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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. Hey farming neighbour! :lol: Thanks for the friendship add :D Hope you're having a good week xo

  2. Wishing you a Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  3. Charm

    Ooh sounds yum, I love homemade bread and those muffins sound delicious! I make a rather nice banana loaf but haven't baked in weeks :( Shame really, kookie and I used to make a point of baking together every Sat but over the summer that just died off, must start again ;)


    My weekend is gonna be pretty quiet which suits me just fine :lol: Last thing on the list to do today is thing of what to make for dinner!

  4. Charm

    Hey Fi! Just popped in to say hello :D Feel strange calling you Fi, so used to ScarlettBella (dying to know the story behind that btw ;)), when I first saw you'd changed it I thought 'who the hell is that and why have they copied SB's avatar?' :lol: It is much easier now though I have to agree :D


    Hope you're having a good w/end :hug:

  5. Hey you :hug: Thanks for the pics! God he's so hot isn't he? Especially in the broody ones :lol: Hope you're doing ok these days hun xo

  6. Charm

    Happy Birthday Sue! :balloons: I hope you have a fantastic day! :smile2:

  7. Hi Blithe :D How are you? Thanks for the friend request! I'd be delighted! :D

  8. Happy Birthday Kenny! :balloons: Hope you had a fab day!

  9. Hey Gyre :D How are you? I'm good thanx, although my son just came home from 6th form in school today and announced he's went and got himself a place at college instead. He starts tomorrow! :eek: I hope it's everything he's hoping for :icon_eek:


    Good to hear things progressing well for your new heating! How exciting! I'm sure you can't wait, you'll not know yourself this winter and more importantly, the cats will love it! :lol: :lol:

  10. Hey Sedge! I am so sorry I missed your birthday! :o So I'm hoping a very very belated happy birthday message makes up for it!




    I hope you had a fantastic day!!

  11. Good to hear you've got some good news about the heating, the place will be really cosy now and I'm sure the cats will love it :lol: Perfect time to redecorate too, you must post pics, I love things like that :D

  12. Charm

    Nope :no: My OH's lappy totally died so he had to go get a new one. I didn't mind though, it's been messing about for quite a while now and he was due one. So at least I still have my vouchers to spend in the near future ;) I've also got over 40 on my TBR pile so I think I'll manage :lol: We did have lunch and whatnot out so it was a nice day, then I came home and got some reading done as my electric was off til 6pm, it's surprising how much you miss electricity! :lol:


    Loving you av btw, great hat! ;)

  13. Hey Gyre! Thanks for stopping by :D I'm good thanx, so glad my electric is back on, it was off all day :( Mind you I did manage to read a good bit so I'm still happy.


    Thanks for the pic comments :D I can assure you Mr Northman has been the subject of many a conversation in the kitchen, well he is totally delicious! :lol:


    Btw I don't know if you saw on facebook but I'm next on the list for Lexie's Dracula sequel after you. I didn't even know there was a sequel but Dracula was one of my fav books so looking forward to it. Hope it's good :D


    I hope you're having a good week hun :hug:

  14. Charm

    Hi ScarletBella! Thanks for the add, I'd be delighted! :D I hope you're having a good week xo

  15. Hi Nicola! Thanks for the birthday wishes! It's never too late for those my friend ;):lol: Hope your boyfriend had a great one, maybe he could take you away for a beach holiday after all that organising you did for his birthday!


    Hope you're having a good week hun :hug:

  16. Oh ****! I do that all the flipping time! Thanks for letting me know :hug:


    Thank you for the hugs, I'm all out of sorts today :( I just can't be bothered, think its post birthday blues :lol: Sending you virtual hugs too, I don't want you to be sad :(:console::hug:

  17. thank you! That's a lovely thing to hear :hug: ... and you're selling your house? I feel your pain, I hate moving and have moved several times in the last few years! I sold a house in April this year and luckily it went pretty smoothly, but hopefully I'll be in this one a wee while longer ... at least a while after it's finished! :lol: I'll keep my fingers crossed you get a buyer real soon! :D

  18. Ooh it's lovely in here! Your background is gorgeous :D Thank you so much for your comment on my house pics, it's nice to hear after all the hard work ;) Hope you're having a good week :smile2:

  19. :haha: You're message on my profile gave me a good chuckle! :lol: I never thought of it like that! :haha: trust you!
  20. Charm

    Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  21. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm celebrating at the weekend, few drinks, maybe try and forget how old I am! :lol:

  22. Charm

    thank you! :D I'm starting to feel my age! :lol:

  23. Thanks for the birthday song! You sang it so well :D I'm celebrating at the weekend so I haven't got my pressies yet but I'm sure I'll get some books! ;)

  24. thank you for the birthday wishes! I'm gonna celebrate at the weekend, maybe try and forget how old I am!! :haha:

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