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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I watched this when I got in last night, around midnight, which with hindsight probably wasn't the best move as I found it to be a little flat and a lot of it didn't seem to make much sense. I did like some of the Doctor/Amy moments though. I need to watch it again now I'm a bit more awake, it should hopefully make more sense then!
  2. He's going to be in the next two series of Primeval.
  3. Puns that make the Punters smile, I'll wager!
  4. I watched it again, Matt Smith is smashing!
  5. ^ I've been toying with buying Shogun for a few years now, but in all honesty I've put it back on more than one occasion because of it's length! I really need to bite the bullet, or in this case sword! What is the Japan connection in Neuromancer?
  6. I always seem to draw Soon to be Glue in Grand National sweep stakes.
  7. ^ I should have used a smiley, that was meant to be a joke (whilst also being true!).
  8. Between Haruki Murakami and Studio Ghibli I've started to get quite interested in Japan, so does anyone have any recommendations for books about or featuring the country? I'm pretty much looking for any good reads related to the country so novels, history, travel and cultural books all are fair game.
  9. ^ I think Alex Kingston is sexier than David Tennant and Matt Smith.
  10. I'm about a third of the way through the first book, my reading mojo has been pretty poor lately. I'm going up to London tomorrow though, so that's a good two-three hours of enforced reading time . . .
  11. Alex Kingston thinks Matt Smith is sexier than David Tennant. Cue the screaming fan girls . . .
  12. ^ But remember, the music choices made are still down to the Directors; they don't have to include music if they don't want to and they are ultimeatly responsible for the levels in the mix as well.
  13. Granted, but the result is a hung Parliament, so you will have to live through it all. over. again. I wish all children could be happy.
  14. By and large I like Murray Gold's music; he has written some very good themes for the show which - in my opinion - have usually enhanced stories rather than detracted from them. The music for The Girl in the Fireplace, for example, is beautiful in my book, especially the piece that plays out at the end of the episode.
  15. ^ A new genre, Non-Science Fact!
  16. There is only one story set solely in the TARDIS, and that was the Hartnell's third story Edge of Destruction, waaaaay back in '64. There are also odd episodes where they spend quite a bit of time in the TARDIS (the Tom Baker story Invasion of Time being main one I can think of). It could be interesting to see a story set solely in the TARDIS again, but I'm not sure it's something they would want to try.
  17. Interesting, I've been meaning to give this a go for quite a while as I really like the John Mills film version (and H.G. Wells!). It's always puzzled me why Waterstones have this in the science fiction section . . .
  18. Having watched quite a few of them now, I'd have to say Princess Mononoke is slipping down my favourites list. It is a good film, but I think there are better.
  19. Fish custard, the best part of the program!
  20. I think that's petty much universal - where has the base line gone?! The organic coral of the last design wasn't enough for you then?! No! Keep the bow-tie, it makes him extra Doctory! On a more general note . . . I think for those who weren't convinced by Karen Gillan, watch this week's episode as I think it's going to be Amy heavy (where the first episode focused more on the new Doctor).
  21. I'm really puzzled by the music sound levels issue. I've seen this reported on several site since Saturday, and it is an issue that has come up in the past, but it's not one I've ever encountered. I'm beginning to wonder if I get better sound on my old SONY Trinitron CRT TV than people are getting get on their sfiddley new flat screen jobs! (assuming that is what people are using!).
  22. I remember The Machine Gunners from when I was a kid, and there are the Alistair MacLean novels (Where Eagles Dare, The Guns of Navarone etc), but if he is interested in reading Chris Ryan novels I suspect World War II novels might seem a bit dated.
  23. Hmm, this series may not be for them then, from what I've heard it's going to get a lot more creepy! No problems here, and my hearing isn't that great. Time for a new TV?! Personally, I thought both Smith and Gillan were excellent. Matt Smith is the Doctor, he got it spot on. Odd, manic and eccentric, whilst at the same time being knowledgeable and commanding - I can honestly say I didn't think about his age once during the entire program. One swallow does not a summer make, but for me it was a very good start - not perfect, I'll grant you, but I can't remember the last time I enjoyed Doctor Who this much! Brilliant stuff!
  24. Fantastic! I'm grinning like a five year-old! David who?
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