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Posts posted by lopeanha

  1. Rachel Caine > The Dead Girls' Dance



    synopsis from amazon

    Claire has her share of challenges. Like being a genius in a school that favours beauty over brains; homicidal girls in her dorm, and finding out that her college town is overrun with the living dead. On the up side, she has a new boyfriend with a vampire-hunting dad. But when a local fraternity throws the Dead Girls' Dance, hell is really going to break loose.


    my thoughts

    A really good book, the story and characters develop nicely. It's quite fast paced which made me get through it quickly and left me wanting for more.


    Rating: 4/5

    Series: Morganville Vampires 2

  2. Jack Ketchum > Blutrot (Red)




    synopsis from amazon

    Hints of class warfare and generational conflict add layers of interest to this otherwise formulaic tale of a heartless crime redressed in blood. The victim is Red, a harmless mutt whom a trio of shotgun-toting juvenile delinquents shoot for spite during an attempted robbery. The avenger is Red's owner, Avery Allan Ludlow, a crusty down-Mainer who can't understand the insensitivity of his dog's killers. Avery's efforts to extract a simple apology from the boys get support from the town sheriff, the district attorney and even a local television reporter, but fall apart for lack of evidence. A direct appeal to the father of two of the boys, nouveau riche real estate developer Michael McCormack, only earns Avery a burned-down store and tense confrontations with the family. When the hitherto peaceable man begins stalking the boys to intimidate them into a confession, the stage seems set for a hardboiled variation on the theme of von Kleist's classic tale, "Michael Kohlhaas." But the novel's roots are anchored in the crime potboiler tradition, and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. Though its characters talk about people not being what they seem, everyone but Avery proves transparently one-dimensional. The plot advances predictably, ominously hinting at but never elaborating dark deeds by the McCormack clan. Ketchum (The Lost) (a pseudonym for Dallas Mayr) succeeds in inspiring the reader with righteous rage at Avery's plight for the story's duration, but some readers may find the providential justice in the novel's appropriately violent finale to simply be the cap for a shaggy dog story.

    my thoughts

    This was a quick read, because of shortness and not because of very good entertainment. I don't seem to warm up with this author. It's the third book that I read by him and they were all kinda 'meh'. I kinda liked the ending though, which is a bit unsettling though (one shouldn't like the ending).


    Rating: 2/5

  3. Derek Landy > Das Groteskerium kehrt zurück (Playing with fire)



    synopsis from waterstones

    Just when you think you've saved the world! "You will kill her?" the Torment asked. Skulduggery sagged. "Yes." He hesitated, then took his gun from his jacket. "I'm sorry, Valkyrie," he said softly. "Don't talk to me," Valkyrie said. "Just do what you have to do." Valkyrie parted her tunic, and Skulduggery pointed the gun at the vest beneath. "Please forgive me," Skulduggery said, then aimed the gun at the girl and pulled the trigger. With Serpine dead, the world is safe once more. At least, that's what Valkyrie and Skulduggery think, until the notorious Baron Vengeous makes a bloody escape from prison, and dead bodies and vampires start showing up all over Ireland. With Baron Vengeous after the deadly armour of Lord Vile, and pretty much everyone out to kill Valkyrie, the daring detective duo face their biggest challenge yet. But what if the greatest threat to Valkyrie is just a little closer to home!?


    my thoughts

    This was another good read, it seemed a little bit more violent though than the first book, which made me wonder about it being a childrens book. Nontheless, I find it (the series in general) to be a great story and it's something different to all the nice vampire stories and such.


    Rating: 3/5

    Series: Skulduggery Pleasant 2

  4. Mary Higgins Clark > Sieh dich nicht um (Pretend you don't see her)




    synopsis from amazon

    Lacey Farrell, the heroine of Mary Higgins Clark's 15th novel, is having a bit of an identity crisis. While working as a real estate agent in New York, Lacey witnessed a client's murder, and now she's in hiding with a new name and a new life. But changing her identity doesn't completely remove Lacey from the web of danger and deceit that surrounds the crime; new clues keep popping up that suggest some kind of link between Lacey's family and the murder. Meanwhile, a new man comes into the heroine's life, further complicating an already murky situation. As any fan will tell you, Mary Higgins Clark never fails to deliver plot twists and turns that are as unexpected as they are thrilling

    my thoughts

    Another solid book from one of my most-read-authors.


    Rating: 3/5

  5. Derek Landy > Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant)



    synopsis from amazaon

    Twelve-year-old Stephanie Edgley inherits her uncle Gordon's estate and is promptly attacked on her first solo visit to the property. A mysterious skeleton-detective, Skulduggery Pleasant, comes to her rescue, explaining that he thinks Gordon was murdered and that she may be next. The two join forces and set off to solve the crime in a series of magical adventures that take them into a world filled with ancient evil creatures, including Nefarian Serpine, who seeks the Scepter of the Ancients and the infinite power it will bring him. Landy, whose previous writing credits include horror screenplays, keeps the action brisk, his characters slightly macabre, and uses humor to take the edge off the violence. The story line is intricate (with numerous plot twists and switches in allegiance), and although her actions seem better suited to a somewhat older girl, Stephanie is a well-developed main character. The level of violence may disturb younger readers, however. This is recommended for larger collections where demand for horror/fantasy is high.

    my thoughts

    I really enjoyed this book, as it's very funny and entertaining. I had to stop myself from laughing on the train :D It sure is a childrens' book, so don't expect too much dephts etc but it's a light and funny read and I would recommend it.

    Rating: 4/5

    Series: Skulduggery Pleasant 1

  6. Okay so I was going to wait for my period before starting my diet - it never arrived. Have bun in oven. Will now be dropping out of the weight loss challenge. :wink:

    congratulations from me, too :balloons: that's great :)


    I started Weight watchers in June and have lost 37 1/2 pounds now - I have dropped 1 and a bit dress sized. It's incredible. I'm not half way there yet but am still going strong :D

    That's awesome!!

    I started WW on January 3rd this year and I have lost 4,6 kilos so far. :jump:

  7. Mo Hayder > Die Sekte (Pig Island)



    synopsis from amazon

    Hayder skillfully melds an atmosphere of fear and a gripping sense of place in this thriller set on a remote Scottish island owned by Psychogenic Healing Ministries, whose followers the locals believe to be Satanists. A humanoid creature with a long tail has been captured on video, and repeated analysis reveals no hint of technological fraud. But world-weary, thirtysomething hoax buster Joe Oakes is on the case. His history with PHM's former leader, Malachi Dove, spans two decades. Oakes blames faith-healer Dove for his aunt's horrendous death and for duping him into believing he had a deadly tumor. He published an expose, and Dove's threatened retaliatory lawsuit fizzled because the healer was presumed dead. Years later, Oakes finally lands an invitation to Pig Island, home of 30 PHM cultists. It's rather a paradise, except for the occasional smell of putrefying flesh. To Oakes' amazement, isolated on the other side of the island behind a row of pig skulls is none other than Malachi Dove.

    my thoughts

    After reading Birdman a few years ago, I expected alot more from this book. It was an okay read, it read fluently but there wasn't enough to the story. I did like the ending, though I would have liked that to be a bit longer.


    Rating: 2/5

  8. Val McDermid > Vatermord (The fever of the bone)



    synopsis from amazon

    'You should have been a detective. If there's one thing the last year has proved, it's how good you are at finding things out. Not simple things. Hard things. Things that nobody is supposed to be able to find out. Things that are buried so deep nobody even thinks twice about them. The sort of things that turn people's lives inside out once they're exposed.' Meet Tony Hill's most twisted adversary - a killer with a shopping list of victims, a killer unmoved by youth and innocence, a killer driven by the most perverted of desires. The murder and mutilation of teenager Jennifer Maidment is horrific enough on its own. But it's not long before Tony realises it's just the start of a brutal and ruthless campaign that's targeting an apparently unconnected group of young people. Struggling with the newly-awakened ghosts of his own past and desperate for distraction in his work, Tony battles to find the answers that will give him personal and professional satisfaction in his most testing investigation yet.

    my thoughts

    This is the 6th book of a series and after being disappointed by the 5th, I'm glad to tell that this book is better again. Not as good as the first four but it's coming close.


    Rating: 4/5

    Series: Tony Hill & Carol Jordan 6

  9. Charlaine Harris > Grabeshauch (Grave Secret)



    synopis from amazon

    When she was 15, Harper Connelly was struck by a bolt of lightning, which left her with a spiderweb of red over her body, headaches, and episodes of weakness. Sometimes her right hand shakes. And she can find dead people. It's taken a while, but at last Harper's pretty happy with her life: she's making a living, using her unique talent to help people, and she's got a lover - her stepbrother Tolliver. That creeps some people out, but though they grew up together, and got each other through the real bad times - their parents' drug-use, the abuse, the disappearance of Harper's elder sister Cameron - they're not blood relatives. Then Tolliver's dad arrives on the scene, seeking forgiveness for the sins of their youth, and the police get a tip-off that after all these years, Cameron's been spotted in a mall. With all this going on Harper realises life is getting a little complicated, but she doesn't expect those complications to include Tolliver getting shot, or watching a cop die taking a bullet for her. Harper can find dead people, but now it's clear someone wants her dead ...

    my thoughts

    I liked this book better than the third part of the series, so I'm glad that the series isn't going downhill after all. :blush::D Unfortunately the end of the book feels like the end of the series. I hope that that's not true, because there is still a lot potential in the series.


    Rating: 4/5

    Series: Harper Connelly 4

  10. Rachel Caine > Glass Houses



    synopsis from amazon

    College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation, where the popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks in the school's social scene: somewhere less than zero. When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life, but they come out fighting when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood...


    my thoughts

    I really liked this book and simply flew through the pages and couldn't put it down. The story is fast paces, there's always something happening that makes you go on reading. The main characters are just lovely (mmh Shane :wub: )and it's nice to have some bad vampires again :vamp:, especially after all these Twilighty books that are around (which I still love though :D ). I will definately stick with the series and will be ordering book number 2 today.


    Rating: 5/5

    Series: Morganville Vampires 1

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