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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. Go Finland, go Finland!

    1. Raven


      A long way away?! :)

    2. frankie


      You potty mouth!

    3. Raven


      Potty mouth? But there were no swears!

  2. Good job reaching the 7,000 posts milestone, you chatterbox you! :D <3

  3. Good morning Paula, and happy Birthday luv! :hug: I hope you have the most splendid day :D

  4. Good morning, how are you :D I'm better, I think flu's getting weaker and weaker!

  5. Goody! And of course you are entitled to your privacy, you don't need to fill us in on the details :) Good luck!! :)

  6. Goood morning, I'm fine thanks :) Just a bit jealous to hear you've got sunny weather over there! I just came back from the nearby store and I swear the weather's like it's autumn already :( That put a damper on the day I'm afraid. Hope you are well :)

  7. Great! I'll be watching your blog :smile2: BTW, the rest on your book haul list were books that I've never heard of before, although I've heard of Harlan Coben. Will probably try some of her/his stuff eventually, been hearing good things about them.

  8. Haa, nice to hear! :D Have you seen the show before, or have you just started watching it? It's such an excellent show, and I can watch it time after time and I never grow tired of it. Quite the opposite, I always notice new things about the show :D If you haven't noticed already, some of us die hard fans have started a thread on the books that are read or mentioned in the show, there's a reading challenge for that. Pop in if you're interested, last month we read Gone with the Wind!

  9. Haa, you be good too! Not too many siggies aye? ;) Have a good time with Eclipse, I'm off to bed. Catch you later luv! :friends0:

  10. Haahaa!! :lol: Just be warned, Carcassonne is extremely addictive! The first time I played it online (the name is Toulouse on the internet) I spent 10 hours with it (taking breaks only to eat/"powder my nouse"/do dishes). Scrabble's good too, though I hate it if there's no dictionary available. I study English at the uni and so people expect me to know every single effing word in English and give me **** if I don't :irked: Mini-league system sounds interesting though :lol:

  11. Haha, are you also a fan of my amazing, raising tasting horse? :D

  12. Haha, I noticed you're now officially the Australian Mistress of Books! :D Good thinking, 99!

  13. Happy Birthday Abcinthia, have the most awesome day! :)

  14. Happy Birthday Alison! I hope you enjoy your day :D

  15. Happy Birthday Ben, I hope you have an awesome day! :)

  16. Happy Birthday Bethany! :)

  17. Happy Birthday Book Fiend, I hope you have a great day! :)

  18. Happy Birthday Charm!!! I hope you're having a lovely day today, and will do some hardcore partying this weekend :D xxx

  19. Happy Birthday CW!! :D By the looks of your post on Book Activity thread you've been getting some really nice pressies haven't you :D I hope you have loads of fun today :hug:

  20. Happy Birthday Fiona!! :hug: I hope you have the most fun day :D

  21. Happy Birthday Inver! And many many more :D:hug:

  22. Happy Birthday J

  23. Happy Birthday Kat! :D I hope you're having an awesome day!

  24. Happy Birthday Laura, I hope you have a really grand day! :D

  25. Happy Birthday Lucybird!! :D I hope you have the bestest of days! :smile2:

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