I'd love to discover a finnish author though. Sounds like a great idea!


    Now what to get you? Hehe, I have an idea but I'm not quite sure about it... I'll have to give it some more thought.


    How long do you think the post takes between France and Finland?

  13. Chimera

    *in her most unconvinced voice* Full of energy? After torturing your non existent muscles and dealing with ghost pains ?? Right.


    Well, so long as you send the finish language method along... I'm all for learning new languages! *cracks up*

  14. Chimera

    *laughs* Disobedient muscles are terrible! :P Your classes sound like hard work, make me feel sore right from my couch :D


    Well I didnt have time to see the full film yesterday as I was desperate for some sleep after waking up at 4:45 am to get the train back to school (yep, you did read that right :irked:)... But I have mixed feelings about the beginning (I watched until Charlie found the golden ticket). I wasn't expecting it to have such a 'classic' feel if you see what I mean... The atmosphere is so different to the overly sleek and shiny new version! But I think I actually prefer the charlie in this film (the old one). He isn't quite as naive and 'perfect' as the new one.

    But I've yet to see the oompa-loompas!


    So, seems like we'll be swapping books for the big book swap... I hope you're ok with that! I'll start thinking of what to send you. I have a couple of ideas already *mutters mysteriously*

  15. Chimera

    Hi there! How are you? Or more relevantly where are you? *laughs* You don't seem to be around so much these days.


    I'm about to watch Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory so I'll finally see what all the fuss was about :tong:

  16. Thanks Laura. How was your We?

  17. Exactly! Or what whould the point of posting them on a blog be? I could actually use one of those nice little notebooks I have abandoned in about every drawer I have *laughs*

  18. Well, that should be quick on mine... There aren't many books on it yet ;-)


    No pb, I love really discussing the meaning of books and comparing ways of interpreting them! *grins*

  19. Hi Roxi!


    That's great, thanks! I actually added yours to my bogroll as well yesterday :D

  20. Hi Michelle, thanks for the invite! How has your We been? I hope things will start getting better for you and Glen. Take care!

  21. *cracks up* That brings up quite an image! Nif nif (yes, that was my rabbit's name, quite a sorry one I know!) used to scratch us every time we tried to get him back in his cage... He was one wild rabbit! lol

  22. *laughs* Pets are sensitive creatures aren't they? Better watch what we say around them!

  23. Hi Kookie! Thanks for adding me as a friend! I never welcomed you properly, did I? :blush: So here's a very late welcome for you! :smile2: How are you finding the forum?


    Your pets are absolutely gorgeous!

  24. :balloons: Happy birthday Kylie, enjoy!
  25. Oh yes, watch out for the gray hair!


    Yep, but mostly to enjoy the snow itself. I do love it!

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