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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. I know its truely amazing how many people have suffered with the big D, I call my tablets my happy tablets lol I've been on them on and off (mostly on) for 15 yrs. Firstly because of post natal depression and then because I was bad with my back and arthritis. I know how you feel about a diff shrink too. When I moved the last time, and my doc told me I'd have to change to another GP, I cried my eyes out with worry! I've only met my new GP once so still early days. Think it'll be ok.


    On another note ... its my 20th wedding anniversary today! 20 years, can you believe it? :eek: doesn't feel like it, feels like about 10. Thats good right? Means its not dragging by :lol: Gonna postpone any celebrations though until we move, haven't got the time, so just gonna have a wee drink tonight like a mini celebration just the two of us! :D

    (I will buy Dr Jekyll the next time I see it. Promise. :yes:)

  2. I know me too! The first thing i do is go to the unread posts and go through them all! My 10min 'browse' turns in to a 2hr session! I only came on 'while i had my coffee' after dinner. I finished my dinner at 5:30pm!

    I think your avatar is lovely but if your not sure try another one for a while and see how u feel if u dont like it change it bak - no harm done. i'm always messin about like that lol

  3. I may go ahead and order the Deaver books today, not too fussy on the manhattan ones but its still cheap for the next two in the LR series. I went on to amazon yesterday and ordered 6 books! I only went on to order Twilight series and three others just fell into my basket :roll: I had to buy them then ...what can ya do? :shrug:


    I've also started Dexter in the Dark! :out:


    I know, I'm sorry!! I just couldn't wait! :hissyfit: My mojo is waning and he always fixes it! :D

  4. I posted it to you yesterday :D


    Now just be patient!! lol

  5. I quite agree, I do need to work on my rep again :roll: I'll be good :D We do seem to have a lot in common don't we? I do love a wee ciggie with a drink, now and again I don't think does any harm, mind you I need to be careful it doesn't start me off smoking again :roll:


    How are you feeling today? Any better? :console:

  6. I read your review and again you have outdone yourself Roxi, well done! :) Don't fancy the book though :o

    My back hurts cause I had a spinal op 12 weeks ago and am not fully recovered from it yet, I've always had back probs and arthritis probs. 'At your young age!' I hear you say :lol: I know, I'm used to it ;)


    Good book haul too ... oh and btw how do you change your title under your name? Maybe you can do it cause you're a reviewer though and I can't cause I'm just a lowly member ;). *bows as she backs out of the room*



  7. I suppose you could say that a book has been fablonated??? :o fabloned?? .. that sounds good no? ... nah never mind :lol:


    I remember that Friends episode :haha: Ross is such a div sometimes :lol: I don't really see how you could laminate a book though, or were you just having a blonde moment? ;)

  8. I think I may just write to Mr Lindsay and definately invite him to come along and check out our threads, I'll make sure I tell him that myself, you and Ceinwenn are busily trying to increase his fan base and have done so somewhat in the last few months! He should be bloody grateful if you ask me!

    I'm reading The Empty Chair at the min and I hate to say it but it's taking me a while to get into after the Erica Spindler one. I really can't recommend Cause For Alarm enough, it took me by surprise I can tell ya!

    I'll pm you my name for facebook too, I don't have many friends so I'll be delighted if you join me! :D

  9. I think I will :D


    That book sounds sweet! I'm glad they were nice monsters! :lol:

  10. I think you'll like it. It is beautifully written and very descriptive, I want to visit half of Europe now including Bulgaria (I've been before but I was only 12), Italy (I love Italian food :o) Istanbul and Transylvania! (it does still exist doesn't it?? :lol: ) I can't wait to read your review :D


    I edited the first post in The Historian bookring thread, just to let people know to pm you instead of me. Oh and btw its 704 pages long! Enjoy! :D

  11. I took my dog pics off my profile - funny ones in their place! :)


    Eight Pizzas????:pizza: you are a pair of hungry heggars!! :snack::lol: Mind you I ate 3 bars of chocolate on sat and had a few drinks on sat night so I'm tryin to be good the rest of the week! :roll: Sounds like you had a great weekend though and thats great news about your b/f apartment. Nice going! I'm sure it will be lovely once you add a few of the right touches it needs - you know what men are like .. they dont do cosy! :friends0:

  12. Charm

    I was just about to send u a message! lol No I have'nt and I asked my OH but his replies were worse than mine :blush: Good thread you started too - its gonna be hard for me though to think of clean ones! and you had a naked man in your story already pmsl they're supposed to be clean!:motz::lol:

    You feeling any better yet? Do you have stuff to take?

  13. I will NEVER have a Twilight avatar! Never ever gonna happen :no: so you've no worries on that point :lol:


    Yes you're right, I haven't finished Hunchie, I'm mid read, but its a bit ... how shall I put it? .... Boring :irked: I knew I shouldn't have picked up another book but as I said my mojo was waning and Dex helped as always. I'm not gonna start another thing til I've finished it and yes I do feel a bit guilty but on the other hand I think we have until at least the next classic circle starts to discuss it and I would like to think I'd have it well finished by then!


    Mind you Sookie should be arriving soon and there's nine of them! :eek: So you take your time girlie, I don't see me starting the last Dex book for a while yet :(

  14. I'll just read to them! Let them fill up on my words of literature?? :confused:


  15. I'll keep that in mind about the big guy! I'll behave :D


    That is such a lovely story about your godson .. I'm really glad everything turned out ok in the end and you had a lovely time. :smile2:


    Have you got all your xmas shopping yet? I'm scaring myself how organised I am .. I'm nearly done! In fact I keep thinking I've forgotten something but it turns out I haven't. I've even got my grocery delivery, complete with turkey order, booked for 22nd! .. Phew! :lol:

  16. I'm always dieting :( I'm not fat ... well I dont think so ... I'm a size 14/16 depending on which shop I go into but if I wasnt careful I'd be the size of a whale in a couple of months! :icon_eek: I'm the national average :lol: I'm just trying to keep it that way!

    (thanx for the tea ;))

  17. I'm definately lookin forward to summer, it's funny cause I look forward to winter as I usually love it, but now I can't wait for the light nights and warmer weather! All our snow is gone thank goodness, we couldn't get out all over xmas, talk about cabin fever! :lol: Now it's just rain :roll:


    You are right of course, I've never seen a bad pic of Mr Skarsgard, don't think it's possible! Can't wait for season 3 to be released in June!!

  18. I'm good too. Sitting in front of the fire, on my lappy and a cuppa beside me. Happy Days! :D


    Sorry I took so long to reply ... well I did actually reply to you ..... on my own profile! :doh: I do that ALL the time :o

  19. I've heard a lot about that book, have no idea what its about though, guess I should check out a review or two, but I think I'll just wait for yours :smile2:.


    I almost bought the Twilight series today, just to see what all the hype was about. I kept thinking of your thoughts on it and somehow I dont think its my thing, not gory or twisted enough. I think I'll wait til the hype has died down and they start appearing in the offers sections of the book stores! :lol: I'm on the lookout for a Raven Hart series starting with A Vampires Seduction. Its supposed to be very good, and I bought Bitten by Kelley Armstrong today which also gets good reviews on the forum. My current read was sent to me from Ceinwenn so I don't want to hang on to it too long on her, want to get it sent back soon. Then I might read The Picture of Dorian Gray, I got it in a charity shop last week for

  20. I've just realised - does that mean you wont be on here for a while? :( Or will you still have internet access? :) If not I wont get my usual tea time chat for a while as you know I wont be on for a while after next thurs and you'll be away up til then!!


    She did have a guest speaker but it was someone from the education dept (yawn) and I found it really hard to stay awake - she went on for ages!! lol

  21. I've just spent the last ten mins replyin to you then hit somthing and lost the lot!! :motz:It was funny too :irked:. Anyway ...Wow! You've been busy while having your coffee I see (I really hope there were no cakes or biscuits involved ... I don't think I could take it lol), lots of info on Dexter thank you :D That is really sweet about the actors, I really like them both and think they would be well suited! Have to keep it out of my mind when reading the books though eew!


    Good for you saving money :clapping: I would have had no savings at your age, but then I did have two kids by then! (real money drain!) Shame your savings had to be used like this though. I hope all gets sorted out soon :friends0:

  22. I've still about half of hunchie left, I might start something else as well to keep my mojo up.


    You're w/end sounds like it's going to be lovely! I'm sure you could allow yourself a huge bit of cake, since you have been soooo good all week :yes: I hope you have a brilliant time :D


    My son turned 16 yesterday so he's having a few friends to stay over on Sat night :icon_eek: There's 5 of them in total, so they'll prob just be watching a few DVDs, playing playstation & Wii and generally just taking over the family room! I'll prob make them some pizzas, sausage rolls etc and I'm gonna bake him a birthday cake tomorrow too. We got him tickets to see Green Day in concert (I'd love to go, but I don't think he'd appreciate his Mum hanging on! :lol:) at the Odyssey in Belfast for his birthday, but its not for a while yet so at least this way he'll get to celebrate a bit now. No doubt on Sun I'll be bloody shattered! :thud:


    Have a great time back home! I'll see ya when you get back! :hug:

  23. It is comforting to know you will be in the background keeping a watchful eye on me. I'm not really expecting fantastic things from the Twilight series, but just in case I fall into the abyss of hype, its good to know you will be there to save me! :lol:

    I loooovveed Dexter in the Dark! I stayed up until 3am reading it last night and finished it! Daddy Dexter is so endearing and he becomes more human in this one, fantastic! Hope you're enjoying it too :D I'm not sure if I'll start Dexter by Design just yet, even though I so want to, Kate is posting the first of the Sookie series to me today I think so I'll try to wrap up Hunchie before it arrives (a miracle is gonna have to occur if that is to happen :roll: )

  24. It's a brilliant thing I've got my blackberry, I love it! :D I'd heard some bad reports about it (ditto for the iphone too mind you) but I think its brilliant! I checked on amazon too and you can get some cool covers to customise it, will definately have to add some to my next book order ;)


    Good idea taking your meds at night, at least you might get some sleep through the worst of it. Nice to think of it as a challenge, although I think I'm all challenged out by now!:lol: I got some triptan wafers for my migraines, they don't make them disappear but a lot more bearable ;) I really hope you feel much better real soon hun and thank you for the well wishes! :hug::hug:

  25. It's a very beautiful building and there's also an air of mystery about it. Its lovely and your right, a special meaning to it especially to you. Subtle but special lol

    (Makes my lips look a bit garish now lol:blush:)

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