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Status Updates posted by Jo-Bridge

  1. Hi michelle


    My apologies. Just looked and I didnt leave a post did I? Checked my personal messages and I sent this to Attic Jn on 11th June

  2. Hi Michelle

    No, I read thats one in a day or so and sent it on pratically straight away! Im pretty sure I left a note to say who I sent it on too........





  3. Hi Mac

    You are most definately not rude and now I'm slow too respond! We' re going to be apologising 4ever at this rate hee hee! Coben is very skilled I agree but maybe overplays the "twist" angle in a lot of his books though- I think if you realise there is probabbly a twist coming in the novel you tend to try and guess it! How are you anyway?

  4. Hey mac

    just got a copy of The piano Tuner from book mooch! Your review was so good I gave in and added it to my pile of books! Hows you?

  5. I am having a great day. I have a 4 day weekend in front of me- off to edinburgh!

  6. Thanks Mac. How are you today and what are you reading?


    I will add to my "love film" list- going to be longer than my TBR list at this point!

  7. Hi Chimera


    Just saw your message re recommended books. I'm going to order Anne Frank Remembered today. I'll be in bits by the end of reading it I'm sure! Thanks for the recommendation

  8. Hi


    How are you? Did you finish reading Christian Jacq? What re you reading at the moment?

  9. No problem! They are pretty huge too!

  10. Hiya Nici


    I think you're next in the list for the Magicians Guild trilogy! Whats your address to send them on to?

  11. Hi!


    Thanks for the message! reading Stallion Gate by Marin Cruz Smith at the moment. Very Very good! And dipping into a few more as usual- an non fiction one about egypt which I'm hooked on too. Sorry to hear you've not been well.

    What are you reading?

  12. Its a tiny book! Its enjoyable but its a really "literary" type book- very descriptive and dense so I can only read a bit at a time before I'm going back to my thrillers

  13. I think Dead Simple may be my next one! I have only a few pages left of Love In The Time Of Cholera left! Enjoyable book but has taken forever to read! What are you reading next?

  14. Thanks for adding me! What are you rading at the mo?

  15. Hi! thanks for your message! Finished the tenderness of wolves- cant recommend it highly enough! Best book I've read so far this year! What about you What are you reading?

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