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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. can feel a sore throat coming on. I hope it's not another dose of tonsilitis :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Charm


      Thanks hun xo

    3. Chrissy


      Are you any better?

      Big hugs.

    4. Charm


      My throat is a good bit ,thanks Chrissy xo. It didn't go to tonsilitis thank goodness, although last time I had it a couple of years ago, I lost half a stone! lol It did develop into a blooming head cold though :s

  2. can't decide what to read next, think I should move on to something more in the way of a thriller for a change.

  3. Cause For Alarm arrived safely today. thank you so much! :hug:

  4. Chatterbox? Who me? Never! :P *smiles innocently* lol Thanks honey, how are you? I keep meaning to catch up with you, but I'm so bad at keeping up, I'm so sorry *hug*

  5. Clocks go forward on Sat night, Spring has arrived! Now all we need is the weather to match ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charm


      Yeah, we'll lose an hrs sleep tonight :(

    3. jjzazzy


      isnt it odd each country does it on a different day? Canada changed to follow the USA.

    4. Charm


      I think I heard talk of it stopping altogether, sooner the better!

  6. Congrats on getting over the 100 posts! :) Boy that was fast! lol

  7. Congrats on the 700 post mark you megabibliophile you! :clapping:

  8. Congratulations on becoming an Aunt again! Nice name she chose too :D

  9. Congratulations on the job offer! :clapping: Hope it all goes well for you :hug:

  10. Congratulations on the new arrival to the family!! A nice summer baby too, how lovely! Can't wait to hear the name. I hope both Mum and baby are keeping well. :hug:

  11. Charm

    Congratulations on the new job Mac! :clapping: ... and holidays to start it all off!! Well done you :hug:

  12. Congratulations on your promotion! :clapping: Well done you!

  13. Damn! I did try. I've just been told I have to go out ... again. I'll be back.........:) (I've got some posting to do!

  14. Dickens? hmmm don't know .. a bit depressing if the films are anything to go by, don't fancy him at all :o but like you say maybe someday, I never thought I would want to read a classic! I hope you enjoy Les Miserables :D

  15. Did I? Gosh I thought you were here longer than that ... sure I'm not that observant now lol How was your day, see you got some bargains!

  16. Do you like it? Thats my own Anthill Mob :smile2: Which reminds me ... aren't you about due a change??? :icon_eek:

  17. Don't apologise! That was a beautiful message you left on my profile and so very thoughtful of you to come and do so :hug: I'm feeling a good bit better thank you, a bit more healing to do yet, but I do feel almost human again :lol: How have you been? Are you still illustrating? I hope you and your family are keeping happy and very well xoxo

  18. Don't be silly! You couldn't irritate anyone if you tried. :hug: Especially me. You have a good night. I'm jumping back on the emotional roller coaster that is Eclipse (with a stiff drink and a wee smoke of course ;)) I will write you with all my latest, if I can tear myself away from Edward :lol: Be good! xoxo

  19. Don't judge me! :o:lol: Let me tell ya, you would probably like them! I really wish you would read them so I know I'm not going mad and there's nothing wrong with me :blush: How are you btw? Oh and .... WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN??? :irked: I missed ya :o

  20. Don't you dare girly! Don't even think about it!! :lol: Trust me, it will be worth the wait :D Dead to the World is the fourth book and features Eric pretty heavily, its my favourite! I would definately pic Eric, as you'll see, he's actually a really sensitive soul ;) (plus I always did go for the bad boy :lol:)

  21. Don't you worry .. I'll keep you on your toes!! ;)

  22. Dont worry about it! You weren't the only one! The same happened to another friend I was chatting to just before it happened to you :D It was nice ot catch up :)

  23. Eldest moved out this week to a student house! It feels very strange but oddly nice in this house now! Lol

    1. Ben


      In my currently exhausted state of mind I was wondering why the book 'Eldest' was moving out to a student house.. for one very confused moment there. What am I like.

    2. Charm


      It was late at night, plus you student lot don't normally waken until Fridays! :P

    3. Inver


      I still have that to come yet...dread the day

  24. Evening! Thanks for letting me know :) Where did you get it for free? I looked on Amazon last night but it wasn't free, 69p I think! Lol I'm such a miser aren't I? lol

  25. Evening! Thanks for popping in, I had a pretty quiet weekend, oh apart from my OH putting up new bookshelves for me, yay! At last! Hence, Saturday was a lovely day lol Sunday just chilled out which was just as nice. Hope you had a lovely weekend too and the week has started good so far for ya! ;)

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