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Posts posted by Nellie

  1. I really struggled with Inkheart and so didn't read the other. I love the idea of characters from books being able to escape from the pages, but somehow the writing just didn't grab me. I didn't much care for the characters and I found it quite dull for the most part. I was really disappointed that I didn't like it, as I know so many people do love it. :D

  2. I have dropped *HUGE* hints to my hubby about this! :lol:


    I hope those hints involved emailing him a link to the website, leaving post-it notes with details around the house and tattooing it backwards on his forehead so he sees it every time he looks in a mirror! :D

  3. I will certainly report back. :D


    They have asked me what sort of books I have read recently and what I do and don't like, so I think it is quite tailored to each individual.


    I am so excited!! (is that sad?!?)

  4. The powers that be are paid to keep cash flow and profits healthy for their business. Thats their job. They make decisions to maximise their return. We may not like the decisions they make, but thats what their role is. Given the threat of strikes both from writers and actors, I too would be thinking about how I can make sure I have cash flow through a lean time.


    I have a similar role, where I have to make a risk based assessment on what will keep the business healthy. Sometimes people don't like what I decide, but thats life. Some you win, some you loose.

  5. I'm annoyed at this, it was due out on my birthday and Mr Nellie was going to take me to see it as a treat. Perhaps I should write and complain my birthday has been ruined. :D


    I think the new James Bond is due out the same week, and due to needing to be sure that they will have a revenue stream next year, they need to save one or other for 2009.


    When you think that the studios have to fund a lot of films that make a loss in order to find the one that will make them money, they need one big one a year to be able to bank roll the others. Apparently spotting a sure fire hit is almost impossible apart from perhaps Harry Potter.


    I'm still not very happy about it though. I may sulk until July.

  6. I was reading Wind In The Willows last night. (OK, I'm 32, but after a hard day at work, who can resist a bit of Toad of Toad Hall?)


    There is a passage in it where Badger is trying to convince Toad not to drive motor cars anymore. The pair eventually come out of the room to meet Rat and Mole. Badger tells them Toad has promised to stay away from cars. Badger tries to make him repeat his promise in front of his friends, when he doesn't, he challenges him and says that in the smoking room he promised to stay away from cars and Toad says:


    'Oh, yes, yes, in there,' said Toad impatiently. 'I'd have said anything in there. You're so eloquent, dear Badger, and so moving, and so convincing, and put all your points so frightfully well

  7. I think they have only been open a couple of years. I came across it quite by accident when I was there looking for something else. It's a real find and they deserve success! :D


    I'd love to know what you think.

  8. The shop is called Mr B's Emporium Of Reading Delights. 10/10 for the name of the shop I say!


    The Book Spa is about half way down the page.


    When I called up to book, they asked me briefly what I liked to read and what sorts of things I was interested in, as depending what I wanted to talk about depended which one of their team talked to me.


    If the staff really know their stuff, then this is truly an interesting idea! I'm just a little bit sceptical, I'm afraid that most on this forum could give them a run for their money. But it does sound like a great idea.


    To be fair, they seem to know their stuff, but they don't pretend to know it all. I am sure an hour with someone from this forum who is as passionate about books as they are would be a treat for them too!


    The one thing I really like about the shop is that when you walk in you are not confronted with the Bestseller lists like in the high street chains. They have their own lists for different genres full of all sorts of books, some well known, some not, but it gives you a chance to discover something new. :)


    They won independent bookseller of the year 2008, and well deserved too is what I say!

  9. My husband has bought me a Book Spa as a present! It's from an independent bookshop in Bath. You go along and chat to the owner for an hour or so whilst sat in a comfy chair with some tea and cake. The shop owner listens to what you like to read and then makes suggestions about what else you might like to try. Included in the gift is a some of money to spend on books from the shop. You then get time in the "Bibliotherapy Room" to look at the suggestions and decide what you would like!


    The Bibliotherapy room is wonderful, comfy chairs, a fire, beautiful decor. The staff are wonderful, they know their books and can't do enough to help. The shop itself is stunning, and is almost like stepping into a make believe shop from a book, its so perfect.


    I am so excited about my Book Spa, I will let you all know how I get on and what books I come back with! :)


    Am I allowed to put the link up for folks, or is that advertising?

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