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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. He has nice eyes, I'll give him that but ... ugh ... no sorry, give me Edward and I'll do the biting!!


    I'm stuck looking for a new av, I'm feeling a bit on the mischievous side for my title too, but I may offend a few people so I'd better not :blush:

  2. Hey there :D I'm doing ok thanks, how's you? You get any of this good weather that everyone's on about? We certainly haven't, it's like living on another hemisphere! :lol:

  3. Happy Birthday! :D

  4. Oh I just realised the photo comment doh! sorry! i changed the name on the pic - should've already done so

  5. Just passing - thought I'd say hi!

  6. Monsters?? :lol: Aren't they adorable? :D There's loads of different ones, I might put them in an album on my profile :smile2:

  7. Just came on for an hour and has been here for almost 3! I'll never get any reading done at this rate lol

  8. I'm def off this time - early start tomorro. Thanks for the chat it was nice talkin to ya xo

  9. Indeed :confused: I dunno if its a good thing or a bad thing!! :lol: She still young and just starting to get into reading. Everyones so nice around here though and I thought it would be safe enough.

  10. Hiya Lexie! :hug: I'm good thanks, you? I'm looking forward to the weekend, probably do some baking tomorrow and then relax on Sun :woohoo: Hopefully get a lot of reading done then :D I'm reading Stolen by Kelley Armstrong at the min and really enjoying it, much better than Bitten I think. What about you? Got anything planned? Have a good one! :smile2:

  11. Happy Birthday Maureen! :balloons: Hope you're having a fab day! :smile2:

  12. How you doing? Sorry about your cat :( Hope the results are good :friends0:

  13. Well done! Your right I am proud of you :D Now you've a whole week without worrying who you have to buy for, & you dont have to waste precious time with your bf shopping for other people!! Brilliant! :D We'll have you totally organised yet! :lol:


    I'm so organised its scary! Just to clean the house Mon & Tues then that leaves xmas eve when my OH & I cook off the turkey & veg, make soup & pavlovas and settle down in the evening with the kids to watch national lampoons xmas vacation while getting rather tipsy & eating loads of goodies! We do this every year but at least this year it will be the first time Santa doesnt have to climb up into the attic and rummage around in the dark looking for pressies!! Not a good idea when your slightly inebriated :lol: My daughter is 12 now so she doesnt believe any more, but at least the magic is still there thank goodness :D


    If I don't see you I hope you, your bf and both your families have a fantastic xmas and a brill 2009! xoxo



  14. Yes you too. Happy reading! :D

  15. Yes I'm fine - how you doing?

  16. Good good :) As long as you are getting better at least a bit :D

  17. I will definately be visiting the other ones soon and will probably be starting Dorian Gray after 'The Broken Window' by Jeffrey Deaver. I want to read it first as Ceinwenn lent it to me and I want to get it back to her as soon as possible. Nearly finished Devil Bones so will probably be starting it before the end of the week :D

  18. Oh please please please put it near the top ... you won't be disappointed, I promise!!:D


    Thanx about the profile page. Yours is lovely too, very calming :D I'm into red a lot at the min, need to watch though, my OH is painting our house and I keep wanting to paint rooms red :o Luckily he's not that keen on it ;)

  19. Sun? You had sun? :eek: You lucky lady, we had none :( I had visitors for dinner on Sat, then on Sun I just chilled on my pc most of the day. I forgot to tell you, I got my background pic of vladstudio website, I loved the colours! :smile2:

  20. Goodness me I know! The year has just flown by! I'm doin ok thx, just chillin today ;) how about you? You got anything nice planned today?

  21. Charm

    Happy Birthday Mac!! :balloons: Hope your having a fantastically fabulous day!!! :smile2:

  22. Hey frankie :hug:

    Thanks for popping in, I'm doing ok. I'm starting to get over xmas, trying to get back into a routine & get this, reading more! Things slowly picking up a bit & kids are back to school, so slowly getting back to normal.


    Sounds like you had a lovely w/end! How are you enjoying the Wii? Kookie has one but I've never tried it, I can hurt myself getting out of bed! I know my limits :lol: But the head massager sounds like heaven, I love getting my head massaged or even someone doing my hair.. which, needs cut & I was thinking of going blonde for a change, don't know, I've been blonde before but usually in the summer when I have a better colour :roll:


    Piper's limited to the kitchen, she's casting badly & hairs are a prob, they're just falling off her no matter how much we brush her, we even vacuum her (which she's loves!) but it usually takes ages for her new coat to come through, it's a nightmare! Joys of having a pet eh?


    Oh yes the H is silent in my name ;)

  23. Your av looks great ... cute and christmassy! :) My day went ok thx, the scan was clear so no probs with my bones thank goodness, then went shopping for some wall lights. How did u get on in PE?

  24. Hi Inver xo Just a note to let you know how sorry I am about your news. My thoughts are with you and all your family at this very sad time. Take Care xo

  25. Hey Supergran :006: Where on earth are ya?? havent seen u around in ages! Hope you're ok :) take care :smile2:

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