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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. Charm! I just finished the Chelsea Cain book and it turned out great, at least for me! No match for Deaver books but still a great read. I'm gonna start the second book in the series tonight I think :) So yeah I would recommend you to read it at some point :)

  2. I just joined Facebook and already I feel like a person who's just denied all her convictions and thrown her beliefs out of the window :(

  3. The game club idea is definitely a good one. I already thought about buying the M

  4. No problem :) If Swedish were my mother tongue I'd be very tempted to order the Swedish versions because they are just so awfully cheap. I don't know how they afford so cheap books, the Finnish and English ones are so pricey compared to them.

  5. Hello SaraPepparkaka!


    I was browsing through adlibris.com because they have currently free postage days. Whenever I'm searching for something I notice that the Swedish paperback titles are always incredibly cheap, cheaper than the original English titles. As I was browsing just now I realised that I should ask you if you are aware of the website? Since you read in Swedish you might have use for it :)

  6. The housewarming party was amazing, I had a blast! Good people, great snacks, good punch, marvellous weather and a Finnish game called M

  7. Glad to hear the house is intact and the people too :D Sounds like they had a lot of fun! And the hostess even got time to herself to read books! I was wondering, did you read the first book or the first packet of the books that you got from mail? Because you went ahead and started Dexie already. Bloody hell I can't wait to read Dark+Design myself! But actually I think I'm getting my mojo back, I read 150 pages of the Chelsea Cain book yesterday. It's not the best of crime books and I don't feel like the characters have much depth to them, but I am keen to read on and see what happens! :) So it's good enough.


    The housewarming party was a success! I already wrote about it in my thread. The company was good (although I only knew the host+hostess and the people I came with, others were strangers to me), the food was good and the activity was great! I got to play a Finnish game called M

  8. Hello Charm!


    I hope everything went well this weekend! Did you get any well deserved rest?

  9. I had a change in plans, I'm staying here instead of going home this weekend. Long story. But I get to go to a friend's housewarming party instead so it's good. The weather's excellent :D


    Do start something else on the side of Hunchie, maybe that will help. Hunchie is surprisingly long, the book itself didn't seem thick when I bought it. The text is very small and dense :(


    Oooh, sweet sixteen! :D Congrats to your son! They're having a manly slumber party :lol: It sounds great, I'm sure they'll have fun. Why wouldn't they with you delivering pizzas and other snacks! I hope you give some to Kookie as well!


    Wow Green Day tickets?? That's an amazing present! Does he know about it yet? He's bound to be impressed. And yep, he probably don't want Mummie hanging around, no matter how cool you are :D


    Get some rest and relaxation on Sunday. I hope it all goes well :D

  10. Our winters have become less severe as well. Do you think it's because of global warming? I wouldn't mind having mild winters in the future but I don't want polar bears dying and whatnot :(


    The Bront

  11. Hallo Nicola!


    I'm not going home after all, I'm staying home this weekend (long story). That means I get to go to a friend's housewarming party. The weather's excellent so I'm expecting to have a fab time :D Do you have anything planned?


    Agent-Tattletale :lol: Well it's a unique and quite approriate nick for LibraryThing. You know Goodreads is the same thing as LT, the only difference is that on LT you can add 200 books and after that you have to pay a certain amount of money a year to add more. Goodreads is free no matter how much you add ;) I'm frankie on GR as well, very imaginative :D


    I can't believe you've never been to London! My friend's been there and she told me about this amazing bookstore that was the hugest thing ever. And apparently the squirrels are the size of cats :lol: And the cider is stronger than in Finland and she got tipsy real soon. Oh and I heard your bars close at about 11 PM or 00.00? Is that true? In Finland the bars close at 2, 3 or 4 AM.

  12. How much do you have left of the Hunchie? He's no fun, he's putting a damper on your reading flow. Bad Hunchie, bad boy!! :irked:


    I hope you have a great weekend and the weather is to your liking! I'm going to visit my parents this weekend, my cousin is graduating from highschool tomorrow :) I hope I get to eat cake!!

  13. Also, because I stayed behind after the others left I realised that I couldn't get a lift home! Well it was only 7 blocks so I managed but a lift after the move would've been nice. And guess what, it started to rain the minute I got out and started to walk home :lol: It was so ridiculous that I couldn't stop laughing!


    By the way, I finished Dearly Devoted Dexter, it was gooooood :smile2: I didn't jump at the chance to read Dexter in the Dark because of my lack of mojo though. Instead I picked up one of my favorite books from my teenage which has been due for yet another reread for ages! I'm almost finished with it already :) Are you still on Hunchie? Oh and yeah I noticed you got the first three books by a certain vampirechic called Meyer :lol: Oh boy you have so much reading ahead of you!!

  14. Hiya Charm, how's things? I've missed BCF so much this last few days :blush:


    The move went well! I can't help it, I have to "brag" a little: I was very helpful! My friend was having trouble with her washing machine: it was too big to fit in the new appartment and she couldn't find anyone to buy it. I found her a buyer in 1 hour and she even got the 100e she was initially asking for it, she said she'd be willing to settle for 50e. Also, her uncle was supposed to come and help move her stuff in his car at 6 PM. At 4 PM he announced that he wasn't available until 7 PM. I got frustrated and managed to get a friend of mine to help with his car and we did a couple of carloads by the time it was 7 PM. That way we were done already by 8 PM and at least 2 hours sooner than we'd thought. Plus, as I'm trying to lose weight I declined from the pizza+cider my friend wanted to offer me. It was definitely a dream move for her, very easy, quick, painless and cheap :lol:

  15. I'm not happy, I'm trying to get into shape as you well know, having visited my thread :lol: I don't even particularly like that Geisha bar and still it sounds so good right about now :D

  16. Because the winter+spring+fall are not very warm here the summer always seems very short+warm to us and so we have to make most of it! The change in people seems unreal! We shed our clothes, spend time outdoors and party :lol: The midsummer is awesome, in the most northern part of Finland the sun doesn't set down at all and where I live the nights are very light as well. It's so funny that the Finns all know that this'll happen each year but every time it surprises us how warm+light the summernights are :)


    If you ever want to visit Finland you're welcome to stay at my crib! I live in Joensuu which is in the East, a uni town (72 000 people). It can be a bit boring+depressing in the winter but the summer is so amazing here. We have our own rock festival in July and the streets are filled with people smiling & music playing. I'm so looking forward to it! I think that the best time to visit Finland is definitely the summer unless one's into snow and all of the wintery activities.

  17. There are only about 5,3 million Finns. I think foreigners perceive us as quiet, shy and reserved but nice and friendly lot nevertheless. I think Finns seems shy to foreigners mostly because we are a bit "afraid" to speak foreign languages, we are scared of making mistakes and losing face. When we get a little bit of alcohol we become very fluent in English ;) I admit that even I am a bit timid at first when I need to speak English :roll:


    I think Finland is really beautiful especially because of the four seasons that vary greatly here. Winters are cold (although not as cold as say 5 years ago), there's lot of snow and plenty of wintery activities are available! Skiing, ice-skating, snowboarding, you name it. And Santa Claus is from Finland of course. He lives in Lappland, the northern part of Finland.

  18. Hi Nicola!


    What's been happening, anything important I should know forumwise? I've been busy for a couple of days, I've been missing the forum! Why LibraryThing and not Goodreads?? You need to take a break luv, so as not to keep hurting your head with it :lol: What are you on LT nicknamewise?


    Everytime I watch some costume drama from Britain I'm amazed by the scenery and I keep thinking to myself, those places actually exist and some of them can even be visited! It just blows my mind! Finland's nothing like that. Finland used to belong to Sweden and Russia and Soviet Union in turn and they were waging wars against each other and sorta tossing coins to see who gets Finland. We became independent not until 6th December 1917!

  19. Hello Echo!


    Thanks for your friend request! :) Your profile page is beautiful by the way! To me it seems very Asian and very Geisha-like. Geisha as in the Finnish chocolate by the Finnish company Fazer. Now I want chocolate :roll:

  20. Aa okay they're not coming all at once, your previous message gave me the idea that they were. Phew :)


    Don't worry, you didn't spoil anything!! I've read maybe 20 pages but then I had to do the dishes and eat and now I know I have to go move my friend's stuff soon so I don't know if I have time to do any reading before that. It looks like it might be starting to rain, I don't like that :( I hope it rains after we've finished the moving!!

  21. Phew! I knew I should've never expected you to have a Twilight avatar never ever, because you have more sense than that! Besides, you have taste :drama:


    I figured Hunchie might be boring :roll: And I totally agree we still have time to read Hunchie, and I was a bit surprised to be called out for not having commented on the Hunchie thread on the 10th of May or so. Yeah I suppose they say in the rules that you should read the book before the month is up but I don't think you can really expect that from everybody because situations vary! Like you didn't have your copy until recently. I think that's a very good reason for not starting earlier. To be honest I didn't feel like reading Hunchie at all after reading that thread...


    There are nine Sookie books on their way??? I know they're not the thickest of books and I suppose they are quick reads but still! Are you really going to read all of them and nothing else?

  22. As long as you're not having Robert Pattison or whatthehellshisname as an avatar I'm thinking you're okay(ish). :tong:


    Daddy Dexter becomes more human in 3rd book? Wow... Hm... Now I'm intrigued! I think it has to do with Rita or Cody. I think. I cannot wait!!


    I was wondering about Hunchie because you didn't post anywhere that you'd finished it so I was guessing you were putting it off till you'd finished Dexter. I was right, haa :D (Do you feel incredibly guilty about not reading it sooner? I mean you had no way of reading it earlier because you didn't get your copy until just recently, but are you still feeling guilty? I'm feeling incredibly guilty, you know because of the conversation that took place in the forum... :blush:)


    After you finish Hunchie are you going for the Sookie books? (I want you to do as you please me lady, but that would give me time to catch up!)

  23. Armstrong's story was so heartwarming, it sounds very Gilmore Girlish & Stars Hollowish! I googled it and you're right, the place is amazing! I can't believe it's in the middle of the city! I'm so envious of you Brits, you have so much history and so many old+historic+beautiful castles and places you can visit. The Lake District and whatnot... We don't have anything like that here. But I'd like to visit Jesmond Dene someday :D


    You finished Dex already! I'm really glad you liked it, I see it got 9/10 so you did really like it because that's the highest you'll give to a book :lol: I also noticed you're going for The Empty Chair next. Good times ahead, aye? ;) I'm still reading the 2nd Dex. I don't understand what's gotten into me lately. I used to read 10 books/month and now I've only read 2 books this month and can't seem to find time/be in the mood for reading. I feel like I shouldn't be apart of any reading group right now because it seems I just can't make the deadlines :blush:

  24. (English is amazing! There are numerous ways to shorten your message if you've gone overboard. There's the 'll instead of will, can't instead of cannot (come to think of it, Finnish has miksei instead of miksi ei as well, but the latter is not at all colloquial, it's rather formal and I'd expect to see it in old movies or books). There's the there's instead of there is, and U instead of you, although I hate using that and try to avoid it even when I'm trying to shorten my visitor message to fit the limits.


    I'm always saying things in too many words and I always need to shorten my visitor messages or if that's not possible, I have to do two messages and that always seems like rambling. The limit might actually do me good, it forces me think of other ways to express the same thing.)


    /ramble off

  25. There's nothing I or anyone can do about it, you're lost forever. Twilight will rule you. I will lurk in the shadows however, always a couple of steps behind you, just to make sure you'll be safe :lurker: Mind you, I've read the 1st 2 books myself and I did like them. I just can't stand the hype, it's doing me head in! I think you might actually like the books. Just keep in mind that the actual writing is very poor and the characters' dialogue is whack (at least the leading pair. I can't believe I can't remember their names :lol:)


    As for Dex, I cannot believe it was the little fella who D might be advising in the future :icon_eek: I had totally forgotten about that. Are you onto the next book already?


    And don't feel too bad about the carrot cake, sometimes these things can't be avoided! Besides, you got your points system, you can still make up for it. You could go for a walk or save some points today. The points system is pretty great I think, my friend lost 30 kg with it :)

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