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Everything posted by TashaG

  1. HI, I'm reading Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. It's nearly 1000 pages but absolutely loving it!
  2. I usually remember 1-3 and I'm a sucker for a good quote so if I will often right down something I like! As for reading more than one book at a time, I used to do this when I was a kid. I would read one book till it got really exciting and then I would put it down and start another one. That way I always new that there was something exciting to do if I started to fee bored!
  3. I was only about 11 at the time, but I read the whole of Matilda by Roal Dahl in one sitting! We were on the plane home from Australia, so there wasn't really much else to do!
  4. The ominous TBR list! I 'm guessing that I have actually got, as in possess, about 12 books that are on my TBR list! The actual total of my TBR list is probably somewhere close to 100. As a school teacher I am currently on summer holidays so finding more time to read. However, as quick as I read one I seem to add a couple more to the list!
  5. Hi! I'm new to this forum too! Have been meaning to join for a while, so here I am! Tasha
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